digi kimi Chapter 15: Do I want to remember?

Story by lilgabu on SoFurry

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#15 of digi kimi

Everybody was on their way to the hospital, Jason was their waiting while Ty was in the surgery, once everybody got to the hospital, Jason was outside waiting for them.

'Jason, how is Ty doing?' asked Nick

'He in surgery at the moment, so I don't know,' said Jason

Nick punched the wall 'Damn, I his older brother, how can I let something like that happen to him, I wont be able to look at him the same way again,' said Nick

Tony put his hand on Nick's back, 'I know how you feel, I feel the same way,' said Tony

'We all feel the same Nick, so don't beat yourself up,' said Zoe

'I can't, it my reasonability to protect him, I couldn't do it now, and I couldn't do it back then,' said Nick

'Back then,' said the other

'Nick, you should go inside and wait, I think I should tell them this, Amanda, Becky do you mind going with Nick? And Jasmine, I'm sorry, but can you call Ty parent an let them know what happen,' said Zoe

'Sure,' said Jasmine

'No, Jasmine, I'll do,' said Nick

'We, come with you, so that you don't have to suffer alone,' said Amanda, as they four of them left to go inside

'So what happen back then, when Nick said he couldn't protect Ty?' asked Sara

'Well it something, that we really don't want to remember, but I guess you deserve to know the truth about Ty back,' said Zoe

'Yeah, I was wondering about that, Ty never me about it,' said Sara

'I didn't want to ask him, it a bit of a torchy thing for a teacher to know from a student, but since Zoe isn't a student at my school I'm all ears,' said Jason

'Well it happen 5 years ago now, it was when Ty was 12 year old, he was just starting middle school just like us. Me, Amanda, Becky and Jasmine were all friends with Ty since pre-school, and Nick was in his third year of middle school. We were all looking at club to join, us girl wanted to join the cheerleading club, I was the only one that didn't get on the team, I was really down about it, Ty want to get onto the football team, so he can be strong like Nick, and he because of Nick help with train, because they would always play catch with a football, I was interested in join football team, but as you know nearly all male coach are sexist and wont let female play men sport, Ty didn't the idea of me getting left so he and Nick help me, just to prove to most guys wrong, so when I tried out for the football team, I was good enough to join the team being a girl of course beside I was better than most of the guys there, but I still got rejected for being a girl. So I went on a protest about how sexist the coach. All the girls in the school joined in, even the female staff joined in, Ty and Nick help me out a lot including with the protest, Nick could easily protect himself, but Ty couldn't Nick was protecting from the guys, I felt really bad for Ty for getting him into that situation, so I asked him not to help me with the protest anymore. But he refused to listen to me, because he said back then 'If, I stop helping out one of my best friends when they believe in something, I wouldn't have the right to call myself a friend, no matter how big or small it is I will always stand by my friends, but that what truly count.' So Ty continue helping me out with the protest, and when the school finally agree to allow girls to male sport as well, Ty got kick off the football team, I felt really bad for him, be he just smile, and said 'So what about it, it only football there plenty of other sport club to join,' but it wasn't fine at all, none of the sport team would let Ty join them, because he was isolated as a male traitor to men sports. So his only option was the creative art club or the girls clubs. But what was worse he was getting bullied by a lot of the guys at school and they we're mainly in the sport department, this happen for half of the year, but then that one day, Ty got force to go onto the football field next to the short shed, both me and Nick was training on the field training, and where the cheerleader were practicing as well, we all saw them surrounding Ty we through that they we're apologizing to for picking on him, but it was the opposite, it was to lead me and Nick into a trap. They just started beating Ty up, me, Nick Amanda, Becky and Jasmine rushed over to help out, because it was ten of them against Ty, they just went over the limit with that, and that pissed Nick off. But when we got there, the were more guys there and they just held onto us from behind and made us watch while Ty was getting beat up.'

'Man that must had been harsh,' said Thomas

'Damn it, what bullies,' said Tony

'That explain why Ty fought back today in school when he was protecting me some of the art guys,' said Brandon

