My Mom is Dating a Werewolf 14
#16 of My Mom is Dating a Werewolf
Gwen is a busty curvy single mother who has a run-in with a handsome hunk named Randall. After witnessing his superhuman feats, she falls for him in every sense of the word, and agrees to date him; however, her new lover has a terrifying and dangerous secret. She slowly begins to realizes that her strong stud has bigger problems than her own ex getting out of prison and threatening her family. Now filled with a literal litter of werewolf pups on the way, she herself becomes a target. Will her happiness be stripped from her once more?
Chapter 14 "What Do You Do...When Your GF Bites You?"
I thought my life was totally ruined when he turned her. I am glad that she can walk now. She's changed a lot since he bit her, but there are other things that have not changed. My mom is a werewolf now, but she's a lot happier now because of him. How could she let herself be taken by a monster?
I stared at the pictures on the wall with all the smiling faces in the pictures, and then there was mine, the cheapest fakest forced smiles I could give. The early pictures of us without Randal were few and far in between, but I could see that it was my mother who had that same sad smile that I had. I looked over at her bookshelves with her supernatural books and toys. She had pictures of Randall in his werewolf form placed neatly with her wolfman section. It was probably took up and entire bookshelf that and her stupid sexy little red riding hood costume she wore with that window cut in her top. Tch, she wore a lot of stupid costumes for her dumb conventions she went to.
Why have I not noticed that before? How the heck was she able to find a monster like him to date? I stared at the rest of her dumb modeling pictures, and it just made me even angrier that she was beautiful and showing off her body like that all over the internet. I mean she had clothes on, but you could just undress her with that kind of tight clothing. I hated how much attention men gave her and hit on her. It was much worse now.
I knew what she was doing in that bedroom with her so called admirers on her website. They were all nothing but perverts who seen her in her stripper and porn star years. I have tried to interrupt her streams, but she's a master of the mute button and the door lock. At least when I caught her, she was only in a stupid costume or doing some stupid monster movie hosting dubbing Elvira rifftraxs knock off. Only she was dressed as a sexy Little Red with a corset on and a cloak with furry lining. She had tons of make up on, and I do not know how her boobs did not spill out of that top of hers.
She would always drag Randall in on werewolf Wednesdays, and his stupid set up was that he was only there because it was hump day before she would tell everyone that every day was hump day with him. That's so dumb! It was so cheesy! The worst part was the werewolf jokes. God damn it they were insufferable!
I heard my mother shout something out in the kitchen and dropped a pan onto the floor. Randall jumped up out of the chair and ran into the kitchen. He was already in his half werewolf form like he usually was at this time of night, but something was different. "Go to your rooms!" He shouted at me and Emily.
"What's going on!? What's wrong with my mum?" I asked him.
"Just go honey! Quick!" My mother said. I could tell she was transforming and then it hit me. It was a Full moon tonight. I turned and grabbed Emily's hand and rushed into my bedroom. Cerberus was on my bed whimpering as I slammed the door shut. I could hear my mother's bones popping and crackling as she shouted out and moaned in agony. Her voice slowly deepened and sounded more wolf like by the minute. My guess was her mouth and tongue were growing out. I remembered what Randall and the others looked like fully transformed, and I was pretty sure the same was happening to my mum.
Emily sneaked over to the door, and I grabbed her arm. "Emily! Are you crazy!?"
"Mummy would never hurt us!" she said defiantly before she opened the door. I pulled and she resisted. "Let me go!" she shouted.
She broke free from my sweaty grip and walked down the hall looking back at me defiantly. I rushed out to stop her, but she had already reached the threshold to the kitchen where we could hear strange sounds moist munching and smacking sounds coming from there like flesh and meat being devoured. I poked my head around and my werewolf mother was eating raw meat from a pan on the floor. She was unrecognizable, and the only thing that hinted that it was her was her boobs and the reds in her fur matched her natural hair color. Her head was all wolf. Her paws were huge with big fat squishy black pads. Her hands, arms, and body were mostly human only with werewolf fur, pads, and claws. She looked like a mother wolf with teats swollen with milk. She had a big fluffy beautiful grey and black tail.
