digi kimi Chapter 16: Welcome back Ty

Story by lilgabu on SoFurry

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#16 of digi kimi

Everyone was shock when Ty said, 'Do I want my memory?'

'Ty, what do you mean by that?' asked Zoe

'Well, what if my I cant control my emotion, once I get it back, will I still be the same person, or will turn out to be someone different,' said Ty

'There is a possibility,' said Jim

'But, Ty thing will only with out you,' said Amanda

'No it wont, I will still see you at school, right?' asked Ty

'No, we go to different school now, we go to an all girl school, and you go an all boys school,' said Becky

'Oh ok, I can deal with that, I will just have to re-learn about everything, about everyone here,' said Ty

'No, it wont be the same, we had a special bond Ty, one that was different with everyone,' said Draggy

'Oh ok, that kind of weird,' said Ty

'What do you mean weird?' asked Frankie

'Ty way he said it, it was kind of gay,' said Ty as he laughed at bit

'Ty some of use are gay, because we have feelings for you,' said Cliff

'Wow slow down there tiger, I know I'm good looking, but I'm not gay,' said Ty

'Ty, you are gay, your dating Tony, be your boyfriend,' said Thomas

'No, it isn't possible, I have a girlfriend,' said Ty

'No you don't, Ty, if your talking about Jessica you broke up with her,' said Nick

'What, why would I break up with her, she such a wonderful girl,' said Ty

'She was using you, to get closer to me,' said Nick

'No, no, no, I won't believe it,' said Ty as he runs away

'Ty,' shouted all his friends

'Leave him, give him some time to think, he will come around when he need to,' said Jim

'And what if he doesn't?' asked Gillian

'We'll send the dog after him,' said Jim

Everyone just decided to go back to the dorms, with a lot of disappoint, because of Ty is rejecting his memories, they all wonder when the Ty they all know will come back to them.

Both the really didn't hang together as a group when Ty wasn't their, they just go of in their small little couple expect for the gays, where they just did their own things, to pass time.

Zoe and Frankie, went to see a romantic movie, Amanda and Thomas went out for food, Jasmine and Michael went shopping, Becky and Mike went to a theme park, Jenny just read a book at a café, Cliff went to the gym to work out, Draggy did some swimming, Casey went practice his soccer skills, Brandon just played on the drums, Tony took James for a walk, but where ever everyone when they somehow saw a Ty there, when he was with them all together. But everyone tried to clear their mind that Ty wont be coming back for a while, to they all wonder about and all randomly met at the park where Ty normally take James for a walk, and where he is always on a Saturday with kindergarteners.

'What are you guys doing here?' asked Tony while he was sat on James back

'We just needed a walked,' said Jasmine

'I needed to clear my mind, and went for a stroll,' said Draggy

'I need to go some that will keep my mind at calm,' said Casey

'We wanted to go some where peaceful,' said Frankie

'I needed some time alone,' said Cliff

'We, we're just passing by,' said Amanda

'We we're heading back to the dorms' said Michael

'I though I come and get some are,' said Jenny

'I want to the park,' said Brandon

'This is all way to weird,' said Zoe

'Yeah, this is where we all meet on Saturdays,' said Tony

'Will you be quiet, cant a guy take an afternoon nap in the park where he doesn't get disturbed by people talking,' said Lucas, as he stood up behind a tree

'Whatever, I see you guys later, let go James' said Tony as he and James left

'I feel sorry for Tony, he must be hurting the most,' said Jenny

'We all feel near enough the same,' said Thomas

'We what done is done, it all depend on Ty if he want his memory back,' said Lucas

'Yeah, once Ty get his memory back, I wonder what will happen?' asked Mick

'Who, knows it anyone guess,' said Cliff

'We'', we just got to hope Ty just stay the same as always, the one we all love and care for,' said Becky

