#1 of zont heirloom in the predawn light a cloaked figure approached a small plaza where if memory served there should have been a park. the once elegant neighborhood that replaced the park is now old and run-down.
"The Thin Line," Part E
Chitterleigh seems to think he's tumbled onto a good thing with his new soldier-servant, especially after a precious family heirloom turns up safely, thanks to the roebuck. \*\*\*\*\*  
"The Thin Line," Part Y
\*\*\*\*\* In spite of myself, I laughed. Hard enough to make me cough, splutter and hurt myself a little. My rueful apology to Meadow was readily accepted. "You know, I never would have expected that from Prince Gawain, Meadow. At any rate,...
Chapter 19
There is, in fact, another reason i am here, and it partially has to do with the reason i am so eager to see you wield my heirloom.
Clown Mare 3
Earl tipsy tulip used his left hoof and handed over the family's heirloom to noxis kane. noxis kane uses his right hoof and wore it even till this day. * * * noxis kane sat on the chair of the high society table with his head up high.
"The Thin Line," Part UU
This is, in fact, an heirloom of his family."
A Hard day and night
#1 of the prince and i "twenty years ago, a brutal war between two mighty nations was finally ended by the exchange of royal family heirlooms.
Soul's Back Story
The panther, smelling the singed fur, threw the heirlooms in the bushes only to come face to face with alsendra. "how dare you go through our house and take our things!"
A Peter Gray and Simon King Christmas (story gift)
"said it was an heirloom." "heirloom look better now." fiz joked, which earned him a cuff on the back of the neck. the third pub they went inside kicked them out in eleven minutes.
Inauguration Day in Devout America
Another factor to be made aware of is how the bible the incoming president swears upon is rumored to be a family heirloom belonging to the farthing family, which david assumingly left behind as the final product during his tenure in the white house.
Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 11: Heavy Caliber
He asked, having sent a profile of his target, the mysterious girl wearing his heirloom necklace.
Becoming :Part 5- A life Interrupted
It was an old family heirloom and although alex wasn't a big fan of hanging mirrors everywhere, but he didn't mind this one. it had a very delicate border of engraved wood that fascinated alex. he enjoyed staring into its complex frame and studying it.