It's Hip To Be Square!
Decided to re-post the last story i finished...its hip to be square as a mini celebration type thingy due to getting a small commission.
- hip-no-ties'd...
Tender Tails and Warm Hearts
She appeared a vixen of middling age, with a kindly air which seemed to speak of experience in mothering, a pleasantly plump form, and hips wide enough they might require the aid of butter and an effort to come through the front door.
My Mom is Dating a Werewolf Epilogue
# Epilogue It has been nearly a month since I was bitten by my werewolf girlfriend. I got super sore and sick, and I thought this was confirmation of lycanthropy. My school nurse told me that I had mono, but I did not believe her one bit. My mom...
Vivi, Da Hip-Heay, Defiantly Healthy Dhole(look it up)
His diamond-shaped quads have more lines and details than most coat of arms, and you're almost too busy admiring the way his bountiful ass bulges outward like a bell curve with his hips to notice the candy-colored bulge they so poetically frame.
My Mom is Dating a Werewolf 10
# # Chapter 10 "Fangsgiving" * * * It was beginning to snow outside, and I was snowing a lot. I was getting worried about my mother and sister being out in the cold barn. I know that Randall was a huge werewolf and they had a lot of blankets, but...
My Mom is Dating a Werewolf 14
Heh, you know, she does have some real nice hips and legs. my mom and randall found out, and emily teased me about having a girlfriend. then the quads joined in on it especially chloe and freya. such a miserable bunch of little shits!
My Mom is Dating a Werewolf 6
The mother came in the room and put her hand on her hip. "david! i thought i told you to quit making up stories! that was a bear in the field and you know it!" she shouted at him. david snickered. "i wasn't mom!
Celine - Dance Dance Devastation
The stacked fennec girl twisted and twirled on bare paws, hips swinging and tail swaying with every movement she made. more than once she bumped a hip or arm into one of the others dancing near her.
(Commission) Renamon vs Guilmon
Ren rolled to her back and raised her hips an inch off the grass, showcasing the prey snared between her legs.
The Most Boring Group of People (TF/TG) [TRADE]
His legs turned shapely as his hips and rear elongated. a small tail formed behind him and manhood left him. two small buds formed on his, or rather her chest while her arms became more slender.
A Night Call from Justice
Her hips spread several feet wide, with paws barely adjusting in time to keep balanced. what remained of her pants fell to the floor in shreds as her belly surged down to merge with her crotch.