'Yeah,' said everybody as they all went their own way

~~~~~Two days later back at the hospital~~~~~

'Liz thank you for coming,' said Jim

'It wasn't a problem, so how is Ty doing?' asked Liz

'Nothing has change since you left, he just been in his room, and staring off into the sky,' said Jim

'Ok, has any of his friends come to see him?' asked Liz

'No, not since you were last here,' said Jim

'Oh, right, it must be really hard for them at this moment,' said Liz as she walked into Ty room

Nick was there, sat on the bed with Ty, While Gillian was sat on the chair next to the bed, Ty was just staring out of the window like he was lost in his mind.

'Hay it time,' said Liz

'Ok, I go outside and wait with Jim,' said Gillian

'I'll stay here, with Ty mom,' said Nick

'Ty, I going to do, what I did last time, ok,' said Liz

'No, don't know if I want my memory back anymore, I been having these dream, where I look like a girl and that I was gay,' said Ty

'Those were your memory, of you right in this present day,' said Liz

'When I try so hard to think about them, it just hurt my heard, I don't know if I really, maybe it better, if I start a new life,' said Ty

'But what about all yours friends that you made, and close to,' said Liz

'I don't know, I really don't know what to do,' said Ty

'Ty listen to me, you have to get your memory back, because there is some important in your life right now, and he will be waiting for you to get back to him,' said Nick

'But wont everyone be sad, because that me like guys,' said Ty

'We got over it years ago, to tell you truth, we like that Ty, he was kind, sweet, gentle, caring, and always reliable, everybody love you and was proud to call your their friend, I proud to have a that brother in my life, mom and dad always brag about you to their friends, heck so did I, and do you know why that because we love you for who you are, honest showing all the good quality in a person,' said Nick

'Nick.... I ... I want to be that person, please help me get my memory back,' cried Ty as he started crying on Nick chest

'Well you heard him, Liz, let bring back the old Ty,' said Nick

'Ok, but it going to be a pain process, will you be up for it Ty?' asked Liz

'Yes, I want my life back, I want to stop living in the past,' said Ty

'Ok, let start, the recovering process,' said Liz

'Ok we, start tomorrow, I will get personal information about you of your parent,' said Liz as she left the room

'Ty, are you sure about this? It not to late to back out now?' asked Nick

'No, I need to this, I have to do, I want to see everyone happy smile again,' said Ty as he pull out a picture of him and his friends all together at a theme park, and looked into it

'That a nice picture,' said Nick

'It is, I can't remember when it was taken, and I don't remember anyone there, or what we did that day, but I'm guessing it must have been a fun day, with full of laughter,' said Ty

'Do, you miss them not coming here?' asked Nick

'For some reason I do, miss them, even through last time when they were here, they seem sad, I want to try and make them all happy,' said Ty

'That my brother, let me tell you something,' said Nick

'Yes what is it?' said Ty

'When I got over it, after you coming out being gay of course, I started calling you my little sis, because it gave me more of a reason to protect you from getting hurt,' said Nick

'Oh, Nick, your always the best brother, I could ever ask for,' said Ty as he hugged Nick

'We have to do some about your hair though, we can't leave look messy where it been cut really short,' said Nick

'Mom with do something, about, she good with those kind of stuff,' said Ty

The next day, Ty went few some intense memories recovering session, with Liz his family was there to support him when he need them, his first emotion he how to show was loneliness, where he was locked in a room where there was no window, Ty wasn't affected for the first 2 hours being in the room by himself, but when it came to the third hour, Ty started to crack and felt isolated from the world, he was crying out his family name, wanting to get let out of the room, Liz didn't let them interfere as it was for Ty own good if he wanted his memories back. Ty was screaming in pain for a while, but the scream stopped of a sudden, Liz went into the room, and Ty was passed out on the floor with tears coming out of his eyes.

Gillian ran in and held Ty in his arm, Nick ran in shortly after, Jim stayed at the door writing down the detail, which could help Liz with her work

'Ty, wake up son, mom is here,' said Gillian

'Ty wake up, you can go out now,' said Nick

'Wait, let see how much he remember before we let him out,' said Liz

Ty slowly open his eye, 'Ty what do you remember?' asked Liz

'I remember I was getting bullied in middle school, by sport guys, because I was supporting Zoe belief, of how sexiest the coach was, but he few me into the sport shed and I went, though the shed window, where I was seriously injured.' Said Ty

'Ty you remember that painful experience,' said Gillian

'Yes, I was remember and I was lonely because that incident, where I had to stay in one play all the time, and couldn't go anywhere or see anyone, I had to wait for people to come to me, I felt so lonely then,' said Ty

'That good progress, we call it for a day, and move onto the next emotion tomorrow,' said Liz

