NM #6 ~ Hot

Story by Nivulus on SoFurry

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#6 of Niv & Mela

[ Summary: ]

Niv suffers in the summer.

[ ~500 words ]

Old work. Inspired by real-life events.

Characters are mine

(C)~Nivulus 2018

Mela came home to find Niv sprawled on the couch, wearing nothing but his shorts. Putting on a smirk, she casually walked up to him.

"Is this an invitation?" She said, plopping down and leaning heavily on him as she ran a hand up his chest.

"Ohgodno, please _ ." He pleaded breathlessly, making a feeble attempt of pushing at her. "_You're killin' me."

"Are you okay?" She asked, giving him a confused look as she moved back to make space for him. "Did I do something?"

"Hot." He said, grimacing and breathing heavily. "So hot."

"D'you want water?" Mela asked.

"Ehhh..." Niv whined, unmoving.

"You need water." She said, touching him on the leg before getting up and trotting into the kitchen. She pulled out a glass and a Ziploc bag, made a ruckus filling them with ice and water, then trotted back out to the unfortunate feline still sprawled out on the couch. She sat beside him and placed the impromptu icepack on the back of his neck, sitting him up to take the glass.

He gave himself a few breaths before taking a long draw off the glass. He paused for a breath then drew again. After only a few rounds of this, the glass was empty, and Niv was catching his breath once more.

"What happened?" Mela asked, sitting next to him.

"Neighbor... needed help... moving shit." Niv replied through breaths. "It was really heavy... and it's so fucking hot. Why is it so fucking hot, it's October." His breath was normalizing. "October has no business being 80 fucking degrees. Autumn has betrayed us." He slumped back onto the couch.

Mela laughed and took the empty glass, setting it on the end table. "Well, just don't die on me, babe."

"You're an angel and I don't deserve you." Niv said, seeming more relaxed.

"I know, but you're stuck with me anyway." Mela grinned. "You can make it up to me later." She said patting him on the leg as she stood up.

"Assuming I survive." Niv quipped.

"You better, I have plans." Mela said, walking back into the kitchen.

"Oh god..." Niv sighed. "I should have just died." He exclaimed dramatically

"Hush." Mela called.

"Okay, fine, but no weird stuff." Niv said sarcastically.

"It'll be weird and you'll like it." Mela said firmly, but clearly playing along.

"You're so mean to me." Niv scoffed.

"You love it." Mela teased, giving Niv a cheeky grin as he walked into the kitchen to take a seat. "You want a sandwich, hon?" She asked with a more genuine tone, gesturing to what she was doing.

"Sure, if it's no trouble." He said meekly, slouching at the table.

"I could_very well lose a limb," Mela mused, tilting her head to look thoughtfully toward the ceiling, "but I _think can manage it."