digi kimi Chapter 4: Oh brother

Story by lilgabu on SoFurry

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#4 of digi kimi

A wager have been mad between Nick and Tony the whole school heard about it the next day everyone was talking about it even the rest of Ty friends were shocked to here about the wager.

'I cant believe Nick was that mean,' said Mike

'Well he sure was nice to us when we went out club on Sunday,' said Draggy

'But I wonder why he so against Ty stay here?' said Thomas

'It's a big brother thing to keep his younger sibling out of trouble and beside hitting on his female friends,' said Blake as he popped out of no where

'WAHHHHH!!!! Don't scare me like that you asshole,' Shouted Casey

Blake just punched Casey on the back of the head with a blank face and said, 'You don't need to shout.'

Tony just got up and walked off, Ty just look at him and feel down about it, 'Tony doing all this to help me stay here,' said Ty

'Too tell you the truth I think any of us would have done the same, you the fun one out of us all,' said Draggy

'Yep,' said everyone else

'I would because it doesn't involve me,' said Blake with a smile on his face. Everybody turn there hear towards Blake with their eyes looking like dagger while giving off an evil atmosphere, Blake just felt the pressure and ran. Ty just burst out laughing because his reaction was funny. So Ty just left with a sense of relief that his friends want him to stay.

Ty went back to his room so he can talk to Tony but when he got back Tony wasn't there, so instead Ty went to see James hoping Tony was with him. But when Ty got to the back James was there sleeping by himself, but James smelled Ty present and woke up and jumped onto him licking his face, Ty just laughed and said, 'That tickles James, anyway do you want to go for a walk?' James then started wagging his tail and barking with joy. So Ty and James went for their walk along there nice peace walk Ty was wondering where Tony was, but James suddenly dashed off dragging Ty along because James saw another pretty girl. But that girl just gave a mean look toward James and kicked him, Ty was shock to see what she did, Ty dash trying to catch James before he hit the ground, Ty manage to catch James he laid James softly on the ground and took the leash of his wrist and went up to the pretty girl and slap her.

'What the hell is wrong with you, going around kicking my dog like that!!!'

'I despises dogs,' said the pretty girl, and walks away from Ty. Ty carried James in his arm while he slept, until Ty came across a bending machine, he brought a cold drink to calm down the brushing on James's head. But James was crying cause of the pain.

'There, there, it going to be fine, if you be a good boy I will buy you a treat ok,' said Ty to James. James just clenched his teeth together and tried to be strong and hold it in. Then they continued with there walk, as they walk into the park they saw tony jogging around there Ty and James walked over to greet him.

'Hay Tony, so this is where you disappeared to,' said Ty

'Well I do have to train I only have six days left,' said Tony as they went to sit down on a bench

'Yeah that true, but you don't have to work so, it will make everyone worry,' said Ty

'It doesn't make, as long as you stay with us,' said Tony

'Thank you, Tony,' said Ty

'No problem, besides you remind of a old friend I used to know,' said Tony

'Oh really, like how?' asked Ty

'Well I don't remember a lot about this person, I was pretty young them, but this person was kind and caring to other like you,' said Tony

'So what happen to this person?' asked Ty

'Well I think that person moved away but we did make a promise that we will meet again one day,' said Tony

'That really cool, I'm sure you find that person one day,' said Ty

'But that's an old promise, I'm sure that person would have forgotten about it, beside that know I think about who would keep a promise that long,' said Tony

'Why what do you mean by that?' asked Ty

'I don't even remember that, person, I'm don't even remember is it a boy or girl, or their name or anything, I was pretty young when I made that promise to meet again,' said Tony

'You shouldn't give up hope, cause I'm kind of the same as you, I made a promise to him an old friend of mind, I just hope he hasn't forgotten about me," said Ty

'Well I hope you find your friends some day,' said Tony

'So do I, anyway let make a promise that well be friends forever ok,' said Ty

'That's a promise,' said Tony as he grabbed Ty around the neck and gave him a nuggy they both laughed but they secretly had feeling for each other and didn't want the other to know.