'What Ty was fighting today, to protect you,' said Mick

'Man, we shouldn't let Ty past haunt him anymore,' said Michael

'This make me feel like an asshole now,' said Cliff

'Your not the only on Cliff,' said Frankie

'Man some sport guys can be dicks,' said Draggy

'I feel sorry for Ty,' said Jenny

'That middle school student,' said Jason

'Yep brainless head expect for Brandon he an expectation,' said Sara

'There must some be a reason behind it,' said Blake

'If your finish there more to the story,' said Zoe

'Sorry, please continue,' said everybody, even James sat still and listen

'As I was saying, while Ty was getting beaten up in front of us, the coach which we thought that was there to stop the bullying, but he just picked Ty up and threw him into the shred a few times, and he said that day, 'This what happen when weak guys like you help girls to play men sports, girls are weak and helpless,' but Ty disagree with him and said 'Girls are not weak and helpless as you think, some maybe, some are more capable protecting themselves,' the coach out really annoyed what Ty said to him, so he pick Ty up and threw him at the shed one more time, but he threw Ty into the window where his back smashed right through it, a lot of glass pierced into his back, what was worse Ty back was fractured his spin, the coach only laughed, but what he said was unforgivable. 'You guys can stop bullying him now, you can stay on the team, and make your family proud that you're a good sportsman.'

'So it was the coach that organised the bullying on Ty,' said everyone

'What an asshole, men like him make me sick,' said Sara

'Sometime I wish I was a girl, this just make us men despicable,' said Jason

'Yep,' said the other guys

'This is why I don't date sport guys,' said Jenny

'As I was saying, it was the coach doing, but lucky for use the cheerleading coach was there to witness it all, so the next day he was sacked and sue by Ty parent, beside put into jail for attacking a child, all the sport guys apologise to Nick for picking on Ty, Nick didn't accept their apologise after what happen to Ty, So me and Nick drop out of the football them and join different club outside of school, we both felt powerless in protecting Ty, after that incident, we all swear those scare and this story should never be reveal to people who are not trustworthy, and that we will protect Ty from harm, since he is always there for us. So that the story behind those scar of Ty, it not have mean anything to you guys now, but to us, it a reminder of how we failure to protect Ty someone that is close enough to be call family,' said Zoe

Everybody started crying, because that is a sad and emotional story expect for Jason and Sara who was kind of their emotion back, well mainly Sara, Jason is mainly emotionless most of the time, but not knowing Lucas was in the Brush behind listening to that story.

'Ty I'm sorry I was an ass to you,' shouted Cliff

'I fail as his boyfriend,' said Tony with a depressed voice

'Why, Ty, he is kind and sweet an also caring why do bad thing always happen to him,' shouted Casey

'I feel really sorry for Ty having such a hard life,' cried Jenny

'I wish I can make it better, some how,' said Thomas

'I going to be a even better friend to Ty,' said Brandon

'We should all protect him from now on,' said Michael

'Agreed,' said the other student expect for Blake

'I cant I have other reasonability,' said Blake

'What ever you failed as a dorm head to keep some safe under you eyes as dorm head,' said Jason, which nailed it right on the spot.

Jasmine came running out, 'Guys, Ty family are coming over, right now,' said Jasmine

'What!!!' said everyone

'Look like we're going to the airport soon, said Jason

'No need since Ty dad work at the hospital they going use the hospital helicopter, Ty mother work at the hospital reception when she is really needed,' said Jasmine

'So how long will it take them to get here?' asked Jason

'About 4 hours, just be glad grandma and grandpa aren't coming right Zoe' said Jasmine

'Yeah or they will have an heart attack,' said Zoe

'Guys.. Ty out of surgery,' said Becky as she rushed out of the door

'Wait before we go in, we have to take care of one thing,' said Blake

'What is that?' asked Cliff

'James get rid of that intruder,' said Blake, James just ignore Blake

'Sorry Blake, but James only listen to me and Ty only,' said Tony

'Then tell you dog to get rid of the rat behind that bush over there,' shouted Blake as he pointed to the one Lucas was hiding in

'James you head him, you can even bit that rat if u want,' said Tony, James just jumping in front of the brush and barked loudly scaring the living day light out of Lucas, making pop out.

'Get lost Lucas,' Shouted Zoe, Becky and Jasmine

'No, I want to stay for Ty sake, I want to apologize to him for the trouble I cause him,' said Lucas

'You do realise your going to die, if Nick find out you're here,' said Tony

'I don't care, I really want to see Ty,' said Lucas

'Fine it you death wish, let go everyone,' said Frankie

'I'm staying out here,' said Tony

'Why Tony, don't you want to see Ty?' asked Casey

'Who going to look after James then?' asked Tony

'Good point, ok when we find his room, well let you know,' said Sara, so everyone went inside

Amanda was in the lobby waiting for everyone, and she took them to Ty room where nick was talking to the doctor, once everyone got there, the doctor left. Nick was upset to hear what the doctor told.

