On the Steps

(c)~nivulus 2021 he sits on the step, staring at nothing his gaze is low and unfocused, head slightly tilted numb from stillness, his body is gone winds of thought whisper through him they steal away, and leave him hollow in the absence make themselves

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NM #1 ~ Comfort

Characters are mine (c)~nivulus 2018 the door clicked as mela unlocked it and stepped into the house. she set her duffle bag on the floor before announcing herself.

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LLST #9 ~ Fragrance

Mela is mine fioans & lost legends setting are (c) elray (c)~nivulus 2021 far along val'en's merchant street, mela casually wandered the shops and stalls, glancing over the displays.

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NM #11 ~ Birthmas

Characters are mine (c)~nivulus 2018 mela made her way upstairs, following the sound of furious clicking to her target. "_fuck_."

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NM #13 ~ Window

#13 of niv & mela [ summary: ] niv experiences yet more existential despair [ ~500 words ] why sleep when you can be sad and write about it characters are mine (c)~nivulus 2019 niv lay still, eyes closed and doing his best to deny consciousness.

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NM #6 ~ Hot

Characters are mine (c)~nivulus 2018 mela came home to find niv sprawled on the couch, wearing nothing but his shorts. putting on a smirk, she casually walked up to him.

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NM #9 ~ Go to Bed Mister

Characters are mine (c)~nivulus 2018 niv slouched in his chair as he stared at the monitor, clicking idly through social sites for new posts, or messages he knew weren't there.

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NM #7 ~ Gone

Characters are mine (c)~nivulus 2018 mela woke and stretched an arm across the bed to find herself alone. not uncommon, but they _had_ gone to bed together and niv usually slept longer. his pillow was missing too.

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LLST #10 ~ In Dreams

Sab is mine fioans & lost legends setting are (c) elray (c)~nivulus 2021 toiling away in the low light of a single lamp, sab pinched dried plants and powders from the small glass jars dotting the table.

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LLST #11 ~ Novelties

Fioans, loreans & the setting of azra (c) elray (c)~nivulus 2022 it was another bright, sunny day in val'en as mela approached one of her favorite stops on the market street.

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LAWT #2 ~ Memories [Pt.1]

Characters are mine (c)~nivulus 2018 there was a gentle tapping at the cracked open door. alex turned to see lorrie's face peeking through the narrow gap. he quickly removed his half-on headphones and jumped up to open the door.

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LAWT #9 ~ Tail Tricks

Characters are mine (c)~nivulus 2020 "heyo." alex announced himself, half-heartedly, as he entered the room. he'd just come off his workday and found his friends having a quiet chat at the kitchen table.

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