Siren chapter one

Story by TF141john on SoFurry

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#6 of The ones left alive

A little back story for "The ones left alive". Just something to tide you amazing furs over while I work on the next chapter.

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Civil danger warning, the following messages has been brought by the police departments of South Senna and the California police department. Several large explosives have been detonated in the city of South Senna. All near the streets of Jefferson Ace and Andrew road must evacuate to a biological shelter. Those outside of the area must evacuate your houses and get to the country. Repeat, several large explosives have been detonated in the city of South Senna. All near the streets of Jefferson Ace and Andrew road must evacuate to a fallout or biological shelter. Those outside of the area must evacuate your houses and get to the country. Please have all emergency supplies needed including battery and crank powered flash lights, spare batteries, bottled water, breathing masks, canned food, and maps of local shelters locations. All available law enforcement and bio-hazard teams are arriving to contain the area.

Police officers that were available rushed to the scene but some accidentally slept in on the sleepy sunday morning. one such officers name was Jim "Jimmy" Stone, S.W.A.T officer for South Senna and prime officer for the force. An anthro arctic fox, he often thinks of crafty ways to get a job done but usually acts more like a wolf in his team tactics and ferocity. He wakes up, the room dark from the heavy curtain...

The phone rang, seconds going by before the tone rang shrill in my ears. "Damn...I guess I'll get it." I said, brushing the hair out of my eyes and walking over to the phone. I picked up the receiver and held it to my ear "Hullo?" I leaned my head away once the phone started blaring the emergency message. I looked at the LED indicator and saw the missed calls "Crap...twenty six missed calls? All from the station? Better get going." I crept back into my room where my lovely wife was sleeping. I went into the bathroom and got ready, my S.W.A.T gear staying at my house for safer keeping and availability from being on-call. I unlocked my safe, entering the code on the pad and grabbing my two weapons. A tried and true shotgun with a pistol grip and my semi-auto. I put the shotgun in my duffle bag along with my bullet proof vest and pads. I looked over at the handgun I made for Alexis, a custom and sleek handgun, and smiled at my handy work. I walked out when I heard someone behind me "Hey, where are you going?" I turned around and saw my wife sitting up in bed. I'm sure a lucky man, marrying a beautiful wolf like her. "Nowhere Alexis, just got called in. I'll be home later, I'm gonna tell Kim that I had to go to work a bit later since my phone was disconnected." She got out of bed and walked over to me "Did they call me in too?" I told her no and she nodded. I walked over her and put my arms around her, then she kissed my muzzle. Wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling herself a bit more to my height, we stood there in the tender embrace until the phone rang again and I left out the door, needing to get to work. I told her goodbye, not knowing if I would come back alive or not.

I walked down the stairs and looked out the window, seeing three large clouds coming from the city "Damn it...better get Shane up." I jumped the rail and went to the couch. A human was sleeping there, still in the police uniform from last night "Dammit man, Alexis is gonna find out about you...and you about her." I shook him awake and tossed an energy bar at him "Hey, what gives?" I grabbed my car keys off the wall and my jacket "C'mon Shane, we gotta go. Called in for work, let's move." He got up and stretched, moving the blanket off him and walking out the door "Is Alexis coming with us?" I responded no, keeping my relationship with her a secret for the sake of not making him feel like a third wheel. Alexis knew nothing about him staying in our rec room, and I keep hoping that this doesn't become a regular thing. I opened the door and threw my duffle in the back seat. "Let's go man, this seems pretty intense." Shane jumped in the passenger side and we drove off.

Driving through the urban area, I began to pity those people who are unaware of what is happening. They won't get the message until the shelters are closed from whatever this is. In the distance an air raid siren was playing, managing to keep me even more unsettled than the average day of work makes me feel. "Hey there something that you're keeping from me?" I glanced over at him and saw he was staring at a picture I had left on the dash. It was a picture of Alexis and I on our wedding night. "Ah...yeah, about that." He just looked at me and smiled "You're a ripe bastard, aren't you. All this time you two were married and I had a coffee maker I wanted to give you. Well, guess I don't have to wait for Ben to get hitched to get rid of the thing." He gave a chuckle and put the picture into the glove box I kept driving until we reached the barricade near the initial bomb zone. What I saw nearly made me faint, armies of bodies getting shot by officers and citizens with personal arms. They were trying to kill them, everyone in the crowd. "What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled as I got out of my car. I saw why they were shooting them.

All of those in the crowd were in some state of death and decay, yet still moving toward the barricades. I grabbed my bag and Shane drew his handgun "C'mon! Let's show these things how we enforce the law around here!" I nodded and ran forward, drawing my gun and tossing the bag onto the floor next to me. I fired a few shots into the chest of one until I realized that it didn't go down even with two bullets in it's heart. The chief yelled at everyone to aim for the head, just like in the movies. I smiled coyly and shot it straight through it's brain. The creature fell and seemed to be replaced by two more. I kept firing the gun until it clicked empty. I loaded another magazine and took the shotgun out of the bag. A part of me thought this was wrong, seeing how many of these were civilians and whom never deserved this. They were just...dead. The imminent thought that came up was what the noise behind me was. I turned around and saw several officers running from a nearby building before a large explosion rocked the street. A huge force knocked me onto my back, nearly smashing my tail into a grate. I rubbed my head, feeling dizzy and out of breath.

A huge cloud was coming from the detonation site, something that people kept yelling to not breath it in before they turned into more of those things. I used my shirt to cover my muzzle as I ran over to Shane, who was helping to drag another anthro officer into the bank. I motioned over to the rest of the officers as we jumped over the teller desk "Get inside! The vault is air tight!" I looked closer and saw that there was no hope for them. Either they had become one of the dead or are getting eaten and torn apart by them. I swallowed and put an hour lock on the vault before closing it.

My former comrades, all who were alive and well ten minutes ago, had been turned into another casualty of whatever this was. I looked at my empty handgun, the sidewalk had bent the iron sights and the barrel seemed to be cracked. I sighed once the vault locked shut, sliding along the wall and falling on the floor. Shane propped the other officer up and I saw that under the dust the bomb kicked up he was a fennec fox, light gold color by what I could make of it. "So...what are we gonna do?" Shane asked, manually reloading his handgun and handing me a replacement for mine. "I'll tell you what were going to do, we are going to wait until this thing blows over and we are going to get back to our lives. There is no way this has gone unnoticed." I said, loading the gun and trying to use my confidence from showing my fear. I needed to get home to Alexis and keep Shane and this guy alive.

All we knew was the sirens, and how they had taken us to our doom.

end of chapter one.