'What tomorrow test?' asked Nick

'Selfishness,' said Liz

'That impossible,' said Ty

'Why is that? asked Gillian

'I not the type of being selfish, I like sharing things,' said Ty

'Well since confess that, we'll have to move onto sadness,' said Liz

Ty, just fell back to sleep, Gillian just help onto him

The next day, Ty was put into back into the same room, but it was different, because there was a TV and speaker in there. Ty had to watch simulation of what would had happen if his family and friends, left because of his sexuality which all look real to Ty. Ty started crying a lot shouting, 'Please mommy, daddy, don't leave me,' even Nick hated him 'Nick, I need you, please don't abandon me,'

Ty family couldn't bare the sound of Ty sadness, because they never seen or heard him, being this sad before. 'Zoe, Amanda, Becky Jasmine, I thought we were friends,' Ty cried his heart until the simulation of Lucas came up, where he and Ty was a couple who was truly in love, then the day he disappear, Ty heart broke for a second time because of Lucas. Ty cried, cried because he was alone no one wanted him, it was the saddest thing he ever experience in his life. 'No, please don't leave me alone, anymore,' cried Ty

Nick couldn't handle it anymore, so he rushed into that room, 'Ty I'm here,' shouted Nick as he held onto Ty, Ty just held onto and cried really hard

'Ssshhh it ok, now I'm here,' said Nick

'Nick what are you doing, if you interfere, Ty will never get his memory back,' said Liz

'I couldn't take it anymore, my heart was breaking hearing Ty crying that hard,' said nick as he started crying

'Nick... help me, it hurts, my heart hurts,' cried Ty

'Don't worry, when all this is over, your heart with be heal again,' cried Nick as he held Ty tightly in his arms

'Lucas, he did it again, he broke my heart again, I don't want to relive that day ever again,' cried Ty

'Don't worry, I promise, I wont let him break your heart again,' cried Nick

'Well this was unexpected,' said Liz

'What is?' sobbed Gillian

'Ty regain more of his memory without passing out this time,' said Liz

'He progressing fast than you anticipated, right,' said Jim as he was holding his emotion back

'He gaining his memory faster than anyone I ever worked with, but I'm worried about him for tomorrow,' said Liz

'Because it the fear test,' said Jim

'Yes, and I'm not sure how he is going to take it,' said Liz

'We will be there to support him all the way,' cried Nick

'Thank you, everyone,' cried Ty, as he cried himself to sleep, and so did Nick holding his little brother in his arm.

The next day all of Ty friends was worried about him and went to visit him at the hospital, after school, but when they got there, Ty was released a few days earlier, they wonder if he went back to England with his family, so they all went back home, wondering how their friends is doing. But suddenly James started at everyone was he wanted them to follow him.

'What wrong with James?' asked Amanda

'I think he want us to follow him,' said Tony

'No thanks, I want to go home,' said Mike

'Come on, we need to something, all we don't is, school, practice and stayed in our room doing nothing,' said Draggy

'This might be good for us,' said Frankie

'Let go then,' said Zoe

'Ok,' said the other

James lead them to the abandon warehouse where were held hostage, and had to watch Ty suffer, there were to cars parked outside. But suddenly they all heard a scream, they all recognised that voice, and their eyes shot opened, they tried to get into the abandon warehouse nut the door was locked.

'That was Ty voice,' said Zoe

'Yeah, we all head him scream before,' said Draggy

'But never like that,' said Becky

'He must be in trouble,' said Brandon

'Come lead get in there,' said Cliff as he start punching the door

'Open up you stupid door,' said Frankie

'Hold on Ty, were coming to get you,' said Tony

'Just hang in the, we be there soon buddy,' said Thomas

'NOO,' screamed Ty, as was screaming with fear

'Blasted, his door wont open up,' said Cliff

Suddenly the screaming stop and the door opened, Liz then, shouted out without looking, 'Will you stop that banding, we're working here,' but when she opened her eyes 'Crap, sorry for shouting,' said Liz

'That was Ty scream, wasn't it Liz,' said Jenny

'Yeah, we're trying to get his memories back,' said Liz

'What!' said Jasmine

'Why on earth did you bring him here?' asked Michael

'For the final stage of the recovering process, the emotion of fear,' said Liz

'What, out of all things, you chose to bring him to the place where he nearly died,' shouted Casey

'Sound like a good idea to me, for the fear of emotion,' said Lucas

'Can we see Ty?' asked Tony

'Sure, he with his family at the moment,' said Liz as she widen the door to let everyone in. all of Ty friends rushed in, and Ty was passed out on Nick's back, but Ty parent was just up like the red vulture, with some other people. And there were doll with everyone faces on them, and they were laying on the floor with something coming out of their necks.

'What's going on here,' asked Cliff

'Oh we had to re-act,' this to bring out the fear within Ty heart, but we did it differently,' said Jim

'You didn't hurt Ty did you?' asked Becky

'No, we couldn't do that, we just tied time to the ground and killed you guys instead,' said Nick

