digi kimi chapter 1: A new friendship

Story by lilgabu on SoFurry

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#1 of digi kimi

There once was a gigimon and a hornless tsunomon playing in a park they were best of friends, but one day the tsunomon went by to see his friend gigimon and told him that he was moving away, but gigimon didn't like that and held onto him and cried begged him not to leave, but the tsunomon look at him sadly and kiss gigimon on the lips and ran away saying ‘Goodbye.' Gigimon was chased after him and jumped onto his back crying didn't wanting tsunomon and kissed him on the lips, and said, "Promise me, you will come back," tsunomon just nodded and left gigimon alone.

~~~~~10 years later~~~~~

"Hay, Ty (A hornless gabumon that also look like a girl) are you sure you want to go to that all boy school over in America?" said Zoe (A gatomon)

"Yeah I'm sure," said Ty

"Ok, I just that things are going to be boring here without you," said Zoe

"I'm sorry Zoe but it something I really want to do," said Ty

"I know, it to study aboard," said Zoe

"I'm so glad you understand," said Ty

"Anyway are you going to meet up with Cliff (A build tiger)?" asked Zoe

"Hell yeah, he is my internet boyfriend after all, and I think it about time we became a real couple," giggled Ty

"Ok just be careful ok," said Zoe

~~~~~A few days later~~~~~

"Crap, I'm late for school," said Ty as he was in a taxi on his way to his new school in California, the taxi drive then smiled and said "Don't worry, we get you to Bradford all boy school in a little bit," Ty just nodded and look out the window, within a few minutes the taxi got to the Bradford all boy boarding school, the taxi drive drop him off there and drove off with his stuff in the truck, Ty shouted stop and chase after the taxi, and gave up chasing it and just went to school, Ty went too reception and told him he was a transfer student from the UK, the receptionist gave Ty a time table of his lesson and walked him to his first class, he knock on the door and a built bear came out said to Ty "You must be the new student, I'm Mr. Thomson," Ty just look up and nodded at this teacher and followed him inside to the class.

"Listen everyone we have a new transfer student from the UK, you can introduce yourself now," said Mr. Thomson, everyone look at Ty weirdly because he a hornless gabumon, he also look like a girl and his head fur is long and tied up.

"Hi everyone my name Ty and I'm 17 years old, its nice to meet you all," said Ty

"Ok you can go take a seat there behind cliff (a built tiger)," said Mr. Thomson

Ty walked over to his desk then a hyena looking student stuck his leg out to trip Ty up, Ty trip on it but he put one on his paws on the floor and did a one handed cartwheel back onto his feet, the hyena student then said "Damn it," Ty smiled and then said "Better luck next time and sat down at his desk."


The bell rang indicating it was lunchtime, and everyone headed out for there lunch, Ty didn't make any friends but when he look outside the classroom window and saw a cherry blossom tree, and there was no one there, so Ty made his way to the tree. Once Ty got there, there was someone already there a guilmon (slightly over weight) reading and eating his lunch there, so Ty went up and talked to the guilmon.

