Through the Horizon: Dasher's Return

dasher's movement awoke the slumbering fox. ron exclaimed,"dasher, you're awake!" dasher chuckled and used his voice for the first time in weeks,"yes dear, i'm awake."

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Age of Innocence: The Beginning of a Friendship

dasher was already there waiting by his mom's car. "hey! dasher! you goin' somewhere?" dasher replied, "yeah! we're going to see the mountains. my mom said you could come if you wanted."

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Through the Horizon: Part 2--Power and Negotiations

dasher chuckled, "i will remember that." dasher got up and walked out of bane's quarters, locking them behind him. the leader needed time for himself.

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Twisting Winds: New Reality

dasher knew how to live without plumbing or shelter and how to take care of things. as bane took care of business, dasher moved over to a thicker stand of trees quickly...

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Through the Horizon: A Path Forward

dasher chuckled and answered, "half of breakfast today. so, how are you holding up?" dasher approached his friend and took a seat opposite of him at the desk.

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Through the Horizon: Part 1--Secret Meetings and Private Revelations

You see, the dasher you know is not the only dasher that exists. there are many realities parallel to this one. each similar but different in unique and key ways. for example, i am dasher but then again i am not.

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Remembering Dasher Cheetah ... Some Thoughts We Shared about 7 Years Ago ...

\*hugs\* dasher cheetah * * * **my response** : thanks dasher ... i appreciate your reaching out and sharing what is likely very personal.

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A December's Night: Rudolph's First Flight

dasher bumped him with a fore leg. "father christmas asked you what your name is, son," dasher translated. "r - rudolph, sir." came the hesitant reply. dasher spoke with santa in the same unrecognizable, human language.

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Sanna Gon' Be Pissed.

dasher quipped. "w, wh, what, did, you, do?! donner screeched. dasher sighed quietly, pressing his hooves together. "there was....some unpleasantness. " he explained quietly.

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Trust and Betrayal

I came home to find dasher and logan in high spirits and making sandwiches.

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Phoenix: A Reindeer Tale

I've only been dasher for six years. \*\*\* my real name is phoenix. i'm the first female reindeer to take up the dasher role.

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Round 2 part 2: This Fire Burns

A gust of wind destroyed singe's swords, "next i use my dasher's effect, by tributing one monster on my side. he gains a thousand attack points." his dread servant shattered, dasher (atk/3100 def/1000) "attack his slicer."

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