They both worked back to the dorm to relaxed but before the got to the dorm they walked passed a burger bar and James stomach rumbled then Tony did, Tony reached into his pocket to see how much money he had and he didn't have enough money to buy a burger. Ty just giggled and said, 'I got it covered beside I promise James I get a good treat for him if he be brave,' Tony gave Ty a confused look. Ty gave Tony James leash and went to the burger bar to get some burger for the three of them. Once getting the burger they three of them went back to the dorm and rest for the next day.

~~~~~Three days later~~~~~

Tony was training hard to get his form right in high jumping Ty has been at the track met supporting but today is kind of different, because within today training Tony had an unexpected guess (is a fox) watching him. Tony made his jump and he was still terrible at it but the unexpected guessed laughed at him.

'That was pathetic jump I ever seen from you,' said the fox

'What do you want Josh?' asked Tony

'I heard rumor that you were making a come back so I though I come down and see for myself,' said Josh

'Well now you know now get lost, I'm in the middle at practice,' said Tony

'Well like it or not I'm going to wait you make a complete ass off yourself,' said Josh

' Why don't you just piss off and leave Tony alone you asshole,' said Ty

'Who my you be cutie pie, don't tell me your Tony's girlfriend' said Josh as he winked at Ty (think he's a girl)

'I'm a guy, now piss off you, skunk,' said Ty

Josh just grab Ty and said 'Fine, but taking you with me,' Tony saw what Josh was doing and ran over and grabbed Ty's wrist and flung him into his arms and said, 'Keep you arm to yourself,' Josh just walked off and thought to himself, 'Is my opponent gay?' Once Josh left Tony bust into laugh and said to Ty 'Skunk, that's a good one,' Ty just smile and laughed with tony. Nick was watching from a distance and he was getting annoyed because he can clearly see Tony and Ty is getting way to close to each other. Jason walks up from behind Nick and starts talking to him.

'I see those two are getting along quite well,' said Jason

'Who the heck are you?' asked Nick

'Names Jason, I'm the school doctor," said Jason as he check Nick out

'That kid better say away from by sister,' said Nick

'You do know he's a boy, so why do you call him your sister?' asked Jason as he feels Nick shoulders up

'I know he's a guy, he's my brother and he's gay that why I call him my sister, by the way I know your gay and I'm not interest, besides your freaking me out,' said Nick as he get nervous because Jason is feeling him up

'Don't worry your not my type anyway,' said Jason

'Then why are you feeling me up?' asked Nick as he is really scared

'Because you're trying to take someone who look up to me away,' said Jason

Nick was getting way to creep out by Jason and left the campus.

~~~~~Two day before the bet~~~~~

Tony was training extra hard but all his friends are worried about him because he not eaten nor slept much lately and he even lost a lot of weight and gone pale.

'Hay someone should talk to Tony about taking things easy,' said Thomas

'I had tried talking to him about it, but he just won't listen to me,' said Draggy

'Well did he say anything to you Draggy when you told him to relax a bit?' asked Casey

'Well he did say 'everything down to me to keep Ty here, and I cant blow it,' that all really,' said Draggy

'Man this must tough for time since everything is riding on the line,' said Mike

'Yeah we should really help, but how?' said Michael

'Well we got to a least take a lot of notes for him in lesson because we can all tell he not paying attention in lesson,' said Thomas

'I'm going to check on Tony, ok you guys,' said Ty as he silently walks off

'Hay what's wrong with Ty?' asked Casey

'No idea' said everybody else

But deep down Ty know that it is his fault why Tony is training so hard, so Ty return to his room and find Tony on the floor sleep tired from training, he eve stink of sweat, Ty try to carry Tony back onto his bed, taking off Tony sweaty clothes expected his underwear and putting him in, while Ty looked at Tony soundly sleeping he gave Tony a kiss on the forehead and went off to wash his sweaty clothes, while Tony slept like a baby on his bed. It did take Ty long to wash Tony clothes, on his way back to the room Ty got something to eat from the dinning hall, he got a second set for Tony just incase he got hungry, so Ty took the food back to his room and started eating his portion food, but the smell of the food went over to Tony direction. Tony eyes lowly opened and said 'I smell food.' As he leaned up off his bed, but he notice he was only wearing his boxers do Tony hide his body with his blanket and blushed saying 'Don't look,' Ty just smiled and handed him his clothes that he washed.

'Emmm........ Thanks Ty," said Tony as he was blushing to me naked in front of Ty

'You shouldn't move signs you haven't ate anything at all today, I'll bring you some food,' said Ty as he went back to the table to get Tony his food, but Ty was blushing because he like the way that Tony's body came out muscularly around the legs and stomach area.

'No it's ok ,' as Tony tries to get out off bed, but he couldn't, he didn't even have the strength to move one arm.

'Don't be silly just sit still I will feed you,' said Ty as he scoop some food into a spoon and feed Tony. Tony felt embarrasses having another guy feed him his face when really red as Ty continued to feed him, slowly Tony regain his strength he wanted to give a kiss but before he could do it Casey walk into the room and saw Ty feed Tony and scream while pointing at them 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING?' and ran and knee Tony on the side of the face knocking over the side of the bed, Ty was face went completely blank as Tony and Casey started fighting each other for no reason. Ty just left the room taking the plates back to the dinning hall, while Tony and Casey fight.