'What wrong Nick? What did the doctor say?' asked Zoe

'Ty, was in serious in danger in losing life if we let him any longer, but there was also some heavy damage in his head, he could become mentally disable or have memory lost, any of the two is possible with the amount of damage he taken on his head, and he is in a coma now,' said Nick

Everyone was to hear what Nick said, and was speechless

'Everyone we're leaving, you have school tomorrow, and I don't think Ty will be awake anytime soon, so come back after school tomorrow and see,' said Jason

'I'm staying,' said Zoe

'Me too,' said Amanda and Becky

'Yeah Ty is like family to us, so were not leaving him,' said Jasmine

'Fine, come on guys, teacher order' said Jason

'Fine, we back tomorrow, take it easy guys, don't burn yourself out,' said Frankie

'Come on, Sara do you mind giving me a life to the port, I left my car there,' said Jason

So the other left they told Tony and Lucas to go back to the dorm, but when everyone got back couldn't they went straight into their room, even Brandon had to go get his stuff to his room and unpack everything before going to bed. But no one could go to sleep, after what had happen to their dear friend.

~~~~~Meanwhile in Ty dream~~~~~

There were two-baby digimon, in the park playing in the sand, there was gigimon and a hornless tsunomon, who was having fun playing with no one to, disturbed them. But Ty was watching them, but they couldn't see Ty, Ty said to himself, 'I have had this dream in years, it bring back a lot of memory, I wish I had a photo taken, so Ty just watch the while it carried on.

'Hay Gigi, do you think we will be friends forever?' asked Tsuni

'Yeah, I think we will be friends forever, you're the best friend I ever had,' said Gigi

'You're my best friend too, and I want to stay with you forever,' said Tsuni

'Yeah, do you want to go and play tag?' asked Gigi

'Yeah let play, tag,' said Tsuni

'Ok, I go first,' said Gigi as he counted to ten

Tsuni was thinking where to hid, by the time he could pick a place Gigi finished counting to ten, 'Tsuni I found you better run or I will catch you,' said Gigi

'Try catching if you can,' said Tsuni as he jumped away from Gigi

By the time Gigi caught Tsuni they we're both tired, so they decided to take a nap time under the tree shade next to where Ty was standing. A little time had gone past, and a wanyamon came along 'Tsuni time to go home' and there was a growlmon behind wanyamon 'Gigi time to head home son,' they both heard to their family member and went home,

'See you tomorrow Gigi,' said Tsuni

'See tomorrow Tsuni,' said Gigi

The next day was the same as the first day, but the ending was different, growlmon got a pocket penknife out and craved into the tree 'Gigi and Tsuni friends forever.'

'I ready that, man I really miss Gigi, I wonder what he is up to now,'

But the next day it was different, Tsuni was outside of Gigi house, and he was upset, 'Tsuni what's wrong?' asked Gigi

'I'm sorry Gigi I cant play with you today,' said Tsuni

'It ok, we can play tomorrow,' said Gigi

'I cant play with ever again, I'm moving to England today,' cried Tsuni

'No, no, no you can't, we're best friends, and we will be forever, you promise me, Tsuni,' said Gigi as he started to cry

'I'm sorry, Gigi, I have to go, I'm going to miss you,' said Tsuni as he ran away

'Wait, Tsuni, wait for me,' shouted Gigi, Tsuni turn around Gigi was right in front Tsuni face, Gigi cried and he kissed him, Tsuni eyes closed and tears came out, Tsuni broke the kiss and ran off 'I wont ever forget you Gigi,' shouted Tsuni. Within a few minutes when Gigi went back home, Tsuni van went past, Gigi chase after it, 'Tsuni I will wait for you, come and find me some day,' shouted Gigi

Ty was crying when he saw that, 'Gigi was my first love, and the first one person I loved,' said Ty he stood behind Gigi as he was crying on the street, Gigi then turn around and said to Ty 'It time Tsuni, it time to wake up and find me, I'm still waiting for you, please don't forget about me Tsuni, we're going to be friends forever, and I want to stay by your side forever Tsuni, so please wake up and find me Tsuni,'

~~~~~Back in the real world~~~~~

Four days have past since Ty been in the hospital, his family and friends, his family haven't left his side once at all, his friends came after school and left late hoping that Ty will wake up. But after Ty long dream he finally woke up.

