Game of Squash

The trap rooms can only be escaped if you solve the puzzle, endure the trap for a set amount of time, or using your wit to avoid getting squashed," eccentric said as he sat charlie down.

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Minimum Wage Wrestling #1

**Minimum Wage Wrestling #1** " **Do the Job"** **By: Silverback Christianpaw** Zach Bluewolf, the small Lucha-wrestler, walks out of the doorway to the middle school gym. His entrance music, "My Way" by Limp Bizkit (which the company clearly...

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He rubbed gently at the taught surface, brushing some squash pulp left from his last victim off.

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A Day in the Life of a Shark

Their fellow passengers stole glances at the pair of them as the bus trundled towards the heart of the city, stopping occasionally to exchange new riders for old, but never freeing enough seats for liana to acquire space enough for her bulk without squashing

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My New Best Friend Chapter 10: A Fantastic Gym Match!

Commanded crasher wake **squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash, squash!!!!** "fuck! stop doing that!!!"

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Police Dog, Part 1: Arrest

For the first fifteen years of his life, Alex was your average middle-class white kid who had never gotten in any kind of trouble in his entire life. He had never stolen, or hit anyone, or harassed anyone, or done anything even considered as moderately...

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One Night With A Shark

The dragoness blushed furiously at that suggestion, her face already quite red from having most of the rest of her squashed flat. "give me a tap when you need air," the shark said, then turned her attention back to the tv and her tenth box of dessert.

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User Is Not A Robot. Fixing...

The goopy squash on her leg prevented her kicking free, unsurprising though no less demoralising.

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Bloop and the Twin Lions

His heavy hands had grown larger and the soft squash of one of them pressed at ashari's face, raising his chin to make eye contact.

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A Dragon for Christmas Part Six: Can it get any worse?

Tyson had a spoonful of mashed squash ready for kilmor. the black dragon slowly opened his mouth and let the spoon enter. the food wasn't bad, but this was his fourth jar of squash he was on. he was beginning to get full.

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Nice to Seat You ch. 1.7end

"Hup?" Tulips brief rest did not last as long as her aching lungs would have liked. When she failed to give an answer, Lynda's massive hands scooped the dragon up by her armpits in a panic. "Oh, my gawd! Tulip? Speak to me! Did I hurt you?" ...

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