Anthropia: The Mages (Chanters Edited)
When a gesturer first awakens their powers, it is wild and unpredictable.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 26
Unfortunately, the moral side of his brain hasn't been completely defeated and gives michael a nightmare about amanda's wedding day causing him to awaken covered in sweat.
CDX : Valentines Curse
"just say you will join me, and promise you will be truthful to your word...and you will awaken." sturm kept silent for a long moment, then he sighed & looked up at valentine. he had now a silver aura surrounding his body.
She could see her mother yawn as she slowly began to awaken. she turned her head toward her daughter and was immediately wake when she saw her daughter moving with her eyes opened and tears running down her face.
Skinwalkers: Sample
Their only contact with the human world is to find other skinwalkers and awaken them to their true nature. fey greenbriar has abandoned that existence, choosing instead to live amongst humanity.
The Gift: Introducing the Spirits, part 3 of 3
That, however, may have changed with the awakening of a new spirit-sensitive mortal, and his hunger for something more may have very well awakened.
Anthropia Chapter 2
**"well, unlike you, my family was lower class, so insect meat is pretty much what i had to live on until my magical abilities first awakened.
Chapter 7: Stars to Watch
Alfred's head was still a bit fuzzy after one of his longest sleeps in his life so it took few seconds before he fully understood her answer while he stroke his eyelids to awaken more.
Aurora: Chapter Three: The Preparations
Dawn was far earlier than i wanted to awaken. i was lucky to be awake by midday. i must have made a face, because he added, the carriage that leads to the vaagriklund border leaves very early, and it's a long trip. i see.
A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 25
She was amassing a council, it seemed, though this one had not yet awakened. it left her with a quandary that needed to be dealt with.
Tower of Ancients Chapter 7~Sacrifice
He looked up as he promised to awaken raven. sennie turned to serios, _"wolfie?" she asked._ _serios turned towards her, "yes sennie?"
Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 5)
I wasn't sure on when anyone else did awaken in the house. mainly due to kein supposedly knocking me out with his psychic ability, which, in turn, effectively cost me an entire day.