'Where am I?' said Ty

'Ty you're a wake, my baby a wake,' said Gillian as she hugged Ty,

'Glad you're a wake son, you had us worried,' said Jim as he hugged Ty

'I'm glad you're a wake, sorry that I couldn't protect you Ty, I promise not to let it happen again,' said Nick as he was hugging Ty, Gillian and Jim

'Ok, thanks for the hug and concern, but who are you people, and who is this Ty person' said Ty

As soon as Ty said that they all freak out. 'Jim do something you're a doctor, you should know what going on, my baby doesn't even recognize us,' cried Gillian as she ran out crying

'Yeah dad you should be able to do something, help Ty get his memory back,' said Nick

'Where my fur, why am I naked,' said Ty with a lot of shock

'Here you fur,' said Nick as he handed Ty fur to him

'That's not my fur, my fur is orange, not blue,' said Ty

Ty then ran into the bathroom and screamed, 'What happen to me, why am I a gabumon? I'm a Tsunomon, not a gabumon'

'Calm down Ty,' said Nick as he held onto Ty,

Ty broke down and was crying and shaking, 'Who am I, I'm so scared where my brother, where my mommy and daddy, where is Gigi' cried Ty

'Gigi,' said Jim

'Nick let go, I know where is brain put his personality, he back when he was hour years old before the law change, and when we was in our previous form,' said Jim

'Is that true Jim?' said Gillian as she was back into the room

'Ok, let give it a try, Nick let go of time,' said Jim

Nick let goes of Ty and Jim just kneel down next to his son, 'Hay Tsuni it me daddy, don't be scare, mommy and wanya is here as well,' said Jim

'How do you know my name? I don't believe you're my family, prove it,' said Ty

Gillian begins to hum Ty favourite tune when he was a baby, Jim begins to tap his feet to the humming and Nick begin to sing along with it, Ty slow clam down, and clap to the beat.

'Mommy, Daddy, Wanya, is that really you?' asked Ty, the three of them just hugged Ty because they were so worried.

'Jim can we talk outside?' asked Gillian as she and Jim went outside to talked leaving Ty in Nick care,

'How are we going to explain this to Ty school and friends, they will all be so heart broken to hear Ty lost his memory, of the past 13 years,' said Gillian

'We'll let take him home it might be able to bring some of his memory back,' said Jim as they went back inside

Nick got Ty to put his fur back on, but Ty look completely different with short hair, he look more like a guy now, then a young cute girl, 'Man I guess I well have to learn to deal with this new look on you Tsuni,' said Nick

'What do you mean wanya, am I not cute anymore?' asked Ty as he tilt his head to the left

'Well you see, you use look a lot cute then you look now' said Nick, as he got his wallet out and showed a photo to Ty of the two of them last summer on vacation

'Wow she really cute, is she your girlfriend Wanya?' asked Ty

'NO silly, that you,' said Nick as he patted Ty on the head

'What I need to in the mirror,' said Ty, when he look in the mirror his face just dropped and went back to bed, 'Wanya I'm not cute anymore,' said Ty, Nick just hugged Ty, 'Ssshhhhh, it's alright big brother here, your always my gut little brother,' said Nick

'Daddy, mommy, when I'm all better, can I go to the park and play with Gigi?' asked Ty

'Sure but, Gigi wont be their for a while, he has gone on holiday with his family,' said Jim

'Oh ok, but can we still go to the park daddy?' asked Ty

'Sure,' said Jim

'Do you even remember which park is it?' whisper Gillian

'Not a clue hun,' said Jim

'Don't worry, I know where it is,' said Nick

'Thank god some body remember, I forgot where it was,' said Gillian

'Mommy forgot, where that part is, bad mommy daddy will be mad,' said Ty

'Why that honey?' asked Gillian

'Mommy told me that where she first met daddy, that why I like that park,' said Ty

'Oh yeah, he is right, that was where we first met, no wonder he liked playing there,' said Jim

'What daddy forgot to, bad daddy,' said Ty

'Sometime it feel like we're talking to a big baby, sweetheart,' said Gillian

'Yeah but it not his fault,' said Jim

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, everyone turn they head to the door and thought 'Crap we forgot about Ty friends,'

'Who there,' said Ty

'Zoe,' said Zoe

'Zoe who?' said Ty

'Zoe your best friends who has been worried sick about you, now open the door,' said Zoe

'Nick can you take care of this for us, you can handle Zoe,' said Jim

Nick went outside to talk to Zoe but he didn't let her into the room.

'Nick when did Ty get up?' asked Zoe

'About an hour ago,' said Nick

'Oh god that great,' said Zoe

'Yeah, I know and all,' said Nick

'What wrong Nick, your not happy that Ty back up and a wake, wait till the other get here we can put on a welcome home party,' said Zoe

'Zoe I don't want any of you guys to see Ty for a while, or you just get hurt,' said Nick, Zoe eyes widely opened

'Why, what happen to Ty, tell me Nick,' shouted Zoe

'Let go outside and talk about this, and I want to tell you all this together,' said Nick

'Fine everyone will be here soon anyway,' said Zoe with angry in the voice

Half an hour has past, and all of Ty friends had arrived to the hospital, including Lucas, who everyone hates at the moment, even James Hates Lucas.

