The Rise Of Drunko, The Crime Fighting Hobo

It was a day like any day for Joe, the hobo; the sun was shining and the people were not throwing rocks at him this day. Not that they were doing it all the time, but the kids were relentless in their pursuits. But these days, there were back in...

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Gutter Giggles. By Archangel Vulpine.


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Adventures usually lead to death.

**_WARNING!_** _ This is a fanfiction, and ontop of that, an inaccurate one. It is a parody of the first few minutes in Firelink Shrine, in the Dark Souls game. There is no sex. There is no death. Just a really boring conversation, in great detail and...

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Seans' Character Reference Sheet

Has a good sense of humour, often towards the wry and laconic, easily bewildered and confused by absurd humour.

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A Growing Problem - Macro Sona Story

A few days had passed since the events that lead to an ordinary human being transforming into a dragon with god-like powers. Andracca was trying to adapt to his new forms and powers, his life as Joe feeling like a distant memory, even though it hadn't...

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The Micro Editor

It was a rather dark and stormy night in the wonderful land of Oz. That was when the rather suspicious looking airplane flew over. It seemed to be in distress, trying to find some place to land. Any airplane that managed to fly over the marvelous land...

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"BLEU" - Thingy

Ruthlessness, strain, **obstinate** , fear **black** : sophistication, emotional safety, efficiency, seriousness, **oppression** , **menace** , containment, secretive, depression, **aloofness** , sadness, withholding, negativity **yellow** : optimism, humour

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Dead On Arrival

"Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" is © J. Fred Coots and Haven Gillespie (Fun fact: It was first sung on Eddie Cantor's radio show in November 1934.) On the 26th of December Santa Claus, the great big jolly Polar Bear, arrived home...

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Gutpunch 7: Revenge of the financial deficit

-Thank you, come again. - Brona said as he closed the door behind his customer. Brona turned and slammed his back to the door, slowly slumping down to the floor. -Everything alright, boss? - Tugg asked, not raising his eyes from the newspaper. It...

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Short Stories: Why Exist? Part 6

I remember when i was in my primetime of reprogram my social abilities and humour i got the damaging news that i was still extremely disheartening to talk to, even for people with heavy amounts of positive energy.

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Hypnovember Day 29 - Duel

### 29 - Duel (Milomesmer) Sebastian had a cute look on his face when he was zoned out. Ellison loved watching him when he was like that. When the dark-scaled lizard was focused on something and had no self consciousness, his jaw would hang open...

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The Songs I'm Singing

Hello, dearies! I've been doing the Why??? journals for a while, but this isn't one of them - the format might be vaguely similar, but this time, I'm letting the Hockey Hunk characters to introduce some of _the_i_r_ favourite music - maybe...

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