LAWT #7 ~ Faking

lorrie smiled. despite the show of annoyance, he'd still play along.

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LAWT #2 ~ Memories [Pt.1]

lorrie rocked him back and forth gently, stroking his back with one hand. "let it out." time lost meaning as they sat there, muffled sobbing and lorrie's gentle humming the only sound.

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LAWT #4 ~ After [Memories Pt.2]

#4 of lorrie, alex, wynne & tobi [ summary: ] lorrie helps as alex recovers from the incident. [ ~1200 words ] old work. a rare continuation, with a happy-ish ending.

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NM #8 ~ Looking

My name is lorrie, by the way." she said, offering a hand. "mela, and my adorable mess, niv." mela replied, shaking lorrie's hand with a few gentle pumps. "_nice_ grip."

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LAWT #9 ~ Tail Tricks

A subdued '_snrrk_' came from the table, and they turned to see lorrie fighting a grin. "what?" "_nothing_. don't mind me."

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LAWT #12 ~ Sincere [Faking Pt.2]

The idea of coming back, even with lorrie was- wait! hadn't lorrie said- "hey there, space cadet." bill said softly, startling the otter. "how's the view?" "oh. it, uh..."

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The New Machine

, said lorrie. "yeah, just a little tired from work thats all, working non-stop", laughing afterwards about it.

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 6

Rave had nabbed lorries. lots of lorries. "ah, more transportation. excellent," the dragon nodded approvingly. "and the tanks?" rave scowled, "i dunno how to drive a bleedin' tank! you wanted stuff, you got stuff.

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Loriavva: A Dragoness Matures

"hey, lorri," janna cut in, "none of this stuff is your size.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 20)

This time, i did remember to check before crossing; which was lucky as a lorry in the livery of the royal ironmont postal service came rumbling down the street at quite a speed. i watched as the red and gold lorry lumbered around the corner.

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History and the Journey

Servy would use the old lorry to bring up carcasses of beef, lamb, pork, and things like blankets, some medicines, even books to the vargy.