'Ok let me start by thanking everyone for coming everyday, it means a lot to me and my parent, that Ty has suck caring friends,' said Nick

'Nick what is going, you made it sound like Ty died or something?' Said Draggy

'Oh no, Ty fine and he a wake now,' said Nick

'Oh my god, thank heaven,' said everyone

'But you guys can see him for a while,' said Nick

'What!' said everyone

'Why? Nick?' asked tony

'Did he for get who we are or something?' asked Frankie

'Yes the exactly, correct, right now he think he 4 years old, so none you exist to right now,' said Nick

'No, no, no,' said the girls as they drop to the floor and starts crying

'That possible all the good memories we had together up till now, is all gone,' said Thomas

'I don't believe it,' said Casey as he kick the floor

'Wow, so this is what it feel like to know somebody, that doesn't even know you, it kind hurts,' said Draggy

'Wow, we just lost our best friends guys, and we don't know when he will be coming back,' said Michael, James just howled, tony just hugged and said 'It be ok boy, we're going to be fine.'

'Mommy, Daddy I hear a doggy,' I going outside to have a look,' said Ty

'Ok honey just be careful,' said Gillian

'Ok, thank you mommy, I want to play with wanya as well,' said Ty as he ran out the door

'Hay isn't that Ty over there?' asked Brandon

'Hay wanya, what you are doing,' asked Ty as he join onto Nick backs, 'Who are they? Are they your friends?' asked Ty

As soon as everyone heard those word come out of Ty mouth, the Ty they knew just seem suddenly smashed to pieces,

'Wow is that an Arcanine,' said Ty as he got of Nick back, and went over trying to pet James on the head, but he was to tall for Ty reach

'Be careful Tsuni, don't make him mad,' said Nick

'Tsuni?' said Everyone

'Yeah that was his name before the Law change where we had to use a different name not out species name,' said Nick

'No wonder he called you wanya,' said Lucas

'Lucas get lost or I will kill you,' said Nick

'Hay, what the doggy names?' asked Ty

'Oh it James, Tsuni,' said Tony

'Can I play with James Mr. guilmon?' asked Ty, when Ty said that Tony heart skipped a beat

'Sure, James Do you want to play with him?' asked Tony, James Nodded his head, and kneel down so Ty could climb on this back James then ran in circle in the car park, with Ty on his back, Ty suddenly fell sleep and slept of James back and said in his normal voice, 'I love you James, please don't change,' James heard what Ty said, and slowly walk over to Nick giving Ty over to him, James then turned around to Lucas and started barking at him trying to get rid of him, which it did.

'I wonder what got into James all of a sudden,' asked Amanda

'I love you James, please stay the same as always,' said Ty in his sleep

'What TY remember James, hay do you think, certain smell bring back Ty memory?' asked Frankie

'That could possible work, but it's a long shot,' said Jim as he walks out

'Beside I want my son back,' said Gillian

'Well going to a park that not far from here, if you like, you can come along,' said Jim

'No thanks, I don't think my heart can handle this anymore,' said Cliff

'Your not the only,' said Zoe

'I'll go,' said Lucas

'No, your not, we're getting a restriction order on you,' said Gillian

'Why? I'm just trying to help' said Lucas, everyone surrounded him

'Help, you say! James takes Ty some where please,' said nick as he put Ty on James back, 'Help, your broke my brother, you get kidnapped and taken hostage, while we have to watch painful get beat up and powerless to do anything about it, he nearly lost his life, and now he has no memories of his close friends, he even forgot who he was, you called this helping,' shouted Nick

'Yeah thanks for destroy my son life, I baby couldn't even recognise us, do you know how painful for us that is you little shit,' shouted Gillian

'I never want to see you, around my family again,' said Jim

'All you done, you have ruin Ty life you asshole,' shouted Tony

'Just go away Lucas, even I hate you,' said Brandon

Emma suddenly came up with a bunch of flower, 'Excuse me, are you Ty's friends and family?' asked Emma

'Emma thank god you're here, please save me,' cried Lucas

'Lucas get away from me, I cant forgive what you, you done to my idol,' said Emma

'But Emma, not you to, how did you know?' asked Lucas

'Brandon told me everything, what has happen so far, I just came to pay my respect to Ty,' said Emma

'Even your own band mate sick of you,' said Zoe

'Yes, this is worse thing you could ever do, so I'm sorry but I'm leaving the band as well,' said Emma

