This episode of Jordan's story begins several days after the events of the previous two; he had spent the time learning to perform several tasks around the farm and how to use the farm's equipment, which was created with a mix of high-tech science and...
Belly, Butt, Dog, Farts, Fat, Fat fur, Fatfur, Feral, Messy, Rottweiler, Scat, Toilet, disgusting, fetish, gross, nasty
After a few seconds, benny shook his head and began to leave the lake, but not before releasing a nasty fart with a _puff!_,releasinga cascade of bubbles in his charge's face.
Argentinosaurus, Bear, Butt squishing, Dinosaur, Face-sitting, Farts, Fat, Fatfur, Feral, Tiger, Toilet, Wolf, Wolves, crush, disgusting, fetish, gross, nasty, sauropod, smoosh, squash, squish
It's official, I've made a second story! I hope you like it. Let me know what you think of this second chapter, and don't forget to comment if you wanna make any suggestions. Enjoy!
Chapter Two-
Yeah, I know right? It seemed crazy for me too, but...
Date, Fox, German Shepherd, Highschool, Jackal, Love, Story Progression
When Alex entered the police dog's section of the police station three mornings later, having completed his police training in a day thanks to a brain implant and being given another day for rest, he was surprised to find the front ("recreation") room...
Canine, Canines, Digsuting, Dog, Fart, Farting, Farts, Fat, Fatfur, Feral, Ferals, Gasplay, Gassing, Obese, Smooshing, Toilet humor, crush, crushing, dogs, gas, gassy, gross, nasty, smoosh, squash, squashing, squish, squishing
Mud-scales gagged and guessing from that the gooey feeling he felt between himself and wabbajack, not forgetting the nasty fish smell...wabbajack was still wearing the nasty necklace and he had mashed it into his best work shirt.
Insanity, Khajiit, Oblivion, wabbajack
True to his newfound rebelliousness (and in-between gagging and coughing at canine nastiness), he took the time to scoff and call the dog a nasty fucker.
Arrest, Belly squishing, Bernese Mountain Dog, Bouvier des Flanders, Butt squishing, Corpulent, Face sitting, Fart, Farting, Farts, Fat, Fat fur, Feral, German Shepherd, Obese, Parp, Police, Rottweiler, Toilet humor, crush, crushing, fetish, gas, gross, nasty, squash, squashing, squish, squishing
Fate has a nasty way of paying you back though, it was a friday, three weeks after i had taken the photograph, again i had been as nasty as ever that day, but hey, nothing new there.
Clean, Compassion, Doberman, Horse, Husky, No-Yiff, Short Story
#11 of the monster fighters
well... that was.. unexpected
so the truth of dominique's nasty behavior was revealed, his parents were getting divorced.
Goat, Magic, Series, Story
Names were made of nasties! she recognized some nasties, father always told her that a pretty, nice girl like her should never use nasties.
listening to nasties always made her cry and angry.
Character Development, Cynder, Dragon, Dragoness, Fanfiction, Fantasy, Kissing, Legend Of Spyro, Love, Plot Development, Romance, Soulmates, Spyro, Story, Story Progression, Story Series
Fyi, an aa12 is a military-grade, recoil-less, automatic, 12 gauge shotgun; a really nasty piece of ordnance! micro-missiles that can be fired from a shotgun are fictional, however, (afaik.) but you can get grenades for them!
AA12, General, Military, Missiles, Q, Scotty, Shotgun, Star Trek, conversation, dumb, engineer, fragment, james bond