Two Toriel inflation ideas
While doing this, the rest of the snail army crowd into the general's shell. she crams it a bit too hard into the shell, and they grab a hold of it. they do a bit of a tug-of-war, and toriel gets sucked in, all but her feet.
Milk Egg
Soon, they become an extension of the amniotic sack, and the milk crust the replacement shell. the end result is a rather fast developmental process, that may last as little as a month.
The bright flares blazed into the sky above new hope, a once proud city, now a hollow shell. the blood red light cast ghostly shadows over the steel skeletons that were once buildings.
The soldiers left, each one looking at the wounded, envious that at least they didn't have to be in the trenches, braving the shell fire and the constant attacks.
The Story of Mitskuni (Part One)
First, one foot kicks out of the shell, then another foot, then two arms, and then finally, the head cracks open the rest of the shell, the baby dragon sitting inside the bottom shell with the top half of the egg still sitting atop his head.
Day 43 8:04 AM 1/5/2023-Chapter 12-Mountian City Massacare
Knocked over computers, broken vases, food on the floor and a few spent shot shells.
Hard Landing
And at that cue, four self-guided low level artillery shells crashed in around the barn.
Recovery: Chapter Two
Lily said, holding the gecko close, "i'm going to get you out of here." --- "captain, the tod shells are loaded and ready to fire at your command. we'll be within weapons range in about 5 minutes.
After Armageddon Chapter 4
Lando pulls out four c4 plastic explosive charges and tells me "give me an rpg shell." i give it to him and ask my dad, "what's he going to do?" lando then shows me what he did.
He shoved the last of the empty shell in, forcing the partially chewed mouthful back and down. he swallowed, and the button on his short popped off, again, and the zipper undid itself.
My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2 Chapter 6
Born alive, the hatchlings never got a shell formed over them so, for five months, they grew without a shell. though since it takes nearly a month and a half for the eggs to hatch, varying with each egg, the live borns are asleep for a week.
Kazufox Interview #4
(forms shell shurigun) give me back my body! \*doopliss\*: never! you'll have to fight me for it! \*???\*:fine then! shell...(arm splits open, fist glows gold) \*doopliss\*: shurigun...