"there's a reason tay handled the tin the gavel gave me for my jobs. that card they issued has been useless for probably several months now. we have money, but not as much as the gavel.
Act, Bernie, Chapter, City, Dynasty, Jaden, Lane, No-Yiff, Novel, Origins, Santo, Silverbane, Tonoko, road
"however, i must inform you that you're on the crimson gavel's territory gentleman hoodie and whoever those idiots are that are trying to extract cash from the gavel's asset."
"crimson gavel?" the hooded male laughed. "we are the deep six gang.
Anthro, Bernie, City, Crackdown, Hoovercopter, Hovercar, Hovercopter, Lane, Santo, Science Fiction, Silverbane, Tonoko, hover, spark, tay
"you're welcome, though i wasn't lying about the crimson gavel part. i did them a favor, i'd think."
"oh, yeah, the crimson gavel," marci sighed. "i don't even know why we need their protection here.
Act, Anthro, City, Dynasty, Krater, Lane, Mortion, Non-yiff, Novel, Origins, Silverbane, Tonoko
gavel blinked at his empty hands, then up at the savage grin of the saurian.
"oh, no," the shark gulped.
"oh, yes," the saurian purred...then lunged down towards gavel's throat with his jaws wide open...
Ari, Doberm, Grim, Grimsaurus, Sci-Fi, Skink, Teska, ceratosaurus
She was holding a long white staff by her side that mano first mistook for a spear or a halberd before quickly realizing that its end was shaped like a gavel.
Anglerfish, Atheism, Bat, Blowfish, Cephalopod, Chameleon, Chimera, Crocodile, Cyborg, Dolphin, Dryad, Fish, Golem, Hinduism, Hybrid, Lion, Lobster, Octopus, Otter, Pigeon, Ram, Rat, Shark, Skunk, Snake, Spider, Taur, Turtle, Weasel, electric eel, hermit crab, jellyfish, urchin
He was cut off by the judge hammering the gavel, "silence mr uxibarae, i hold you in contempt of this court and its proceedings. control your client, mr frilel, or i shall hold you personally responsible for his conduct."
Latex, Otter, Robot, Rubber, Story-Series, Surmelle, Vulcan-automata, Vulcanised-robots
"can't a girl dress nice even if we have to kick some gavel ass?" she asked. "come on, lane. because of the team, you and i as well as bernie and minnie got a definite shot at taking down the gavel. juno definitely wouldn't want you to mope about."
Bunny, Cat, Dog, Dynasty, Feline, Fiction, Fox, Jibodi, Lane, No-Yiff, Origins, Promus, Rabbit, Science, Science Fiction, Silverbane, Story, Stuff, Tags, hooray
The eldest yelled banging his gavel aganst the desk. " callion you are the epitome of the starward knight's, yet you burst into the meeting like some rabid orc?"
I looked over at rolio now and then looked toward the shallow district as i could see the damage from the fight with sprock already being repaired across from the freeway that separated that district and the gavel's district.
Anthro, Crimson, Cryptic, Dynasty, Female, Gavel, Lane, Male, Mild Romance, Military, No-Yiff, Origins, Robot, Silverbane, guard, mafia, tay