Randall was beside her eating out from the other. Emily with her mouth agape looked at the surreal sight of two werewolves in the kitchen. Randall looked back at us and he growled bearing his teeth while snapping at us. My mother looked up and stared at us. She crawled towards us sniffing and I yanked Emily back before she could get to us. I saw her nose poking out from around the threshold, and she stopped continuing to sniff like that kitchen scene from Jurassic Park before she whimpered going back.
I think they were done eating, but they got real quiet. We turned back around the corner to see my mother rubbing up against Randall and licking at him while he stared us down. I could have sworn that she was telling him to calm down and focus on her. She even pawed at him and licked his muzzle like in those stupid wolf documentaries Emily watched. She laid her back on the floor exposing her belly to him and he was still glaring at us with his ears forward, fur erect, and bearing his razor sharp teeth and steak knives for canines. I was getting the feeling that Randall was something more to be worried about.
They knew who we were, and he had to be pissed that we did not listen to him about going to our rooms. Emily was curious, and he was very "Go!" his fearsome voice boomed as he pointed off down the hall. He ended up scaring the quads in the nursery, and he stood up nearly bonking his head up against the ceiling.
"Is she still my mum?" I asked him.
"Bring us our pups!" He demanded.
Emily shivered and nodded rushing into the nursery and bringing out one. He took the baby into his arms and my mother's ears perked, and she cocked her head going to his side before scooping the baby up cradling him in her arms before she brought him to her nipple to feed. Emily went to bring the others back to her. I guess enough of my mother was there to know that these were her babies, or maybe it was a mother wolf's instinct to nurture and protect.
After that night in the morning, I found that my mother had turned back into a human making us lunches and doing things that she usually did. Emily and I could not stop staring at her as we at our cereal. "Mum? Do you remember anything that happened last night?" I asked her cautiously. She stopped her humming and looked back at us smiling. She laughed at us and nodded.
"I remember Randall getting so mad at you that he woke the pups up. Totally ruined his plans the two of you did" she said before she shook her head laughing. "Almost..."
"What did you do last night?" Emily asked sweetly.
My mother took in a deep breath and turned red giving off a happiest sigh ever. "Oh you know...the usual wolf things..." she said biting her lip.
"Wolf things? You mean like you went out hunting and howled at the moon?" Emily asked.
"Psh, they had sex" I blurted out.
She shifted her eyes and huffed. "You know wolves do more than just that" she said defensively. She sat down and drank a cup of tea. "We cuddled most of the night and...he was just very romantic" she finished. I was not convinced, but Emily pressed on.
"What was romantic?"
My mother shifted in her seat and ran her hand up and down the cup. "Um, well...just being out in the forest under the moonlight...the way he holds me, growls into my ear, bites me, and petted me. It was nice...and relaxing" she finished closing her eyes and taking a long sip from her cup. "Jack, do you even know what sex is?"
"What? Of course I know what sex is! All the kids talk about it" I told her before I paused seeing her stare at me with a raised eyebrow. She was challenging me, and I did not want to look stupid. "You when a guy sticks his thing into your..." I mumbled.
She rolled her eyes at me and sighed while shaking her head. "It's a little more than just a man sticks his penis into a woman's vagina. That's just one way of doing it. It doesn't have to be a man and woman"
"Mom! Please stop! I don't what to talk about that stuff! I'm only eight!" I shouted in embarrassment.
"Good! Then how about you stay out of what Randall and I do in the bedroom. It's not any of your business what I do with my body or how I express my love to him. I am an adult. It's my choice, not yours!" She scolded me.
After that day, I never spoke about sex again. I let her continue to do her shows and her cons. I did not like to go out in public with her anymore. She got a lot of attention from the guys, and I would have to hear them talk about her amazing rack, or how much they wanted to smash that thicc piece of ass. She did use her looks to sway a man into doing what she wanted, but I did enjoy whenever it backfired. She never went out by herself, and she was usually with her friends, Randal, or both.
