Dragon Storm: Chapter 12: Quicksilver's Silver Shadow!
#12 of Dragon Storm
Arthur's Note:
Hello again! I have more or less finished my research on the art I was looking for and what not. It's called ASCII Art! If everything works out I should be able to add them in. I figured since it's not against any rules (that I know of) and is in ASCII format, I can add them in. If I am told to stop I shall so it's no big deal. This is only to test how it will look, and besides it looking cool, it has no real reason for being here. Also I wanted to strongly point out that I will NOT be taking any credit for the ASCII artwork at all! Without any more delay please enjoy my next masterpiece! ;)
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" Yes. You can stop the launch." Kazuki Takahashi said.
" So where are the card keys?" Lazz asked.
"Obata should have them. Listen you need three card keys in all. I think they are holding him just below us on the second basement floor." Kazuki Takahashi said and then handed me a card. " Here, take my I.D card. It'll open any level three-security door. It's called a P.A.N. (Personal area network) card. It works together with your body's own electrical field.
" Personal area network huh?" Lazz asked as he took the card.
" It transmits data using the salts in your body as the transmission medium. As you approach the door's security devices, they'll read the data stored on the card, and the doors will open automatically." Kazuki Takahashi said.
"Ok let's get you out of here." Lazz said as he put away his drawing and walked to the ventilation shaft he came from.
"Wait, do the D.E.O. plan to give in to the terrorist's demands and what about the pentagon!?" Kazuki Takahashi asked, but then he suddenly grabbed his chest in pain and screamed. Shortly there after, he fell to the ground and died.
Lazz saw this and jumped into the ventilation shaft quickly. He placed the vent back over the opening and watched as griffin soldiers engulfed the room. They were all wondering what had just happened and so was Lazz. Then they all ran out of the room and carried the body with them. Lazz didn't know what they were up to, but he had no further use in him anyway, he had gotten all the information that he needed and was ready to move on with his mission.
I guess I'm just trying to thank you?
Revealing only little bits of honesty.
As days go by we run away, by blaming someone else.
For starters, I'm sorry...goodbye!
I want to hold you even when you're gone.
Please tell me what love and friendship mean!
Someday you will present the key to my heart.
I want to hold you even when you're gone.
Please tell me what love and friendship mean!
The door to my heart is shut.
Waiting for you.
That's good enough for me.
Believing in tomorrow!
Dragon Storm
CHAPTER 12: Quicksilver's Silver Shadow!
Lazz just watched as the Darpa Chief was taken away by the genome griffin soldiers. Lazz began to ponder what was going on. He knew that this was going to be a dangerous mission, but this was nothing that his commanding officer told him about. Sure some of the things that Quicksilver told him were true, but the other half was never explained or even mentioned. Lazz crawled through the ventilation shafts narrow passageways and found his way out. He popped out of the shafts again and this time he found an elevator and walked inside. He took the elevator down to where the Darpa chief said they were keeping the president of dragon's tech. As the elevator moved slowly down ward, Lazz used his codec to call HQ (Head Quarters).
"Kilala the chief! What happened!?" Lazz asked.
"I...I don't know! It looked like a heart attack, but..." Kilala said.
"A heart attack? No." Quicksilver said.
"Quicksilver, are you hiding something from me?" Lazz asked.
" Absolutely not Lazz. You've got to understand. This op is security level red. You need the highest security clearance to get access to the complete file." Quicksilver stated.
" You want me to believe that you're in charge of this op, but you don't even have complete access to the file.!?" Lazz said.
" I told you the Secretary of Defense is in operational control. I'm just here as your support...." Quicksilver said.
"I don't remember you saying anything like that." Lazz said.
".........................................." Quicksilver said nothing.
"Quicksilver..." Lazz said.
" Lazz. We don't have time to debate. Get out of there and find the president of Dragon's tech." Quicksilver said.
