NM #12 ~ Breakfast

Story by Nivulus on SoFurry

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#12 of Niv & Mela

[ Summary: ]

Niv & Mela have breakfast, simple as. Just a bit of feel-good fluff, really.

[ ~800 words ]

Old work.

Characters are mine

(C)~Nivulus 2018

Niv awoke gradually, shifting and stretching into a more comfortable position. He spread a bit wide and felt his foot brush along Mela's leg, rousing her to a similar action. Lying flat on his stomach, left side of his face smushed into the pillow, he begrudgingly opened his eyes. Mela had curled up on her side, facing him, though her eyes were still closed. He groaned to himself and let his body relax, wanting to doze off again. His plan was interrupted by the sensation of his nose being wiggled side to side by the gentle encouragement of a fingertip.

"Mmmmno." He groaned, scrunching his face up.

"Bit late for that, I think." Mela said, still groggy, still wiggling. After a moment she gave a firm press before leaving him be. She grinned a little when he rubbed his nose.

"What's for breakfast?" Niv asked, still refusing to reopen his eyes.

"I dunno, somethi-" a yawn cut her off as she sat up and stretched. "Mm. Something easy."

"Aww, but I wanted pancakes..." Niv complained.

"Pancakes are hard, dear, and they take a long time." Mela countered.

"Hmm." Niv grumbled, curling up onto his side. "Okay, but consider this..." He began, but was then quiet. Mela held her chin, a finger over her mouth as she waited. Niv cracked an eye open, peeking only a moment to gauge her. "I looove you." He said with a quiet, tired voice, fighting the urge to grin. Mela sighed in defeat.

"Alright alright, we can have pancakes." She eventually conceded as she stood and stretched again.

"Yay, you're the best." Niv said.

"I'm gonna shower first, though." Mela said.

"Probably take me that long to get out of bed." Niv mumbled and frowned.

"There's no rush sweetie." Mela said, leaning over to kiss his forehead. "I'll wait for you."

"You're the best." He said playfully, pulling the blanket over his head.

Sometime later, Niv stood at the counter, looking a mess with ingredients and dishes. He bobbed his head to the music blasting through his headphones as he worked. It wasn't long before a delicious aroma filled the kitchen.

"Mmm, smells great." Mela said before noticing Niv wouldn't be able to hear her. She walked over to the counter to see how he was faring, leaving some space to avoid startling him. It didn't quite work, as he jumped almost imperceptibly when he noticed her in his peripheral. He gave her a look that asked "what's up?"

Mela smiled and gestured to say "nothing, carry on", giving a thumbs up. She fixed herself some coffee and sat at the table. Her phone and occasionally watching the dancing pancake man made for plenty of entertainment during the wait.

Niv, still grooving in his own little world, began bringing things to the table. Butter, syrup, etc. All those good pancake things. He brought the food last, setting his own down first. Mela leaned back to give him room, but he instead pulled the plate away and leaned in, offering his cheek for a kiss.

"Is that so?" Mela said with narrowed eyes and a smirk. With a few fingers to his chin, she turned his head to kiss him square on, holding it a few seconds. Clearly surprised, he managed to recover smoothly, as though taking it in stride. But with a stupid grin on his face, he wouldn't be fooling anyone. Mela took great satisfaction in seeing it as well. Though she wondered if it still counted as backfiring if he got better results. He set her plate down, made himself some coffee, and then removed his headphones.

"You need anything?" He asked.

"Mmmno, I think I'm good." Mela said, surveying the table.

"Excellent." He said confidently, taking his seat. "Then breakfast is served." He proclaimed dramatically, with his arms outstretched. "There's extra pancakes in the oven, keeping warm in case you want more. But that's self-serve only."

"Aw, what a rip-off." Mela joked with a grin. "Do I have to pour my own syrup too? This restaurant sucks, zero out of ten." She feigned a disappointed huff, crossing her arms. "Staff is cute though. Would bang."

"_Shush,_eat your pancakes." Niv said through a smile.

The meal was a quiet and contented affair, with the occasional sharing of things from their phones. It was impolite to speak with food in your mouth, after all. They were also very good pancakes.