One time when we went to a horror convention, one of the sleaziest guys started grabbing her from behind the curtain as she was posing for pictures. Before security booted him out, my mom had Randall stand where she once was, and the guy grabbed a handful of werewolf dick. He had no idea just how huge Randall was, but I guess now he knows that she's way out of his league.
I like it when Randall comes along. I get to see him scare the shit out of stalkers or guys who push themselves onto my mom. One time he got into a fight with a drunk biker dude after they grabbed my mom's boob. He shoved the fatass out the front doors of the bar and grill restaurant and pulled out his bike chain and lock. The Quads told everyone that their daddy was going to break the man if he did not leave. Well he did just that, but it was the most epic combo finishing move. The guy lurched forward whipped his chain around aiming at his head.
Randall freaking blocked it with his arm, grabbed the man's arm and threw him over his shoulders over into the bike which was fifteen feet away by the way. The man got up more pissed about his bike getting scratched up than the fact that he was going to die if he kept fighting Randall. He got into a boxing stance and drunk shuffled around. He landed a couple of punches on Randall before Randall dodged and the guy lost his balance.
Randall followed with a whip of the back of his fist, and; although, it was just a tap, it was enough to destroy the guy's jaw. If Randall followed through with his punch I'm pretty sure that the guy's neck would have snapped completely around like a doll's. He got my mom pregnant after that night. I think this will be baby number 7 with him, I just hope it will be one this time. I can see how Randall's family got as big as it did.
He has introduced me, Toby and Zoe into weight lifting and body building. I think I was kind of good at it, and Zoe would get really annoyed that it did not take much for me to get swole. Toby did not really care how big he was, since he was already having those same freakish growth spurts that Zoe had. Bernie and Randall were pressing us to get into sports. I was not so sure about how I would fair playing one on one with Toby or Zoe. I was pretty sure they would knock me on my ass.
The Quads are a huge handful. I mean you can hardly keep track of one of them let alone four of them. It's not uncommon for one of them to get loose and run into the neighborhood. One time Logan and Waylon had managed to make it clear out into the park before a couple of moms caught them and brought them back home. I guess they were following me and my friends to the park to play some basketball. They giggled at Randall of course being this mountain bodybuilder bodyguard type man being overwhelmed by his two three year old daughters and his embarrassment that the other two got loose. My very pregnant mother and sister caring for the twins at the time, and my mother freaked out of course.
Everyone in my neighborhood knows what sort of work my mom does. There's gossip that goes around here and there, but most women are jealous, and they envy my mom's catch. Just a bunch of unsatisfied housewives wanting to escape from the mundane disappointing lives they settled for, or maybe it is just because of the talk about him being a top notch bar brawler or him being gifted. I wish I did not know of what they were talking about, but I have had the displeasure of seeing his elephant trunk in the locker room at Splash a couple of times. Not that I tried to look, it's just there, and I cannot unsee it.
Recently though Selene has gone through a lot of changes. She had grown her hair out and wore a lot of mascara and eyeshadow. She wore lots of black punk clothes, and she started to wear black lipstick. I think she was turning goth or punk. We have a lot of the same classes together, and she follows me around everywhere in high school. It was really weird, and the weird thing is that she keeps trying to touch me or asks me for things. I think she's flirting with me, so I may have asked her out to homecoming without thinking about it. Holy shit was she so happy and excited. Heh, you know, she does have some real nice hips and legs.
My Mom and Randall found out, and Emily teased me about having a girlfriend. Then the Quads joined in on it especially Chloe and Freya. Such a miserable bunch of little shits! Selene was used to them. She just found them funny and got even closer to me like she touched my hand. I mean she was practically holding it and staring at me. I do not know what was going on...was this a werewolf thing?
