Poem #96: Not Much of a Dancer

[creative commons license](http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nd/3.0/88x31.png)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/) [ ](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/) "not much of a dancer" by bhscorch1313 is licensed under a [creative

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Backstage Backup

She tried to stick up for me, she's great like that, but... in the end, it was more worthwhile to just go along with the record label and be her dancer full time. pays much better, even if i am getting a bit old for it."

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Dancing Magic - Quaquaval TF

"i was thinking of breathing some new life into this place, maybe turn it into a dance club or something!" "a dance club?" he asked, somewhat incredulously.

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Bountiful Expression

"bountiful expression" by juna of sofurry ([http://juna.sofurry.com](http://juna.sofurry.com)) [bountiful expression of the gravid dancer.]

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The Human Species Ch.12 - Beautiful Dancer Gallade

![murial12.png](http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/5359/murial12.png) "So, you're finally going to fight?" Pikablu asked. For as long as he had known the Gallade, he had avoided battles whenever possible. "Yep" the Gallade answered, taking a few...

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Santa's Reindeer Profiles

Dasher: age 22 • joker, and troublemaker • teaser • competitive • dominant and submissive (at his own will) • drawn to dancer for some reason • rival with comet, his only speed match.

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Digi Kimi Chapter 11: Expectation

Asked casey 'well the world national champions dancer are opening the olympics with their dancing, where they will all perform together or the main dance and do three dances choreographed by themselves with a final dances which involve the audience,' said

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Rain Dance

Talneh began his rain dance, moving with the beat of the drum, every step and hop in perfect time. he danced and he danced, moving back and forth across the space, not feeling any soreness or fatigue from the afternoon.

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An Encounter at the Foot of a Bridge

He is so skilled a dancer that the south wind feels she is honored, too, and she pauses to watch as well. dancing and dancing, and while he dances he feels his heart tearing and breaking.

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Chapter 21: In it to win it all

,' said steve ty and gillian took the dance floor with ty leading the dance, the way both dance it was hard to believe that they were mother and son as there was so much passion, elegant and grace, when the dance ended the judges were all on their feet's

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 20 (Club Shuriken - Part 3)

Neji was motionless for a second before he began to dance. hinata had never seen neji dance beyond the formal dances held at the hyuga gatherings, but neji was incredible. his movements were fluid and graceful.

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Dance in the Circle Chapter 1

#1 of dance in the circle a young woman disobeys her mother's constant admonission not to dance in fairy rings. [dance in the circle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oroibwwg3rw) don't dance in fairy circles.

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