'No, so no here want me around, then,' said Lucas

'Get lost,' shouted everyone, Lucas was so upset he just ran away

'Sorry for all the trouble he cause you, please accept these as my respect for Ty,' said Emma

'Thank you Emma,' said Nick

'How is Ty condition?' asked Emma, everyone turn their face away with sadness

'Ty out of coma now, but he lost his memory of the past 13 years, so right now he thinks he 4 years old,' said Jim

'No, way, I'm terrible sorry,' said Emma

'We're trying everything we can to bring back his memory,' said Jim

'Well I can give my sister a call, she work with people who loses their memory all the time,' said Emma

'Please that would be very help, and we would appreciate the help,' said Gillian

Emma pull out and get her sister up on speed dial, 'Hello sis, I need a massive favour from you,' said Emma

'What is it, I'm busy with work,' said Emma sister

'You how we both idolise Ty the three time national dance champion,' said Emma

'Yes, I'm listen, well I'm here with his family and friends at 'Saint Helens Hospital,' and Ty lose his Memory, of the last 13 year, so he thinks he a 4 year old at the moment, he couldn't even recognize his friends and family,' said Emma

'What!!!, hold on, I'm not that far from you, I be there soon,' said Emma sister as she hangs up

'Well, my sister is on her way down,' said Emma

'Thank you, we owe you,' said Nick

'If Ty get his memory back, can i asked for a request,' asked Emma

'Sure, what is your Request?' asked Jim

'Can I get his autograph, I could get it at the concert because of Lucas, that stupid idiot ruined my chance,' said Emma

'We have a better idea, you can have a dance with him and so can your side, and we'll tape it for you for your help getting his memory back,' said Gillian

'Really thank you,' said Emma

'It our way saying thank you for helping,' said Nick

Suddenly a red Lamborghini can came out a sunflowmon, 'Where is Ty?' asked Emma sister

'Thanks for coming Liz,' said Emma

'No problem, this is a one in a million chance to meet Ty, and I wouldn't pass that offer up,' said Liz

'Tony, call James over,' asked Nick, Tony just whistled, and James came walking over with Ty still on his back a sleep

'What happen to Ty hair,' said Liz and Emma with shock

'I'll tell you later, but first help Ty' said Brandon

Nick Carried Ty to his room, Jim and Gillian went with him, Liz follow behind, everyone went to Ty room window to watch from outside, Liz then woke Ty up.

'Is nap time over,' said Ty

'Tsuni listen to mommy now, me and daddy are going, and this lady is going to help you, bring your memory back, ok,' said Gillian

'Mommy don't leave alone with miss flower,' said Ty

'Don't worry Tsuni, big brother is going to stay with you,' said Nick, as this parent left the room, because they couldn't handle the pressure

'Ok let start the examination,' said Liz, she got out a touch and said to Ty, ok I want you to follow the light ok, don't look straight into it,' said Liz

'Ok miss flower,' said Ty, so Ty followed the touch, he slowly fell into a trance.

'What happen, his pupil look diluted,' said Nick

'He's in a trance, don't worry, this is common, ok I want to an you some question, and if you don't want to answer it just say pass, do you understand?' asked Liz

'Ok,' said Ty

'What is your name?' asked Liz

'Tsuni, Ty Sham,' said Ty

'Wow he remember his name,' said Nick

'Man, your sister good, Emma' said Zoe

'Ty will get memory back in no time,' said Frankie

'Hold on guys, it not over yet,' said Emma

'Do you know what you brother name is?' asked Liz

Ty just turn and looked at Nick, 'Niii Nick,' said Ty Nick smile with happiness that Ty remember his name

'Ok, those people at the window, tell who they are and how you remember them,' said Liz

Ty walked over to window and slow said, 'My..... Friends..... My best friends, Zoe... who I will suppose in her believes, Amanda.... Smart cheerleader, Becky.... Simply minded and joyful, Jasmine..... Prom queen and most popular girl from pre and middle school, Jenny.... little sister of Jason, who has a big heart, Emma.... Singer from DATS also my girl from pre school who moved away, after a month starting the 4th grade.'

'What you went to our pre-school,' said Zoe

'I didn't I went to the pre-school as you guys even though I'm a year younger than you guys,' said Emma

'Frankie... Footballer player, also Zoe boyfriend, Cliff.... My ex-boyfriend who is trying to be a nicer person, Thomas.... Soccer player..... Amanda boyfriend, Mike.... Soccer player... Becky boyfriends, Michael.... Soccer player .... Jasmine boyfriend, Casey .... Soccer play ... also says stupid thing, but funny, Draggy.... Swimmer .... Caring with a big heart like Jenny, Brandon .... Drummer of DATS ... also he look like Nick, I see him like family because he remind me of me and Nick, James .... Tony's Dog .... My lovable friends, Tony .... High jumper .... My boyfriend, Lucas .... Guitarist of DATS .... And ... And AHHHHHHHHHHHH' Ty begin to scream and put his hand on his head, Liz and Nick run toward Ty, Nick hold onto Ty, to try and calm him down, Ty was shaking and crying

'Someone get rid of Lucas,' shouted Nick

'Guys you heard Nick,' shouted Tony, Frankie, Cliff, Zoe and Brandon grabbed Lucas and carried away.