I never got used to her always being there with me. It was like we formed a pack and we were roamed the halls like we owned the place. The upperclassmen did not like my confidence, and why would I be scared of them? I live with a pack of werewolves for half my life now. They tried to bully me, or they tried to hit on Selene. She became very protective of me, and she went crazy on one of the varsity defensive linemen. She nearly tore his arm off when he tried to grab her. She was a small petite blonde girl so everyone just assumed that she could not defend herself.
Homecoming was nice. She was in a nice spaghetti sting black dress, and I was just in nothing special. That night was when we first kissed, and you know, it felt so nice that we did it a couple more times. Now we cannot stop doing it every time we are alone or when we think no one is watching. She likes to use her tongue, and now she's petting my thigh and other part. It was kind of weird at first, but I kind of like it. Randall said it was normal especially for a shewolf. My mother just giggled and laughed at me with all my questions. She said that she could tell where things were going, and that was when she embarrassed me by taking me to the store buying me a box of condoms. She made sure I knew where to find them.
"What are you doing mom? Mom, I'm not going to..." I muttered before she placed her hand over her nine month baby bump.
"It's breeding season. I just know that you'll need it. Trust me" She told me before sat them in the cart.
I looked at the other boxes in confusion. "How do you know what I'll need? You sure I don't need Magnum XL?"
She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Well, that will slip off...I know how genetics work hun. You won't be needing that kind for another three years or so" she told me. I blushed and looked away, and she crossed her arms over her chest with a half smirk. She shifted her hip and leaned up against the cart getting lost in thought. "I can't believe that you're at that age now..." she mumbled.
I sat the box in the cart awkwardly, and she went over to buy some bananas. I did not think much of it at the time, but when we got home, my mother opened the huge box of condoms and slapped a strip of packets on the counter and gave me a banana. "I want you to watch me"
"Mom! Seriously! Why are you showing me this!?" I panicked. She was so nonchalant about this whole thing. I guess being the adult entertainment industry has made her less shy about this kind of topic, which she was almost eager.
My Mom opened the packet and rolled her eyes up onto me. "I know the curriculum. You and Selene are early bloomers, so naturally you two are going to be feeling these emotions before you'll be taught about them. It's not a big deal's just growing up" she explained.
Randall walked into the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks making a face. "Oh cripes, not the banana thing!" he mumbled. He kept his distance avoiding us as he grabbed a beer from the fridge.
"Oh, why don't you come and show Jack how to put one on?" She invited him. I shook my head desperately to keep any more people from finding out.
He cracked open the beer and snickered. "I can show him the wrong ways to put them on" he said before he took a swig. He looked down upon me casually and lower his can. "Just to give you far warning...shewolves love to bite their mates during sex"
"Okay, I don't think she'll bite me that hard. She knows I'm human. I mean I saw the bite marks you put on my mom" I said dismissively. My mother blushed covering her neck thinking that she had one showing.
"Psh, Don't say I didn't warn you. An inexperienced wolf will always make mistakes just as often as inexperienced humans do" He spoke honestly.
"Tch, we aren't going to do things like that" I said dismissively.
Well, they bought it as well as I thought they would meaning not at all. They all rolled their eyes at me and Randall went on doing what he did best on a weekend, which was napping on his chair with the Quads playing video games in front of him. Emily was on the phone talking to her best friends about boys, and they would talk about the supernatural.
My sister had developed early and taken after my mother in more ways than one. They would call her a bimbo or a slut at school, but that was just because she was popular with the boys. You can imagine how hostile Randall got whenever a boy was around also. If she ever had a bad day, he would always drive her to school and walk her in just to intimidate all the kids and remind them who her daddy was.
Selene's adoptive parents were not as intimidating to me, but they still pried into our relationship like: Where are we going? Where have we been? What we did we do? What are we going to do? What are our plans? Who is going with us? Who have we been with? Why are we going? How are we going to get there? When will we be back? Why did we change our minds? They did not just bother us in person, oh no, they made sure to blow up Selene's phone. So, you can imagine my surprise when they finally just let us go out on a walk by ourselves.
