In Spyro's World. The Wish

#1 of story's for sofurry careful watch you wish for it might come true for that's what happened too vexx who wished too become a dragon after httyd ever since i was a boy i wished i was a dragon well a boys name who was vex had this happen to him and this

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**A/N:** Little one-shot, possibly turning into a full story. I was kind of feeling doom and gloom earlier and this just wormed its way into my head. Port from FanFiction(dot)net. **Futile** By: Glek "Sir, they're making another run at the...

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Data Sheet #1

Not experienced any significant temporal event, then the value of the first set is given as a 1. 9: omellius is astrid's presumed secondary (a.k.a. middle) name.this is possible to change if her secondary name is revealed later on in the httyd


Children of the Night

This story is based on some original world building i created for that previous story, and so should be accessible to readers unfamiliar with httyd or my previous work._ * * * # children of the night ## _a verse from the age of night_ lovitar's heart beat

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Toothless' Transformation : Chapter 1

In the clear blue sky of the northern seas, the sun raised again. On a big rock taller than the waters, the village of Berk has woken up. Truly a beautiful sight to witness, a place of harmony and comradery crossing the bounds of species, a place were...

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