'Ty calm down, when I count to three and snap my finger you will go to sleep,' said Liz

'One.. Two... Three, snap,' said Liz, Ty calm down and fell a sleep

'What on earth just happen?' asked Nick

'Lucas must had triggered a chain of fear, deep within Ty heart, fear that Ty never showed anyone before,' said Liz

'How was Ty able to recognize us just now? When he couple before' asked Tony

'We have three type of memory storage bank within our bodies, the first is the brain, where we store all the visual memory, second is the whole body where it remember all of our movements, and the third is the heart, even is the brain and body forget anything, the heart will remember of anybody it come encounter with, to put in simple fact, if Ty lost his entire memory his heart will still remember you know matter what,' said Liz

'So could you tell what kind of fear, Ty just showed then? Sis? Asked Emma

'By the way his face look and the way he scream, it was death, has he experience a near death experience in his entire life Nick?' asked Liz

'Yes, it was the same incident that put Ty in this state, and it was Lucas fault,' said Nick

'So, if Lucas is the key to that fear, we won't be about to move forward, with the recovery process,' said Liz

'What?' said Becky

'But, what if Ty don't get his memory back, then you will have to let time catch up to him, he will have re-experience in his all over again to get his memory, the good, bad, happy, sad and pain, of the life he lived in those past 13 years,' said Liz, Ty and Nick parent walks in hearing all of the conversation

'So, if what your saying, we don't do anything, we have to wait 13 years for Ty brain to catch up to this very day,' said Jim

'Yes that is what I am saying, but for now, he should have some of his memory back after letting go some of that fear,' said Liz

'How do we have to would it take, to get Ty to fully recover?' asked Draggy

'Well, it really depends on Ty emotion he lock away,' said Liz

'His emotion, what do you mean by that?' asked Jenny

'What are the feelings you normally see from him?' asked Liz

'Love, happiness,' said Tony, Nick, Jim and Gillian

'Compassion,' said Casey and Draggy

'Determination, caring, enthusiasm,' said Jenny, Becky, Jasmine

'Kindness,' said Thomas, Mick and Michael

'Gracefulness,' said Emma

'So the emotion, he never reveal are, sadness, loneliness, hatred, selfishness and fear,' said Liz

'Now that you mention, Ty never cause us any trouble,' said Jim

'He, doesn't try and get people when thing get bad,' said Jasmine

'He doesn't let us know when he upset, he just fight it dead on,' said Tony

'He doesn't show any sign of loneliness,' said Casey

'With all these hiding emotion, he will go through a step of phase if, he doesn't let it out of his heart, said Liz

'Now that you mention, Ty didn't show any sad emotion, when Lucas disappeared on him, Ty tried to stay positive all the time,' said Becky

'Yeah, he was like at home to, he did load of housework, and I though it was to get this mind over him,' said Gillian,

'Well, we should let Ty rest, I'm going to make Ty my top priority, because, I'm his number one fan,' said Liz

'Make that 9,' said Nick

What who the other 8 above me?' asked Liz

'Well us three, here, the Becky, Jasmine and Amanda over there, then there grandma and grandpa and Zoe who with the guys that taken Lucas away,' said Nick

'Damn, so that will make me 10th then,' said Emma

'Anyway I will be back, in two days to check on Ty,' said Liz as she left

Ty slowly opened his eye's, 'What happen to me?' asked Ty

'Ty are you ok, you gave us a worry there,' said Tony

'Yeah, I'm fine Tony, I mean Mr. guilmon,' said Ty

'What did you, just call him?' asked Nick

'Mr. guilmon,' said Ty

'No, before that, Ty,' said Nick

'Tony,' said Ty

'Yes, do you remember who he is?' asked Jim

'No this is the first time I met him, but the name Tony, just popped into my head dad,' said Ty

Do you remember who I am sweetie?' asked Gillian

'Yes, mom,' said Ty

'Oh, my god my baby remember us,' said Gillian as she hugged Jim

'What my name?' asked Nick

'Come Nick stop playing mind games on me,' said Ty

'Do you know anyone, out their room?' asked Nick

'Hmmm ..... wait aren't you Becky, the simple mind girl, that in my class in school?' asked Ty