Selene looked to be very anxious for some reason, like she had been holding back something or was very uncomfortable with something. I asked her what was wrong before she grabbed my hand and dragged me off into the woods. I was really worried that being dragged into the woods with a werewolf was a recipe for disaster, but then once we got far enough she spun around and drowned me in smooches.
I did not know how long I could hold my breath, but she pulled away gasping for air just as I did. She blushed and laughed nervously while apologizing. After we sat down on the mossy rocks, I asked her if this mating season was hard for her, and she nodded quickly. She closed her eyes and tightly kept her legs together. She said that it has been getting worse every year. I told her about my mom shoving a bunch of condoms on me because of it and made me learn how to use them.
Selene touched my leg and breathed a sigh of relief relaxing a little bit. She told me that it was a blessing that my mother was a werewolf and could understand what being in heat feels like. I did not think that she would start petting me, but then I did the same to her. She grabbed my hand and guided it down there and helped me help her. I had no idea she would act this way, but she wrapped her arms around me beginning to growl and nibble at me.
Things got crazy after that, and she started making these strange noises and held me tighter. She told me to not stop, and then...she bit me. It was really hard like she went into a seizure kind of state. She even dug her claws into me, and when it was all over she was more freaked out than I was telling me that she was sorry. She would not stop, and she cried hysterically at the blood that she drew.
Now if you did not know where Leaburg is in Oregon, here's how I can describe it. It's one of many sleepy towns randomly placed in a narrow river valley with really tall mountains with thick forests all around. Cell service sucked and there was only one bus that runs 2 times in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, and if you miss the last one you're stuck there in town for the whole night. Knowing how many werewolves lived in these parts you did not want to be put in that position...well, they are not really that bad.
I just told her to stop freaking out. I did not want her to transform or run away. I got the bleeding to stop before I walked back home with her. It was starting to rain, so by the time we got back, most the blood was washed away. We were drenched, but she did keep me warm wrapped around my arm like that. Deep in the back of my mind told me what would happen if I stayed with her. She was so clingy and assertive.
After everything, I came back home with my head down low. Randall noticed me as I walked in, and he lowered his tablet. "Girlfriend problems?" he asked. I nodded slowly before I sat down on the couch. I started to fidget with my fingers trying to think of a way to put things without him scolding me or rubbing it in my face that I did not listen to him.
"Um...are female werewolves always clingy and take charge?" I asked.
He raised an eyebrow and laughed. "You're her first boyfriend. She's probably experiencing all these emotions and hormones from being in heat. It should die down in a couple of months. Once she gets older she'll get it under control...why? You can't handle her?" he asked.
I shook my head and gulped. ", so if she happens to bite me on accident. Will that turn me into a werewolf?" I asked.
He looked at my hand where I was using it to cover my wound, and he took in a deep breath through his nose and sighed. "We'll see...did you clean it out good at least?" he asked.
"It was pouring...I practically was in a shower outside" I told him before I removed my hand.
"Uh, that looks pretty deep" He muttered before he gave a sigh of exhaustion and shook his head. "Is it...hard...being know?" I asked him.
He grabbed his beer and took a big swig. "Some days it's the worst thing ever, but others...there's nothing better" he muttered. The Quads came bursting in through the doors dragging groceries in followed by Emily carrying our sleeping toddler sister, and my mother waddled in while holding onto the hand of my 5 year old kid brother. He glanced over at the full house and chuckled. "I guess I'm going to have to teach you a thing or two about how to be a wolf" he said.
I stiffened up not liking where this was going, but my mother saw the marks on my neck, and she snickered to herself with a smirk. She did not say anything, but she did look to Randall with a loving and trusting gaze. He looked up at her and smirked back. "He'll be alright"
"Anno...You know how to wolf so well that you out wolf your whole family" She teased while rubbing her belly reminding us all of how prolific a breeder he was. He could only snicker and growl seductively at her.