Aciec Aeternam (etarnal Battlefield) Chapter Five
Chapter Five!
Feedback is alway's good! let me know if you see typo's :3
Carlo AKA Faukx
Chapter Five: 'Rematch'
Jake was looking at twenty-six young furs, all standing to attention in there combat outfit. Two neatly formed rows of thirteen furs lined out in front of him. "well younglings, last week was a complete disgrace for your ego's. I hope that you got rid of them because there is no place for ego's on this ship, not with so many people walking around here. Of course you already know by now that your defeat was inevitable, but you all acted like ninnies!" Jake said with a stern voice. He waited a moment to see how they would react, but they all just stared straight ahead. That was one thing they learned correct."Today we are going to fire some rounds on the firing range, I'm curious to see if you can at least hit something." He waited again, but not a face so much as twitched. "well then, move out, two rows and take your places!" Jake yelled. "Sir! Yes Sir!" They all yelled simultaneously, turned to the right as one unit and marched off. Jake followed them, pleased with what he saw. They all took their places and took a handgun from there holster. "Ready! Aim! Fire!" Jake yelled and all twenty-six troopers shot three rounds in the target, placed there handgun in front of them and stood to attention for inspection. Jake walked past them and looked to the targets, every shot they fired had landed neatly in the middle of the target. Jake nodded to them. "Okay, so you can actually hit bull's-eye, Get your handguns and come with me, I can see that you don't need any training there."
He walked out of the firing range and walked in to a room with fifty chairs lined up against the wall. In the middle of the room was a computer-system, there sat Sara Wagner, she was in control of the holo-program. "You ready Sara?" Jake asked her, "Yes Jake, I uploaded your training program this morning" she answered. "Good girl" Jake smiled. The youngsters were now standing in the holo room, they seemed to be getting a little nervous. "Take your places, I will be joining you this training to see how you fare" Jake said. They troops seemed to be taken by surprise by this but they quickly and orderly took their place. Jake joined them sitting beside Marvin. They all closed their eye's, when they opened them again they saw a very familiar landscape, all of them were lined up in two lines. Jake stepped out of the line and stood in front of them. They all looked a bit confused and taken aback by this landscape. "Yes, this is indeed the same landscape as last week, only this time I expect you to stay alive, and of course there won't be endless masses of enemy's this time so you should at least do better than last time" Jake said to them.
Out of nothing crates appeared. "In here is your equipment, you are already wearing your standard light combat armour and wearing your handgun. In here are two sniper rifles, two heavy machineguns, 4 rifles and for all of you a machinegun. The rest of it is ammo and equipment to dig in and defend. As you can see you do not have the benefit of a bunker this time, and there is no engineering team to help you set up defence. I want you to point a leader from the lot of you, he or she will lead you trough this" Jake said with stern tones, he wanted to see if they could actually get organized and work out a strategy. "The enemy will attack in about 4 hours, so get to it!"
"Sir! Yes Sir!" They yelled, they turned to each other and for a moment it seemed like they had no idea what to do. Jake pulled a paw across his face, why did he just expected something like this. Anouk broke the silence "Okay, who would actually dare to lead us to victory or take the blame?" There was a moment of silence, then Agyl raised her hand. "I could do it" She said, some of the furs including Anouk and Kenneth nodded. "And would the rest of us agree with that?" Anouk asked with a stern tone to the rest of the groups. They looked at each other. "Well, what would you plan to do if we did agree with this?" Marvin asked. Anouk rolled her eyes, there was still some ego left in him and he felt he would be the best choice, but he wasn't really ready to take blame for what could happen. Agyl told them, "Well, I would divide us into two groups with each a group leader, me and the group leaders would make a plan of defence and come up with a tactic. In the meanwhile the rest of the troop could unpack the crates, sort everything out and divide weapons and ammo. Then the group leaders can tell their group what to do, then I will watch if everything is going according to plan and talk to the group leaders so we keep each other informed. How does that sound?" They looked at each other, most of them nodded. "Well, sounds like a good plan, so how would you divide us?" Marvin said. Agyl looked around the group and was thinking for a few seconds. "Marvin, your group will be as following; James, Mary, Michael, Davie, Jennifer, Daniel, Anna, Roos, Martha, Catharina. Anouk, you take Kenneth, Donald, Joyce, Joan, Kevin, Eric, Andrew, Nicole, Cori, Peter and Rachel. Marvin and Anouk, you two come with me, the rest of you know what to do" The troops snapped to attention and came into action. Agyl walked to the top of a small ridge overlooking the valley, it was just plains and some small hills. This ridge was excellent for defence, you had the advantage of height. She turned to see Anouk and Marvin. "Well, let's think of a plan. We don't have the bunker this time and last time we totally random dug some ditches and we saw that did not work, not even against the first wave. We use this ridge as our main defence, we dig trenches along the top of this ridge for about 10 meters, we dig a strongpoint at each end and place a machinegun emplacement there. Marvin and Anouk nodded, they both seemed to agree with the plan. "Well, let's do it" Agyl said, and with that they went to work.