User Is Not A Robot. Fixing...

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#2 of Works for Supporters (Polls / Reward Vignettes etc!)

Summary: Ofenna is surfing the web when she is stopped by the ever familiar and annoying Captcha. Ofenna clicks through irritably, but is shocked when her computer flashes the message : "User has successfully verified that they are not a robot. Engage assimilation protocol."

Word Count:  1440

One of the poll results from September 2022! Where patrons can submit their ideas for votes! Want me to do more of some particular character or theme? Let your voice be heard here!

If you like this piece, check out my Subscribestar or Patreon!. It offers early access to finished drafts both commissioned and of my own inspiration and ongoing projects as well as a selection of perks to interface with me and maybe have influence on my future content. Any interest and support is much appreciated.  (Please note that some works cannot be uploaded to Patreon. As such to access the full extent of my library via Patreon you will need to join the discord server found within either platform!)

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"Ugh, nuisance thing." Ofenna muttered to herself, she'd been browsing the web, flicking between several sites she often frequented only for one to now interrupt her with the familiar grid of images used by sites to try to deter bots. The prompt was to click any image containing a female lion, something that made the lioness feel unfairly targeted. "At least it's not grainy images of traffic lights." She thought to herself, picking the four relevant images.

A second box popped up, making her sigh as she irritably clicked through and then checked the box below to confirm she 'was not a robot'.

It loaded for a moment, yet instead of the content she'd been trying to get back to, the screen flashed a new message. _User has successfully verified that they are not a robot. Engaging assimilation protocol. _

The screen rippled, at first she thought it was just an odd effect, her stomach already twisting as she made the reasonable assumption that the site was compromised by a virus, however a thick snow-white coloured mass launched out from the centre of the ripples. "Wh-what the hmmmph!?" Ofenna let out as it enveloped her snout and the side of her face before she had time to react further. One eye was able to see the dense curve of it encroaching on her head, flowing like a viscous liquid before it stole her sight by creeping over her skull. Her hands rose though she managed to stop herself from grabbing the stuff. Instead she kicked back her chair and tried to pull away. The monitor that had suddenly expelled this substance was anchored in place, not falling or tipping as she tried to pull, yet the tethering length stretched just a couple of steps before yanking her back towards it.

Her hands dropped to the table, trying to steady herself from falling over, yet the surface was higher than it should have been, and squishy-soft. The substance had been leaking from the monitor too! "Mmmh! Nnnnhmmm!" She protested, feeling the soft yet thick material spread over the back of her hands, glueing them to the desk and creeping up her arms.

The outside world dimmed as it coated the lioness' fluffy tipped ears, even trickling inside and filling them. It didn't stop there, instead her ears were pulled back under the weight of the goo as it reshaped her ears into some other form.

It had flowed down her neck already, coating her shoulders, happy to smear over the top of what she was wearing. Her arms were being coated to appear thicker too, heavier and harder for her to strain with. She felt the creeping wave lick at one of her toe-claws and hastily adjusted her legs.

Her head was also heavier, the silhouette the goo had formed looked entirely unlike the lioness below. As she tried to pull back, she realised the substance at her arms was resisting her, keeping her near but there was no longer any connection to her head. Pulling as she could she fought on, though while her palms allowed some stretch it seemed to also allow the thickening goo to form around them, forcing her fingers apart as they were swallowed into plump individual digits.

Battle as she might, it was soon spread too far for her to avoid stepping into it on the floor. In one desperate bid she kicked out at her computer block, knocking it over in the hopes that maybe it would interrupt the signal, turn it off, or- anything to help her! While it landed with a thud, there was no sign of it having effected a change, and when she put her foot back down to stand, it squelched into the animate mass that surged with sudden speed to ensnare her ankle, then slowed to that crawl it had employed elsewhere.

The goopy squash on her leg prevented her kicking free, unsurprising though no less demoralising. Her arms were totally lost, the coating joined at her shoulders and creeping unevenly down her front, she felt the pressure grow at her chest, realising with the additional weight that it was going further than merely coating her form, it was adding to it. Like how her arms and head had been altered to look different, it exaggerated her chest, raising her bust size by inches.

Suddenly without warning, without her even meaning to, her second leg stepped forward, right into the mass, it was as though the paw had a mind of its own, grinding the heel in, stomping lightly a few times to get the coating flowing. "Mnnnh?!" She gasped, trying to kick away. The squishy coating over her paws rounded out on top and became angular and solid below, transforming into boot-like shapes.

The rogue limb was back in her control, it seemed, though it wasn't until the coating on her legs had crept over her knees that she could do anything more than her useless struggling. At that point her hands finally came free of the desk, the thick feeling made it an effort to bend her joints, the wrist most of all felt thick pliant squashing in whichever way it twisted.

The left hand dropped to where she felt the trickle- already below her belly, trying to catch it and pull it away. She felt the odd fingers on her fur, soft and squishy digits that were also smooth and solid, a faux claw point squashed at the tip of each one. The goo was stirred away from it but simply pooled around before filling in the gap.

It too felt that same spongy-yet-solid texture. Like it wasn't liquid but a flowing, amorphous solid. The right hand meanwhile grabbed around her face, trying to squeeze the pointed tip before her snout, to pull on the ears, to see if there was anything within the smooth surface she was missing. It was during that inspection that she realised for the first time that the substance had totally blocked any avenue she had to breathe through, yet the fact she hadn't noticed it until now puzzled her, as though somehow her nose was acting normally in taking air to her lungs.

"Cmhhn, gh hfff!" She demanded, yet it was seamless, forming nothing that her diminished senses could detect. Even squashing into the stuff at the thinner parts she barely felt the change in pressure. The moulding goop kissed itself. The dropping flow met the rising creep then joined together, adding further bulk over Ofenna's thighs and hips, even reshaping her tail into something much thicker, far less recognisable as a cat's tail.

Both hands pressed desperately, kneading into that disappearing gap. Her fingers succeeded in stretching the goo aside yet she couldn't stop it flowing from every angle at once, filling in behind no matter how she scraped.

The strange shell completed itself and then it quivered and squeezed. The sudden intense force of the feeling dropped Ofenna to her hands and knees.

Beyond the cloying suit the floor was solid again, she couldn't feel a single trace of liquid remaining. Every drop of the substance had adhered with unremovable surety to her and only her.

A series of beeps came from her fallen headphones, a sound she dimly heard as though it were in another room entirely. The beeps concluded with one long tone then the enveloping suit squeezed hard once more and with a final "Hmmh!!" Ofenna collapsed forward, unconscious.

Thirty minutes later, a white, rounded humanoid shape strode out of Ofenna's front door. It bore no resemblance to any definite species, flat soled boots with a sturdy heel thudded in a dull manner that made them seem softer than they might appear to the eye. The exaggerated chest and hips showed that whoever made it was definitely mimicking a feminine form, though even the fingers and forearms were what could best be summarised as 'chunky'.

The creature strode to the roadside and then stood in perfect stillness in an attentive pose. A dipped headlight caught its body, rising as a quiet engined truck pulled up from the darkness. The white figure moved again, walking to the back. It laid its soft palm against a panel, a hatch fell from the back, creating a ramp.

Once it entered the truck the ramp shut and the driver resumed their travel, in the back the newly minted drone walked past two others that were almost identical to it, sitting down in the first empty storage bay and falling into a standby mode. Three empty bays waited for three more late-night browsers to fall into the same supervillainous trap...

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