"Be careful Lazz. There seems to be strong psychometric interference somewhere from above you." Kilala said.
"........ok. I will." Lazz said.
With that said Lazz watched as the elevator doors opened and he walked out. He was now in the second floor basement. It was dimly lit and there were more griffin soldiers. Lazz noticed that some of them were asleep while the others watched the area. They must have been taking turns. Lazz also saw that there was a small armory storage room. Lazz Used a chaff grenade to jam anything he might not have saw and then took off his gear and used his G.O.N. to hide. As the griffin soldiers approached the gear that Lazz took off, Lazz blasted a mint-green fireball that hit all of them and he watched, as they burned alive. Being this far underground no one could here them scream as they burned to death. And with the chaff grenade he threw none of their equipment was functional either. Lazz grabbed his gear and proceeded on ward.
When Lazz entered the next room he was in shock. There in front of him was the president of Dragon's tech Takeshi Obata. He was tied up while standing in the middle of C-4 placed everywhere around him. There were four metal pillars in the room and wire was coming from each one. He looked to be unconscious at the moment. However just then he regained consciousness and started to panic. Lazz looked around the room in confusion and returned his gaze back to him.
" I hope I am not too late. You're the Dragon's tech president Takeshi Obata aren't you? The real one I hope!" Lazz asked.
"ughghuun" Takeshi Obata said.
"Don't worry, I'm here to save you." Lazz said and reached for his KM 2000 combat knife and approached the wire.
"Noooooo...... don't touch it." Takeshi Obata said and pointed at a C-4 with his tail.
"C-4?" Lazz questioned.
"Right. Touch that wire and the C-4 will blow up along with the real Takeshi Obata!"
Just then a voice came from behind one of the metal pillars and it echoed in the room. Suddenly a bullet shot was made and Lazz reacted by jumping back, thus avoiding the shot. The way the room and the metal pillars were all set up there was no way for anyone to shot a bullet directly. There were four metal pillars near each corner of the small room, and one giant metal pillar in the center of the room. That center pillar is where the president of Dragon's tech was tied. With the metal pillars and the many, many wires connecting them all together, there was no way a direct bullet could be shot unless you knew how to ricochet the bullet off the wall. Lazz knew whom the voice belonged to now.
"Wild Horn!" Lazz said.
"I've been waiting for you Lazz!" Wild Horn said and blew the tip of his revolver handgun to blow off the smoke and hid behind one of the metal pillars.
"You're a tricky one Wild Horn, you nearly got me killed last I encountered you. That was some plan." Lazz said.
"Yes. It's true I did plan this all out...
(Flashback: An earlier event, before Rio and Lazz's arrival)
"If I know Quicksilver as good as I think I do then he will be sending our old friend Lazz to ruin our plans." Rock Lizard stated.
"What will you have us do boss?" War Wolf said.
"..................." Rock Lizard said nothing.
"Sir please allow me, I have a plan that can kill Lazz. All I require is Tiger Wanghu and Thunder Pegasus. With the three of us working together we can beat Him." Wild Horn said.
"...... Very well. Thunder Pegasus, Tiger Wanghu follow Wild Horn's plan. General Andal place your griffin soldiers where you see fit. May do as your father instructs you to do. Cross Wing stay near here and snipe anything that looks unusual. War Wolf come with me. Everyone move out!
"May come, we must prepare for the enemy. Don't be afraid to give orders to your fellow griffins." General Andal said.
"I...I... understand.... Father.....thank you." May said.
" See you losers later." Cross Wing said and flew away.
War Wolf and Rock Lizard walked elsewhere while Wild Horn, Tiger Wanghu, and Thunder Pegasus walked another way.
(Griffin strong hold side gate)
"Alright, Tiger Wanghu wait here for Lazz in the event Thunder Pegasus doesn't hold true to his role." Wild Horn said.
"Ok, but what do I do?" Tiger Wanghu asked.
