Dragon Storm: Chapter 45: Lazz's back-up plan and the Anonymous Wanghu!
Author's Note: So we meet again! So... yeah. There's not allot of chapter writing happening like there used to be. I will admit it. I have not lived...
Dragon Storm: Chapter 46: Squad Mutiny: A cry on Deaf Ears, Everything Falls Apart!
Author's Note: Hey there again. Happy late new years everyone! My new years was boring in the sense that I had to make sure that my retarded friends didn't go through the trouble of making themselves drunk. Oh and my Christmas was depressing in...
Dragon Storm: Chapter 44: Two stories, one Author, The Dark Coastlines!
Author's Note: Hello there! Yeah... I know. "What took you so god damn long?" Well,...
Dragon Storm: Chapter 43: Dragon Talon Island Chapter, Restart!
Author's Note: Hey there, Fur balls! For those of you keeping up with the very SLOW series work I am doing, then this chapter will most likely bore you to death EXCEPT the ending. This...
Dragon Storm: Chapter 42: An Unrivaled Match: Light Vs. Dark in Fur Dreams City! Part Two!
Author's Note: I decided to split my big chapter into two. Here is the second half of the conclusion of the Fur Dreams City Arc. ^.=.^ SoFurry Cast DS-Rio:...
Dragon Storm: Chapter 40: The Moment of Collision, Falx Vs. Samiake in Fur Dreams City!
Author's Note: Hey, it's been awhile, huh? Sorry about all the delay, I've had other things to tend to, but now I am back ( I don't know how long ) and I have also worked on this next...
Dragon Storm: Chapter 39: Civil War in Fur Dreams City, Blood-Tail Vs. Shadow!
**Author's Note:** Hello there! \*Paces around house \* Hmmm... well, I have been going to the chat rooms as of late and out of the seven or...
Dragon Storm: Chapter 38: Fur Dreams City Besieged: The Evil Hand Revealed!
**Author's Note:** Hey again. Sorry to keep you waiting... I just needed to think of how to start up this next installment. I hope you...
Dragon Storm: Chapter 37: Kill or be Killed: Panic in Fur Dreams City!
**Author's Note:** Hi there! All right! It looks like this is working out pretty good for the storyline! Please enjoy more new characters!...
Dragon Storm: Chapter 36: Zero hour! The destruction of Fur Dreams City begins!
**Author's Note:** Hello again! All right, this is what some of you have been waiting for! The journal I left in terms of the "chosen six" well, some...
Dragon Storm: Chapter 35: A battle for freedom and A Sorrowful Reunion! Aisu vs. Nezbit!
**Author's Note** : Hello, long time no see! I must admit, that was the longest hiatus I have ever been on, but now that I got everything settled in real...
Dragon Storm: Chapter 34: Live or Die: Risk it All to Win it All!
**Author's Note:** Hello again! If you have not already, try to check out A soviet Dragon's new story and picture. Both of which are about...