'Why the hell did you knee me for?' Shouted Tony as he punched Casey in the stomach

'Stopping you from flirting with Ty,' Shouted Casey as he punched Tony in the face

'It was a misunderstanding,' said Tony as he throw Casey out off his room

'Not the way I saw it, ' said Casey as he slowly got back up on his feet.

Suddenly Black came and shouted at them both 'Shut up, I'm trying to think, but I cant with you two bone head arguing so loud!!!' Then he went back to his room to do his work.

Tony and Casey both apologies to each other, Tony went back to sleep and Casey went back to his room.

~~~~~The big day~~~~~

Everyone did there normal thing as they would everyday expect for Ty he was watching Tony at the track met ready to compete on the track, Nick was watching from a distance but Casey walks up and starts talking to Nick.

'So while you let Ty stay if Tony make his jump?' asked Casey

'Of course not I'm still taking back with me, because he's always wanted to see Tony jump ever since he was young,' said Nick

'Then what was the point making a bet, if you wont going to play fair.' Said Casey

'I just don't want to see Ty get hurt, he's my little brother.' Said Nick

'But wont he hate you, for your action,' said Casey

Nick bent over in a corner and pointed his finger together and said 'That never cross my mind,'

Casey was that shock with his stupidity he fell onto the floor for his reaction, and screamed at him with his eye's almost popping out, 'HOW CAN YOU BE SO CHILDISH FOR YOUR AGE,'

Nick then got up and started asking Casey about question, as what kind of person he was etc... Casey answered honestly about his friends. While they watched Tony get ready for his jump.

Tony got himself ready by slapping his face and said to himself, 'Ok you been training hard and legs please help, I don't want to lose my friend,' he then look at Ty and he had his hand together praying for Tony. Tony got himself ready, as the coach blew his whistle Tony sprinted off as he was closing onto the cross-bar he jumped and twisted his body which show a graceful posture, Ty was mesmerize by it as Tony landed on the mate he looked to see if the cross-bar was still there and it was. Tony was shock and couldn't say anything, Ty ran over and said 'you did it, Tony, you did it,' as tears started coming down his face. Tony just hugged Ty tightly and said, 'Thank you for supporting me,' there was a silence for a little bit and then the coach came over and said, 'Do you mind leaving now? The other need to make the jump.' So both Ty and Tony leaf the track met, Casey came up to Tony and congratulated him, and then hugged Ty and said 'I'm glad you can stay.' Tony face then turn evil toward Casey, it was like Tony was really jealous, Nick slowly came walking and hugged his little brother and said 'You can stay but make sure you come home for Christmas and new year ok,' Ty just hugged his brother back and said 'I will try.' Nick then when over for to Tony and shake his claws and said to him 'You better take care of my brother,' Tony then said, 'You can count on it.' Nick then whisper into Tony ears 'Ty like you a lot, you can tell by his face most of the time,' Ty heard and stool on Nick foot and said 'Don't you have a plane to catch?' Nick look at his phone and it that it was he was nearly time for him to leave, so he ran off to go catch a taxi to go to the airport.

'Let celebrate tonight?' said Casey

'No drink tonight,' said Tony

'Ah man, joy kill, then what are we suppose to do to night then?' asked Casey

'I got a suggestion,' said Ty

'What would that be?' asked Casey

'How about we go out for a meal,' said Ty

'Ok as long as you paying,' said Tony

Casey just gave Tony a paranoid look and said, 'Isn't that a bit cruel.'

Ty just laughed and said, 'eat with all your heart Tony, you deserve it.'

~~~~~Later that night~~~~~

Everyone was ready to go for there meal to celebrate Tony success, they went to a restaurant where they order a lot of food to eat, however one of the waiter (a medium built body, good looking black wolf) that work in that restaurant was checking Ty out and no body notice him. Once everyone ordered, Thomas ordered some alcohol, Tony just slapped his face and said, 'I thought I said no alcohol?' The other just laughed and Mike then said, 'Well just making a toast to your success making a come back that all, everyone downed their drink expect Tony and Ty while they took it nice and slow, but once the food came everyone dig into their food like they haven't eat all day, expect for Ty who was so shock he couldn't touch his food for a bit, but once the other calm down with their each because other people were watching them eat like pigs. Even Ty felt totally embarrassed about it he started eating his food and ignore what the other people were talking about, once everyone finished eating the food Ty asked for the bill, the wait that was checking Ty out brought the bill and he gave everyone a dirty look expect for Ty, instead he gave Ty a wink, Ty just blushes bright red and but his debit card in and enter his paying for the bill and the waiter left, Draggy came over and put one of his claws Ty forehead and one on his forehead, and then said 'Nope, he doesn't have a fever,' Ty the ran out of his seat and out off the restaurant leaving his debit card with the wolf waiter, everyone went out to check on Ty to see if he ok.

