The hunter becomes the hunted (part1)

This time i pulled out a .45-70 and fired three shots into a dump truck load of sand to show how powerful the handgun is. i put the handgun away and took out a brand new gun, a .338 lapua magnum. i back the car to the very beginning of the range.

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Seeker Origins: Chapter Three

We immediately noticed each other as he raised his large handgun to try and take me down there and then; by that time, i was barely several feet from him.

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Zero’s Awakening

Xalogan grunted in pain as he struck the wall, but realized there was worse coming as he saw the boy pick up his handgun and pointed it at him.

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Seeker Origins: Chapter Fourteen

I tossed away my handgun, sensing that we weren't going to shoot each other just yet...maybe not at all.

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Siren chapter one

I looked over at the handgun i made for alexis, a custom and sleek handgun, and smiled at my handy work. i walked out when i heard someone behind me "hey, where are you going?" i turned around and saw my wife sitting up in bed.

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Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight p1

Chase walked towards them, firing his right handgun quickly as he did. the first bot fell easily, the armor piercing rounds cutting through its lightly armored body.

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Chapter 5 - Nothing More Than a Memory

He chuckled softly to himself, opening the case, greeted by the sight of his own handgun. he picked it up, dropping the case to the floor.

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Aciec Aeternam (etarnal Battlefield) Chapter Five

They all took their places and took a handgun from there holster. "ready! aim! fire!" jake yelled and all twenty-six troopers shot three rounds in the target, placed there handgun in front of them and stood to attention for inspection.

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Blood Red: Chapter Eight: Old Faces (part 2)

I gritted my teeth and slowly reached down for my handgun again, ignoring the situation behind me and focusing on the one in front.

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Character's Weapons

-atohi: -handguns: -like hraefn atohi takes a more old west / southern, traditional approach to guns and thus also carries a .357 magnum for the same reasons hraefn does.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 12: Quicksilver's Silver Shadow!

The handgun went off twice before lazz finally over powered wild horn and took the revolver. just then wild horn pulled out his second handgun and fired two bullets at lazz and hit him.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 8: Unbeatable enemy!

Just then, rio pulled out his handgun the s&m 9mm, and tried to take aim at wild horn, but wild horn quickly and effortlessly shot the handgun out of rio's hands. "i have one shot left. i have never been pushed this far before kid.

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