LAWT #4 ~ After [Memories Pt.2]

Alex's eyelids slowly peeled apart, but he shut them tight again almost immediately. The squeezing forced out tears to soothe his burning eyes. So many of his muscles felt sore. It was a familiar feeling, one he hadn't felt in a very long time. He...

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LAWT #2 ~ Memories [Pt.1]

There was a gentle tapping at the cracked open door. Alex turned to see Lorrie's face peeking through the narrow gap. He quickly removed his half-on headphones and jumped up to open the door. Lorrie was carrying a large box. "Delivery." She said with...

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NM #13 ~ Window

Niv lay still, eyes closed and doing his best to deny consciousness. He eventually stretched and oriented himself, finally accepting he'd be unable to recapture that blissful oblivion of sleep. He was alone, and no light peeked through the curtains,...

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NM #11 ~ Birthmas

Mela made her way upstairs, following the sound of furious clicking to her target. "_Fuck_." Niv exclaimed as Mela stopped in the doorway, folding her arms and leaning against the frame. "'Cha doin', hon?" She asked, sporting a slight grin. ...

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NM #9 ~ Go to Bed Mister

Niv slouched in his chair as he stared at the monitor, clicking idly through social sites for new posts, or messages he knew weren't there. His eyes burned around the edges, wanting desperately to close. He kept searching for stimuli, his only...

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NM #8 ~ Looking

Niv and Mela sat in the lobby, waiting and watching as people came and went. It was quiet and uneventful. There was an occasional tap and nod to pick out a person of noteworthy appearance, but no one had bothered them the whole morning. Just how Niv...

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T #1 - Headspace

It was a warm and sunny day, late in the summer when the cool chill of fall waited patiently just around the corner. A perfect day to be outside in the fresh air; the children were playing, the birds sang, and the village bustled with life. The...

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NM #15 ~ Just Clothes [Pt.1]

Tucked into a corner of the couch, Niv lazily scrolled through his phone with one hand. With the other, he was absently scratching Mela's chin. Her head lie in his lap as she read a book, stretched across the...

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LLST #11 ~ Novelties

It was another bright, sunny day in Val'En as Mela approached one of her favorite stops on the market street. Wedged into an alcove was a little stall run by a lovely old Lorean woman; mostly small trinkets...

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LAWT #7 ~ Faking

Lorrie made her way into the bar, umbrella hooked on her arm as she traded the white noise of rain for the low roar of conversation. It looked like a calm night; not empty, but still enough space for everyone to be comfortably spread out. She easily...

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NM #12 ~ Breakfast

Niv awoke gradually, shifting and stretching into a more comfortable position. He spread a bit wide and felt his foot brush along Mela's leg, rousing her to a similar action. Lying flat on his stomach, left side of his face smushed into the pillow, he...

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LLST #9 ~ Fragrance

Far along Val'En's merchant street, Mela casually wandered the shops and stalls, glancing over the displays. A result of joining the Union, the street served wants more so than needs. That made it a great...

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