"Hay my name Ty, is it ok if I sit here?" asked Ty

"Yeah sure, by the way the Tony," said Tony

"Thanks," said Ty as he smiled at Tony, Tony slightly blushed and hide it from Ty by putting his head down and continued reading his book. Ty sat down on the opposite side of the tree got his lunch out and a book to read in silence. After a few minutes Ty fell a sleeping and Tony was packing his things up and get himself ready for his next lesson, he thought he wake Ty up and walk to lesson with him since he was in his class this morning, Tony nudged Ty a few time, but Ty didn't wake up so Tony carried him to the first aid room.

~~~~~A Few hours later~~~~~

Ty woke up and he was confused where he was and got out of the bed he was lying in.

"Where do you think your going," said a Taomon that was sitting at a desk and smoking a cigarette.

"I got to go back to lesson sir," said Ty

"What the point, you sleep most of the day," said Taomon

"What!!! It must be my lack of sleep on the plane his morning," said Ty

"Oh you're the new transfer student, then, ah I see why now you wont wake up after we called you so many times," said Taomon

"Oh ok, anyway my name Ty sir," said Ty

"Jason Ukia, but you can call me Jason," said Jason

"Anyway thanks for taking care of me Jason, but I think I better get going now," said Ty

"Its my job, but your not going yet," said Jason as he pushed Ty back onto the bed and came close to his face, and felt up his back. Ty started blushing like crazy and asked Jason a question "Jason are you gay?" Jason then back off and stuck his thumb up and said "Bingo," with a sarcastic face, Ty then fell to the floor from that reaction he got from the school doctor. Ty then left the first aid room and then crashed into someone.

"Sorry about that," said Ty and then he saw cliff from this morning

"Don't worry about it Ty," said cliff

"You know my name already," said Ty

"Well how can I forget my internet boyfriend," said cliff

Ty just blushed and hugged with joy, cliff hugged him and lifted Ty up and kissed him on the cheeks, Ty just blushed more, and then put Ty down and held his paws and walked with him to the dorm building where he will be staying. Once they got to the dorm building a renamon student came up.

"You must be the new transfer student Ty right? Well my name is Blake," said the renamon

"Yeah, how do you know I was the new student?" asked Ty

"I was inform by the school, beside that this is where you will be staying with all the other student in dorm 2," said Blake

"Yeah I kinda have a slight problem," said Ty, then cliff looked down at Ty being confused what was wrong.

"And what is that? May I ask," asked Blake

"My things got taken away by a taxi driver," said Ty

"Oh that not a problem, your stuff is over at the reception here, cause we got a load of stuffed dropped of here this morning," said Blake

"What!!!" said Ty with shocked, Ty then ran to the reception area to get it. Ty got all his stuff back from the receptionist and was happy about it.

"Now that you got your stuff back let take you to your room where you be spending for the rest of the years here," said Blake

Ty got his stuff with cliff helping him out to carrying them, they walked long a corridor full of room until they reach the room number 201. Blake opened the door and they walked in and found a lot of books on the floor next to a bed, then tony walked out of the bathroom topless with tallow around his neck.

"Hay Blake, what's up?" said Tony

"Here what is going on, Ty here is a new student and he will be sharing this room with you," said Blake

"Whatever," said Tony, then cliff came into the room and they them both gave evil stares at each other

"Ty you're not staying in this room with this loser," said cliff

"Why not cliff?" asked Ty

"I'm not letting my little puppy with his loser," said cliff

"Well this is where I will be stay so don't be mean to tony, he's a nice guy, right Blake," said Ty

"There nothing wrong with tony, in fact I think you guys might get long great," said Blake

"Do whatever you want, I don't mind," said Tony as he started to put his books away.

"Fine do whatever you want," smirked cliff, as he walked out of the room, Ty felt a bit sad but then Blake put his arm around Ty and said, "Forget about it, I'll give you a tour around dorm 2," Ty nodded and followed Blake, Blake took Ty around showing where the laundry room is, the social areas and where dining area is. In the dinner all the student were getting the dinner or eating it, then Blake made a big announcement "Hay everyone this is Ty he's a new student here from the UK so treat him nicely ok," then he left Ty on his own getting his dinner. Ty just went off to go get his dinner and then and try to make some new friends while he was there, we went up to a table that has a few student on it, there was a veemon, a purple creature that has horns and wings, a purple dragon and a grey wolf.

"Hi is it ok if I sit here?" asked Ty

"Yeah sure," said the purple dragon

"Hay you must be Ty," said veemon

"Yeah, I am, and what your name?" asked Ty

"My name is Michael," said the veemon

"The name Josh but you can call me Draggy," said the purple dragon

"My name is Michael but you can call me Mike," said the grey wolf

"I'm Casey nice to meet you," said the purple creature

"It nice to meet you all," said Ty

"Well there still two more guy to come then the whole group is together," said Draggy

"Oh and what are their names?" asked Ty

"Well one called Thomas and he's a nave blue dragon and the other is Tony he's a guilmon," said Casey

"Oh really, that cool," said Ty

"Anyway what room are you staying in Ty?" asked Mike

"I'm staying in room 201 with Tony," said Ty

"WHAT!!!" shouted that table

"What's wrong?" asked Ty

"You see Tony is a loner, we're lucky to be his friends," said Michael

"Why what wrong with Tony?" asked Ty

"We'll you see Tony was a high jumper before he came to Bradford but he got into an accident and he quite high jumping and he lonely by himself after that," said Michael

"Aww poor guy," said Ty