'Yeah that me, he sort of remember me,' said Becky

'Aren't you Jasmine the most popular girl in school?' said Ty

'You remember me Ty,' said Jasmine

'Oh I don't know you personally, but I hear from guys you're a total hot chick, and from most of the girls you a total queen,' said Ty

'He only remember me by my reputation,' said Jasmine with disappointment

'Hay aren't you Amanda, the quite lonely, that don't like to be around people,' said Ty

'I was that girl, until I met you Ty,' said Amanda

'But who are the guys?' asked Ty, all the guys look disappointed

'Hay that Arcanine, is it called James Mr. guilmon?' asked Ty, James waged his tail with happiness,

'Yeah, it is how did you know?' asked Tony

'Well I had this weird dream that I was trying to protect him and his owner, and his friends from a gang called the red vulture and for some reason I saw all of you there, expected for mum and dad, and this plant girl here. But I guys it a weird dream, but for some reason, it feel so real, anyway it was just a dream right,' laughed Ty

Ty jumped out the window and walked toward James and stoked him in the same usual spot, where he loves it, because it makes James feel relaxed

'Hay, Ty how did you know? Where James like to be stroked to make him so relax?' asked Tony

'I don't now Tony, I just got this feeling, oh, sorry I did it again, I called you Tony, sorry I keep calling you that name even though I don't know you,' said Ty

'Hay, I have some bad news to break to you, have memory lost, so whatever your thinking, this is just a section of your memory, personality your taking on,' said Nick

'Oh, ok,' said Ty being so care free not caring what he just heard.

'Wow, he took it well and not freaking out,' said Thomas

'Yeah, if it was me, I would be freaking out like crazy,' said mike

'Stop being over dramatic,' said Michael

'Anyway, I'm going to find the others and give them some good news about the situation,' said Amanda

'Ok, I'll come with you,' said Jenny as they left to find the other

~~~~~Meanwhile with the other~~~~~

Cliff and Zoe was taking turn beating the living day light out of Lucas.

'You, just when thing was turning out good, Ty final remember who we were, you had to make everything worse, when will you get into your head, you just cause Ty more pain,' said Zoe

'Do you think were happy seeing Ty suffering, you might find it amusing in that sick little head of yours, but were getting sick off it,' said Cliff

'Lucas, we're doing this for Ty, happiness, and we wont let you, ruin it any further,' said Frankie

'Why cant you just leave Ty alone? Lucas,' said Brandon

'Shut up Brandon, you don't even know anything about Ty, and your telling me to stay away, I rather die, then let that happen, said Lucas

'Unlike you, Lucas Brandon care for Ty safety unlike you, where you completely ruin it.

'This is your final warning, stay away from Ty, or we will not hold back next time,' said Cliff

'Tough talk for some who almost killed Ty once, and also sexually harassed him in public,' said Lucas

'You bastard, how long have you been spying on me?' asked Cliff

'Not just you, I have information on all of you, when you became friends with Ty,' said Lucas

'You bastard, you never change,' said Zoe

'That just crossed the line big time!' said Frankie

'Hay guys we have some good news,' shouted Amanda, as she and Jenny came running up to them

'What good news?' asked Brandon

'Apparently, unlock Ty emotion is the key to recovering his memory's,' said Jenny

'So what your saying is this bastard help bring some of Ty memory back,' said Zoe

'Sort of, we need Ty to show us emotion that he never shows,' said Jenny

'Ok, what emotion doesn't he show?' asked Frankie

'They are fear, loneliness selfishness and sadness,' said Lucas

'Figure the stalker would know,' said Amanda

'So we just got to get him to show these emotion and he will be back to normal,' said Cliff

'Yeah, that all, so far Ty can recognize his family member and us from middle school, but by our reputation only,' said Amanda

'So what are we waiting for, let get the rest of his memory back before the end of the day,' said Cliff

'Yeah,' said everyone

'Are you all retarded, making Ty releasing all those emotion out in one day will mentally damage him, even his dad must know this,' said Lucas

'Listen you, Ty wouldn't be like this because of you, so stay out of this,' shouted Jenny

'Wow, Jenny, didn't you had it in you girl,' said Frankie

'Hello, you guys met my bother and sister, I did pick something up from them,' said Jenny they all walked back to met up with the others without Lucas once they got back they saw Ty almost back to his old self, smiling and happy, where they can all enjoy the atmosphere. But then Ty just said out load without realising it, 'Do I want my memory back?' the mood completely changed, so hear that out of the blue.