"Kill Lazz however you see fit." Wild Horn said.
"Tell me what I should do Wild Horn. I will prove to you I can fulfill my role in your plan." Thunder Pegasus said.
"Follow me." Wild Horn said.
(Griffin Stronghold building A, In front of the large spinning platform room.)
"Ok What now?" Thunder Pegasus asked.
"Use your G.O.N. to cast a illuision on your aura and make it seem as though you are the president of Dragon's Tech, I will then presume to question you about things to make it seem like you are the real Takeshi Obata." Wild Horn explained.
"I see. Alright this should work." Thunder Pegasus said.
"Don't reveal your self until you run away and catch Lazz off guard ok?" Wild Horn said.
"No problem!" Thunder Pegasus said.
(Flash forward: Griffin stronghold, second basement floor)
"And so here you are. Right where I expected you to be." Wild Horn stated.
"Surely me bringing Rio put a dent in those plans in someway." Lazz said.
"I will admit he did. However you won't have to worry about him anymore." Wild Horn said.
" So here we are again, the way you wanted it to go the first time around. I assume since I killed Thunder Pegasus that this is the real President of Dragon's Tech?" Lazz asked.
" Yes. Now will we see the dragon live up to the legend. Rock Lizard told me all about your impressive victories back when you were in BLACKFANG." Wild Horn said.
"I am not a hero, if that is what you're getting at." Lazz said.
"Hmph. This is the greatest handgun ever made. The colt single action army. Six bullets, more then enough to kill anything that moves." Wild Horn said as he reloaded and put his handgun back in its holster.
"Is that so... " Lazz said.
"DRAW!!" Wild Horn shouted.
Just then Wild Horn drew his revolver and shot one bullet at the wall and it bounced off and headed for Lazz, then Wild Horn toke cover behind one of the metal pillars. Lazz saw a spark of light hit the wall and dived to the ground.
"Great. He really did think this through. He's got me trapped. I can't use any of my weapons since they will cause an explosion and kill everyone in this room. While he on the other hand can take cover from behind the metal pillar and ricochet the bullets at me off the walls. My fire won't help me either, and if I let Takeshi Obata die then I will fail my mission. Alright, I have an idea, but it will take some time." Lazz thought.
"You can't dodge them all your not Rio!" Wild Horn said.
Suddenly, Wild Horn shot again at Lazz by ricocheting it off the wall. Lazz saw another flash of light and rolled over to avoid it, then he toke cover behind a metal pillar. Just then another shot was made, but Lazz could not react fast enough and got hit on the right arm.
"AAHHHHHHHHGGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lazz screamed.
Just then Lazz fell to the ground on one knee in pain and toke his KM2000 and plied the bullet out and kept it, then he used the knife to slice off one of his talons, just enough to miss the vain and with that the small talon fell off and Lazz picked it up. After that he heard another shot and jumped into the air, then Wild Horn shot once more and Lazz used his tail to grab a hold of the metal pillars chain linked like structure and pulled himself to the ground quickly and made a mad dash at Wild Horn. As Lazz approached Wild Horn he shot his last bullet at Lazz and started to reload. Lazz deliberately took the bullet to the stomach and exhaled a mint-green fireball at Wild Horn and he evaded it. Lazz wanted him to evade however, now Lazz trapped Wild Horn. Lazz sliced at Wild Horn, however Wild Horn dodged and finished reloading his revolver. Wild Horn pointed the revolver at Lazz and attempted to shoot at point blank, however Lazz grabbed his revolver by the handle and they both struggled for it. The handgun went off twice before Lazz finally over powered Wild Horn and took the revolver. Just then Wild Horn pulled out his second handgun and fired two bullets at Lazz and hit him. Lazz ran away and toke cover behind a metal pillar and Wild Horn did the same.
If he thinks he can play my game and match my moves he won't last for long. As it stands Lazz has my first revolver handgun that only has four bullets left and I have my second revolver that also has four shots left. However... Something is wrong. I have shot him enough times to kill him... so why is he still alive?" Wild Horn thought to himself.