'Ty what was that about," said Mike

'What are you talking about?' said Ty (acting stupid)

'Are you embarrassed of us they way we ate tonight?' asked Thomas

'If I were embarrassed I would have left ages ago,' said Ty

'Then why did you just run out here like a you were embarrassed of something,' asked Casey

'Guys let some asking question, Frankly I felt embarrassed eating with you guys,' said Tony

Everyone then gave Tony and evil glare, then Draggy insult the other as well, then everyone started insult each other and then they all started fighting each other, like they were little kids, Ty just stood a distance away and just watch them have their little kid fight. While Ty watch them fight wolf wait came out like he was finishing work for the night, but he saw Ty and walked up to Ty gave him back his debit card and started talking.

'Ah My debit card, thank you, erm...,' asked Ty

'My name is Dominick, but you can call me Dom,' said Dom

'Then thank you, Dom, how may I pay you back for your kindness,' said Ty

'Well, you could tell me your name, I seen you round the school but I just don't know who you are,' said Dom

'My name is Ty, Which dorm are you in cause I haven't seen you around in school before,' said Ty

'I'm in dorm three the creative art section of the campus,' said Dom

'Well thank you for giving me back my debit card, would you like to walk back to the dorm together, it seem like my friends are still fighting,' said Ty

'Yeah sure, I wonder why a cute little puppy dog have such weird friends,' said Dom

'Their not weird their childish fights are kind of entertaining sometime, and other times it kind off embarrassing,' said Ty

'I know that we just met but would you like to got out for coffee with me sometimes?' asked Dom

'Like a date? Or something?' asked Ty as blushed lightly

'Yes, something like that, it's ok if you don't want to,' said Dom as he pointed his finger together and blushed heavily.

Ty just looked over where his friends are still fighting and said to Dom 'How about we go for that coffee now,' said Ty

'So like a date then, my I take your arm sir?' asked Dom as he brought his left arm forward

Ty jus giggled and said, 'You may sir,' as he hook his right arm with Dom left arm

Both Ty and Dom walked passed the other while they were still fighting, but they stop when they saw Ty walking off with Dom.

'Hay isn't that playboy Dom?' asked Michael

Everyone with their shock expression nodded their head simultaneously up and down, so they followed the both of them to where they were going, but then Dom stop and shouted to 'Don't follow us we're on a date.' When Tony heard that his heart his smashed into piece, while everyone was shock, Dom and Ty continued walking off. Everyone stilled followed but from a far distance, they follow Dom and Ty to Starbucks coffee shop, they both sat close to the window, while everyone watched wrong a distance, Ty and dom was sat there for fifteen minutes drinking and talking everyone got body watching them and decided to go back to the dorm, Draggy, Mike and Thomas saw Ty slap Dom and throw the rest of his coffee into his face, and storm out off Starbucks. Draggy told Casey, Michael and Tony what just happen and they all ran back to the dorm wanting to get there before Ty, so that they can ask why he slap dom and thrown coffee in face. It took everyone to get back to the dorm within half an hour, since Ty was a fast runny he got back there within ten minutes.

~~~~~twenty minutes later~~~~~

Everyone got back to the dorm and went straight to Tony and Ty room to talk to Ty, because they wanted to know what happen with playboy Dom. Tony opened his door and said 'Ty we need to talk,' but no one was around, everyone went around and look for him in the dorm building but they annoyed the other trying to find Ty, Blake Yelled at them all and told them to go to their room and go to sleep, Tony didn't listen to when to one last place, to check if Ty was there. The back of the dorm where James stay, Tony rushed there hoping to find Ty and he was there sat with his head on his knee's in his PJ, James was a sleep next to him, Tony nudge Ty telling him to go back to the room but Ty was a sleep and is eyes was all red, beside the knee section off his PJ was all wet, Tony then through 'Dom must have said some horrible to make Ty cry himself to sleep,' Tony then lifted Ty up in his arms and carried him to his room and back to bed, but when Tony was about to put Ty back to bed Ty said 'Daddy,' while sleeping and help onto as well, Tony said 'I'm not your daddy,' but he did held onto Ty close and tightly, even through his heart was beating really fast and slowly started getting an erection, but he put Ty back into bed, but Ty held onto Tony so tight he would let go, Ty then flip to the other side of his bed taking Tony along with him, Tony said ,'Look like were sleeping together tonight,' Tony pulled the blanket to cover the both of them, as he held Ty close to him while he slept with a smile on his face.