digi kimi Chapter 16: Welcome back Ty
Everyone was shock when Ty said, 'Do I want my memory?' 'Ty, what do you mean by that?' asked Zoe 'Well, what if my I cant control my emotion, once I get it back, will I still be the same person, or will turn out to be someone different,' said...
digi kimi Chapter 15: Do I want to remember?
Everybody was on their way to the hospital, Jason was their waiting while Ty was in the surgery, once everybody got to the hospital, Jason was outside waiting for them. 'Jason, how is Ty doing?' asked Nick 'He in surgery at the moment, so I don't...
digi kimi Chapter 13: I want to be in your life
The concert was over and it was late at night, all the audience went back home, but there was a lot of press outside of the stadium, waiting for the celebrates that was there but they all went back to their hotel when they can relax, Bradford high and...
digi kimi Chapter 12: A show to remember
It was the day of the show, the morning was bright, the sun was shining high for everyone was they were excited about the show which was going to held at six o'clock. 'Ty do you want me to help you to pack anything?' asked mom 'No I'm good,' said...
Digi Kimi Chapter 11: Expectation
Ty and his friend's return to England for the winter break to enjoy it with their family, everyone enjoyed their Christmas but once it was over. 'Ty I want you start to rehearse a new dance routine for New Years day,' said his mother (a...
Digi Kimi Chapter 7: Saving a friends life
A few weeks had passed since the autumn break, everyone did the same and normal thing, but one day was different at school. 'Hay have you guys heard there's a hot girl standing outside of the school waiting for someone,' said Mike 'Oh really, she...
destiny part 1
The day of the wedding everyone was getting ready for, agumon was scared to see gabumon after what had happened yesterday, guilmon just patted him and the back and said, "If gabumon love you then he'll he understand." Agumon just nodded his head and...
digi kimi Chapter 4: Oh brother
A wager have been mad between Nick and Tony the whole school heard about it the next day everyone was talking about it even the rest of Ty friends were shocked to here about the wager. 'I cant believe Nick was that mean,' said Mike 'Well he sure was...
digi kimi chapter 2: Making a come back
A few weeks have passed since Ty Joined Bradford all boys high school, Ty has made some new friends, broke up with his so call boyfriend. Everything was going fine until one day he was walking home with Tony. "Hay Tony, what do you think will be...
digi kimi chapter 1: A new friendship
There once was a gigimon and a hornless tsunomon playing in a park they were best of friends, but one day the tsunomon went by to see his friend gigimon and told him that he was moving away, but gigimon didn't like that and held onto him and cried...
Chapter 21: In it to win it all
It was time for everyone to go the separate way to compete all expect for Brandon and Jenny who weren't competing in any of them but will be there to support them all the way, as their medical team thank to Jason training them up. But before the group...
Chapter 20: Last chance to rest
It has been 2 months and the date of National championship competition near, Ty has been training himself and the BSB cheerleading team (which the St Blossoms cheerleaders joined in and Ty was the only guy), but he has also been training with Nick and...