"If you are wondering how I am still alive... It's because I have this." Lazz shouted as he took off the griffin uniform and revealed his bulletproof vest.
Wild Horn turned his head around the metal pillar to see Lazz and saw he his bulletproof vest. It must have protected him from all the shots so far. Just then he seen Lazz quickly point up his revolver and fire a shot at him. Wild Horn quickly turned his face behind the pillar to dodge the bullet.
"That was a dirty trick Lazz." Wild Horn shouted.
Just then, Wild Horn fired off two more shots that crossed each other and ricocheted off the wall. Lazz Dived on the ground again and shot one bullet at Wild Horn. Wild Horn took cover and the bullet hit the metal pillar, then Wild Horn shot at the ceiling and the bullet ricocheted straight down at Lazz on the ground. Lazz backed away, but he let go of the revolver he was holding in order to do so, Lazz then took cover again. Wild Horn dashed out to grab the gun on the ground and fired his last bullet in his revolver at Lazz. Lazz jumped up and kicked off the metal pillar and ran to the next pillar and took cover.
"Your pretty good Lazz! I have never had this much fun before!!" Wild Horn shouted.
Lazz was now bleeding heavily from his bullet wound on his right arm. His crimson red blood ran down his arm and dripped off of his knuckles. Wild Horn put his empty revolver away and pointed the one he picked up at the wall behind Lazz. Wild Horn shot a bullet at that wall and Lazz hoped right out of the way, then Wild Horn shot again and hit Lazz's left leg. Lazz dropped to the floor in pain and watched as Wild Horn took aim and pressed the trigger for his last shot. Suddenly, Wild Horn's revolver blew up in his hand.
"AGAHAHGHGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Wild Horn screamed.
Wild Horn fell to the ground and screamed more. He didn't know what was going on. When he looked up Lazz was in front of him struggling to stand on an injured leg and his right arm drooped down motionless covered in blood. As he held his KM2000 combat knife out toward Wild Horn with his left hand.
"It's... over...Wild Horn" Lazz said out of breath and in pain.
"What.... What happened?! I.. don't get it!!" Wild Horn screamed at Lazz.
"It's simple really. When I took your revolver earlier I reloaded it for you." Lazz said.
"That doesn't make any sense at all!!!!!!" Wild Horn shouted.
Lazz watched as Wild Horn screamed at the top of his lungs and bleed massively on the floor. He noticed that he was missing one of his golden horns on top of his head. He figured that Rio must have done that to him. That explains why he was keeping his distance.
"Well?!" Wild Horn said.
"Look inside your revolver if you want to know." Lazz said.
Wild Horn did just that. When he looked inside the chamber, he found a small jagged talon.
"What's this?" Wild Horn asked.
"It's my talon I inserted into the chamber earlier when I reloaded your revolver for you. I never said what I reloaded the gun with." Lazz said firmly.
Wild Horn stood up and dropped the handgun.
"Good move.... Lazz. I never would have thought of a backfire." Wild Horn said.
Lazz approached Wild Horn and tried to slice him, but Wild Horn used his first revolver to block it and kicked Lazz to the ground and dashed out of the room and escaped quickly.
"Damn him!" Lazz said and then plied out the bullet in his leg with his knife and used his fire breath to close his wounds shut.
Lazz then untied the president of Dragon's Tech and struggled him over to the wall. Lazz then pulled out some first aid he had in his backpack and started to treat himself.
"Can you talk?" Lazz asked.
"Who are you?" Takeshi Obata asked.
" I'm not one of them. The Darpa chief told me he gave them his denotation code. What about yours?" Lazz asked.
"Oh, I get it your working for the pentagon." Takeshi Obata said.
"Answer my question!" Lazz demanded.
" What about your code?! There's no time!" Lazz said as he proceeded to treat himself.
