Try to wake the jackalope up asking Excuse me where am I

The jackalope still holds you and gets up and tosses your appendage that stirred it aside. "are you a dream? did i do it again? oh," it puts paws to its face and rubs its snout, whiskers, and cheeks before yawning and stretching.

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Stirrings of the Beast Within

Yuri and her hunter companion examined the boy as he moved about the large stone human dwelling performing mundane tasks that she had no name for. He was big, bigger than any wolf she had seen so far. Granted Yuri was a pretty young wolf herself. "Why...

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Instincts of Justice Chapter 11: Stirring the Darkness

_I know it has been a while for me to post this but a lot has changed. I lost inspiration and got stuck at a block but now I'm back with the next installement. I meant for this to be the last chapter originally but found I need more, maybe...

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Chapter Two: It's Not What You Know

"you've got to stir it in the middle, can't keep hitting the glass," the tiger continued under his mumbling tone. ". . . doing it all wrong. . . gotta stir it like a powdered drink. . . i could do a better stir than that."

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New Life

The terrified cries of the native fauna echoed about, all but drowned out by the chaos stirring within the peak they desperately sought to escape. cataclysm was to befall the forest surrounding the lonely mountain, but stirred.

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Caught in the Rain

The mouse let out a shaky breath, stirring the milk again. it was almost done. "um ... chocolate powder," he whispered. she handed him the canister. and he spooned three spoonfuls of powder into the milk. and began to stir. stir. stir.

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The dragon stirred and rolled over, lazily opening an eye. seeing chris, the young dragon instantly rose from its stupor and got on its feet.

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In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 4 (MHO)

"stir the pot and tip the fennel seed, then golden sprout to mute its greed." she stirred in the seeds, then sprinkled in a few unfamiliar yellow things neither of the boys recognized.

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Through the bindings of ruin, an aberration called forth in a shrill cry that forced black beasts to stir from their graves. at the edge of the pit, where the black gate waited, a shadowy figure stood and watched.

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Grey War -part one- Chapter 3 - Edit -

- tap, tap, tap - he didn't stir. aria opened the compartment door, he still didn't stir. aria entered the compartment, and sat down. he still didn't stir. ray followed in, and waved his hand in front of the guy.


Approach the sleeping jackalope and pokemon

The jackalope didn't stir from cuddling the mew. it is brown furred and its ears are floppy. it is chubby and wears red swim trunks.

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Fake Fuzz

Koebi didn't stir at this, mostly, but he did groan and squirm just a bit as he felt some of the bear's paw go down his throat.

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