"Hay guys what are you talking about, oh who the new guy," everyone turn around and saw Thomas and Tony

"Oh this is Ty Thomas, he new here and he's our new friend," said Draggy

"Well hi there I'm Thomas, nice to meet you Ty," said Thomas as he sat opposite Ty

"Yeah it's a pleasure to meet you as well Thomas," smiled Ty, then Tony sat down next to him

"So where are you from Ty?" asked Thomas

"I'm from the UK," replied Ty

"Wow that cool, so are you here by yourself or do you have family here?" asked Thomas

"I'm here by myself," said Ty

"Wow, your brave but you must be lonely here by yourself without your family," said Casey

"Only a little I making new friends and I have Cliff here, to keep me comfort," said Ty

"Do you mean Cliff that build tiger, over there on the Jock table?" asked Casey

"Yeah that him," said Ty

"Is he your best friend or something," asked Tony

"No he was my internet boyfriend but now, were gonna be dating now," said Ty

"What your gay," said Michael

"Yes I am, is that a problem?" asked Ty

"Oh no, it was just a shocker, don't worry none of use homophobic," said Draggy

"Is there something wrong with Cliff for some reason everyone don't like him," asked Ty

"Well you see he a jerk that pick on other because their weaker than him," said Thomas

"Beside that he can never stay in a relationship for long, because he just judge others on sex then dumped them straight after it," said Draggy

"What did you say?" said Cliff as he picked Draggy up by the neck

"Hay put him down," as the whole of the table stood up

"Ooo I'm so scared of you weaklings," laughed Cliff

"Cliff put him down," said Ty with rage

Cliff just dropped Draggy onto the floor went to Ty and picked him up by the neck.

Then Blake came over and said "Cliff put him down now or we're kicking you out of here,"

"No body bosses me around," shouted Cliff, then he turn to Ty and see him crying, and holding onto the tiger strong wrist, then Tony tackles him making let go of Ty, Ty was falling to the floor then Mike caught him in his arms, Blake was really angry at Cliff for what he has done, holding to creature by the neck nearly killing them, "That it your going to dorm 1 where all the muscle idiot's are," shouted Blake

"Haha like that gonna happen, you have no right to send over there," laugh Cliff

"That what you think, as dorm head I do have that power to kick anyone out of this dorm building, now get lost,"

Cliff just work off and punched the wall and also shouted "Its over between us Ty, you better beware now," Ty just looked at him with a broken heart, and start crying in Mike arms, Draggy then crawled over to Ty and hugged and said "Thank you for saving me," then Ty stopped crying, and though to himself I'm way to sensitive. Later on that night Ty made a phone call to Zoe, hoping that he could get some good advice from her.

"Hay Zoe its Ty, how are you doing," said Ty

"Oh hay how America and the new school, have you made any friends yet, have you met up with Cliff as well?" asked Zoe

"America is great, I like the school cause the teachers are nice, I made a couple of friends and yes I met up with Cliff," answered Ty

"So what is he like?" question Zoe

"Not what I expected," said Ty

"Oh really like what?" asked Zoe

"He a jerk and a bully who pick on the weak," said Ty

"So I guess its over between you guys then," said Zoe

"Yeah, oh well, anyway I got to go and unpack my stuff, so I'll call you later," said Ty

"Ok I talk to you later have fun over there and be careful," said Zoe

"Will do," said Ty as he put the phone down, and walked back to his room, and started unpacking his stuff, it took Ty an hour and bit of unpacking stuff, the he went into the bathroom to have a shower, while he was having a shower Tony walked into the room and took his top off an then he walks into the bathroom where Ty was having a shower, Ty then open the shower certain to see who it was and saw Tony, Tony was Ty head pop out, they both were shock to see each other then Tony quickly went outside and apologized for walking into the bathroom, Ty turn the shower off and quickly dried himself off, and shouted "Its ok, you can have the bathroom now," and then ran out and climbed into his bed without saying a word to Tony that night.

Tony was inside the bathroom his head was above the sink with blood dripping out of nose, and then he said to himself, "Way do I feel like this, every time I see that guy today," back to Ty in his bed, "That was close thank god he didn't see my back," said Ty as he was talking to himself, and slowly he fell a sleep.

~~~~~The next morning~~~~~

Ty got up early and went into the bathroom so that he can get himself really for school but getting his bag and uniform on before Tony got up, once Ty was done in the bathroom he open the door and saw Tony standing right there half awake.

"Wanna go and eat breakfast?" asked Tony

Ty heart was beating at a fast pace and then Ty answered "Yeah," then Tony put one of his claws on Ty shoulder and said "I'll be five minutes," Ty just smile at Tony and nodded his head. Ty just sat on Tony bed and waited for him, Tony came out all dress up and grabbed his bag, and left his room with Ty.

digi kimi chapter 2: Making a come back

A few weeks have passed since Ty Joined Bradford all boys high school, Ty has made some new friends, broke up with his so call boyfriend. Everything was going fine until one day he was walking home with Tony. "Hay Tony, what do you think will be...

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yes or no

The next morning, gabumon got up late and he felt really rough because he not slept on a sofa before, and he noticed agumon, so he went to check his bedroom was gaomon and guilmon around, when he went in, they were gone, so he went to wake up...

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decision on agumon's

Gabumon was back from the recording agumon was happy that gabumon was back, and that he has forgiven, agumon tried his best to make everything he do to make gabumon happy, but gabumon didn't care because he just glad that agumon is back with him. ...

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