" I... talked." Takeshi Obata said.
"What! Now the terrorists have both codes and can launch anytime!" Lazz said.
" It's not like I didn't fight. I managed to resist War Wolf's mind probe." Takeshi Obata said.
" He couldn't read you?! How did you do that?" Lazz asked.
"Surgical implants in my brain." Takeshi Obata said.
"Surgical implants?" Lazz questioned.
" Kind of like a psychic insulation. Everyone who knows these top-secret codes has it." Takeshi Obata said.
"Even the Darpa chief?" Lazz asked.
"Of coarse." Takeshi Obata said.
" But the Darpa chief said War Wolf got his code by reading his mind." Lazz said.
"................... I don't know." Takeshi Obata said.
" In that case, how did they get your code?" Lazz asked.
" I never had any training on how to resist torture.... " Takeshi Obata said.
" What happened to your arm?" Lazz asked.
"He broke it." Takeshi Obata said.
" Well your more then even with him now, since his blew up." Lazz said.
" Very funny. So the Darpa chief.... Is he ok?" Takeshi Obata said.
"Dead." Lazz stated.
" What?!" Takeshi Obata said.
"Anyway they have both codes now." Lazz said as he finished up with his treatments.
" Those guys are insane. They wouldn't hesitate to launch.... " Takeshi Obata said.
" I agree, but what do they really want?" Lazz asked.
" Who knows, they are most likely like us in the Dragon's industry.... Always looking forward to the next war." Takeshi Obata said.
"Anyway, do you still have the card key?" Lazz asked.
" Card keys?" Takeshi Obata asked.
"To override the detonation code! I heard you had them...." Lazz said.
" No, not anymore.... " Takeshi Obata said.
" What!? Who dose then? Not the terrorists!? " Lazz panicked.
" No. That griffin." Takeshi Obata said.
" Griffin? Who? " Lazz asked.
" That female griffin that can heal others using her G.O.N." Takeshi Obata said.
"All the griffin soldiers I've seen have been male." Lazz said as he put away his first aid supplies and took out his sketching supplies and began to use shading to make his picture better.
" She said that she was new here and she is the daughter of the griffin general Andal." Takeshi Obata said.
" A female griffin that's new here?" Lazz said.
"I gave her the card key." Takeshi Obata said.
"Ok. Where is she now?" Lazz asked.
"I don't know... try calling her using codec." Takeshi Obata said.
"Ok... fine. What frequency was she at?" Lazz asked.
" Oh it's.... oh sorry .... I forgot. " Takeshi Obata said.
"Damn it! Ok, but tell me if this doesn't work, is there some other way to prevent the nuclear launch?" Lazz asked.
"You need to find Carl kurotsuchi, one of my employees." Takeshi Obata said.
"Who's that?" Lazz asked.
" He is the team leader of the Pseudo-chimera "Adult" Project. A genius at engineering, but a little of an oddball. If there is anyone who can figure out how to stop Pseudo-chimera Adult's nuclear launch.... It's him." Takeshi Obata said.
"What if he can't come up with anything?" Lazz asked.
" You'll have to destroy it! Carl Kurotsuchi knows how to destroy it!" Takeshi Obata said.
"Where is this Kurotsuchi guy anyway?" Lazz asked.
"Well.... He is probably being held somewhere in the..... Nuclear warhead storage building. " Takeshi Obata said.
"I understand, but why all the nuclear weapons? I thought that the Nuclear Age ended with the turn of the millennium." Lazz stated.
" Oh, you're wrong. The threat of nuclear war isn't gone..... In fact it's greater then it's ever been! The amount of spent nuclear fuel and plutonium is increasing even today. Listen have you ever seen a warehouse full of nuclear material?" Takeshi Obata said.
"No." Lazz replied and proceeded to shade his picture.
"Drum and drums of nuclear waste stacked to the ceiling high. As far as you can see.... Because there is still no real way to dispose of the stuff." Takeshi Obata said.
"So they just close the lid and try to pretend it will go away?" Lazz implied.
"Essentially, yes. And they are not even doing a good job of storing it. Many of the drums are corroded, with nuclear waste seeping out of them." Takeshi Obata explained.
"Unbelievable!! " Lazz remarked as he put his hands on his face in shock.
" Not only that, but several pounds of M.U.F are reported every year." Takeshi Obata exclaimed.
"MUF?" Lazz asked.
"Yes. It stands for "martial unaccounted for". It proves that there's a large and .... Well-organized nuclear black market in nuclear materials. Furthermore, since the end of the cold War. Russian nuclear engineers, in particular, are out of work with nowhere to turn. In other words there is plenty of available nuclear martial and scientists.... For making a bomb. We live in a age where any small country can have a nuclear weapons program." Takeshi Obata explained.
"What about the other superpowers?" Lazz asked.
"Russia and china still maintain a significant nuclear presence, complete nuclear disarmament is an impossibility. To maintain our own policy of deterrence, we need a weapon of overwhelming power!" Takeshi Obata said.
" You mean Pseudo-chimera Adult right?" Lazz implied.
"Yes. You know our industry has suffered greatly as a result of the cuts military budgets.... Due to this so-called "peace" Takeshi Obata said.
"I remember hearing a lot about mergers and takeovers among the big weapons makers." Lazz said as he continued on his drawing.
" Yes. And after my company lost their bid to produce the air force's next line of fighter jet, the Pseudo-chimera Adult system was our last ace in the hole. That's why we pushed to have Adult Pseudo-chimera developed as a black project." Takeshi Obata said.
"Black Project?" Lazz asked and stopped again, not believing what he was hearing.
"Yes. Secret projects paid for by the pentagon's black budget. You can avoid a lot of red tape and get a great lead-time on your weapons production, and no one can bother you. Not even those bleeding heart liberals on the military oversight committee. " Takeshi Obata explained.
"Bribes." Lazz stated.
" I prefer to think of it as good business.... I....I....Uahgahaaghg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Takeshi screamed and passed away instantly.
"Hey snap out of it!!!" Lazz yelled and put away his drawing and checked his pulse to find he had died.
"This is Lazz!! Come in!!" Lazz yelled into his codec.
"Yes Lazz...." Quicksilver said.
"Are you listening? Now he's dead too!!" Lazz stated.
"I have no idea!" Quicksilver said in an uncertain voice.
" Don't lie to me!!" Lazz demanded.
" It looked like another heart attack, but..." Kilala said.
"Some kind of poison!?" Lazz implied.
"Well there are a lot of drugs that can cause heart attacks in large doses such as potassium chloride or dioxides.... But.... We won't be able to tell without doing an autopsy." Kilala said.
"DAMN!!" Lazz yelled.
" Lazz! I want you to find May! She is the female griffin Takeshi Obata told you about. When you do I want you two to work together to destroy Project Pseudo-chimera Adult!" Quicksilver said.
"What!? Can I trust her?!" Lazz asked.
"More then you can trust me." Quicksilver said.
"....................." Lazz had nothing to say to Quicksilver.
"Lazz! There's a lot of electrical interference from there." Eubanks stated.
"Lazz! Get a hold of yourself.... You have to believe in me if you want to get out of there alive!!" Quicksilver said in a firm voice.
Lazz shut off his codec and stood there. He had mixed feelings about everything that was happening. He thought to himself about the deaths of the Darpa chief, Rio, and the Dragon's Tech president. He was all alone now and Quicksilver gave him an order to work together with the enemy. The way Lazz was looking at it, he had already failed in his mission.... So what was the point in going on any further?
To be continued......................
Author's comment:
What will Lazz do now? Or has he given up completely?
What is it that Quicksilver is hiding?
Tune in next time.