'That was a bit harsh, Nick,' said Amanda

'Yeah, killing us off,' said Zoe

'What, a mean thing to do to us even though we weren't here,' said Jasmine

'Anyway, how much does Ty remember?' asked Tony

'With this amount of emotion she shown within the past few day, he should remember everything,' said Jim

'What if he doesn't?' asked Lucas

'Well, we start from scratch,' said Jim

Ty suddenly wakes up and saw all his friends, and started crying, and got of Nick's back, 'Lucas,' said Ty as he ran towards him, Lucas ran to Ty with his arm wide opened, and said 'Ty I'm here,' with Joy everyone else looked sad, but suddenly Ty punched Lucas in the face and kicked him in the balls, all the boys felt that pain and held onto their own, and the girls was shock to see Ty to throw a punch and kick a guy the balls.

'Lucas you asshole, I hate you, you broke my heart twice and you tried to get me and my friends killed, I can never forgive you for this, what worse, I lost my cute and adorable look,' shouted Ty as he beats up Lucas

All of Ty friends was shock to see Ty this violence, and they thought he would forgive him, but it look like they were wrong, but they cant blame him, he almost die, and lost most of him memory, which he had to suffer a lot to get them back. Nick just pick Ty up to try and calm him down, 'Ty that enough, from you,' said Nick

'Ok, Nick,' said Ty in a calm over,

'Now it my turn to give him hell, since you forgive I don't have to hold back this time. Guys you want to give me hand teaching this dick a lesson, one that he will never forget,' said Nick as he clenched his fist together

Everyone then clench the fist together and smile, 'Oh, I been waiting for a long time to this to you Lucas,' said Zoe

'You had this coming since you disappear,' said Becky

'I can't believe you broke Ty heart a second time, you dead meat buster,' said Amanda

'I'm going to give you hell,' said Jasmine

'This is going to be some sweet revenge,' said Mike

'You ruined Ty, once to many time,' said Brandon

'Prepare for a beating from the next then centaury,' said Draggy

'There no need to hold back this time right Cliff,' said Frankie

'You got it buddy,' said Cliff

'Time to pay,' said Casey

'We're taking you down hard,' said Thomas and Michael

'Enough talk, let kick his ass,' said Jenny

'Let's,' said Tony

As all of Ty friends went and torture Lucas while Ty stroke James on the side,

'James you can go and get revenge to boy, if you want?' said Ty James head just turn to Ty and he lick Ty on the face, and the ran and join in on the Lucas beaten

'Ty are you sure, you ok with this?' asked Jim

'Yeah, I am dad, I cant afford to get hurt for a third time,' said Ty

'Ok, I'm glad, your back to your old self, by the way how do you like you new hair cut?' said Gillian

'It great mom, it will take some getting use to, but I think I can make it work, I just hope everyone like it as well,' said Ty

'No that everything is back to normal, well sort off, we be going back home now,' said Jim

'Ok, have a safe trip home, mom dad,' said Ty as he hugged his parent with a bright smile

'Oh yeah, here one more thing,' said Jim as he gave a restriction warrant for Lucas, not to be allowed anywhere near Ty with a thousand feet.

'Thanks dad, this will come in handy,' said Ty

'Hay guys you can stop beating him up, let go home, all of us, well expect for him,' said Ty as he point at Lucas

'Hay Ty do you remember who I am?' asked Tony, Ty just walked in close and kissed Tony passionately.

'Of course I do, Tony, you're my boyfriend,' said Ty

'What about me,' said Draggy

'Draggy,' said Ty as he hugged Draggy

'Hay don't for get about us,' said Mike, as was stand next to Thomas and Michael

'Thomas, Mike, Michael,' said Ty as he gave them a hug as well

'What about me?' said Casey

'Casey,' said Ty as he Casey as well

'What about us?' said Cliff as he was standing next to Frankie

'Cliff, Frankie,' said Ty as he high five Frankie and Cliff

'What about us?' said the girl

'Like as if I can forget about my girlfriends, Zoe, Amanda, Becky Jasmine, Jenny,' said Ty as they had a group hug

'Do you remember me?' mumbled Brandon as blushed when he said it, as though this is the four time he been with everyone together

'Brandon, how could I forget you, you're a mini version of Nick,' said Ty has he patted Brandon on the head and smiled at him.

'Do you remember the dog's name? And where favourite petting spot it,' said Frankie

'Come over James, show me some love, I'll take you on a walk later in the park, and we can get you your favourite burger there,' said Ty, James jump on top of Ty with joy and start liking him like crazy, but Ty start stroking James where it relaxes him the most

Everyone gather around Ty and hugged and said 'Welcome back Ty,'

'I'm glad to be back guys,' said Ty

digi kimi Chapter 15: Do I want to remember?

Everybody was on their way to the hospital, Jason was their waiting while Ty was in the surgery, once everybody got to the hospital, Jason was outside waiting for them. 'Jason, how is Ty doing?' asked Nick 'He in surgery at the moment, so I don't...

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digi kimi Chapter 14: will he change? I don’t want to see him get hurt

A few day have past Ty and the girls, have just arrived back to the US, their we're nobody at the airport waiting for them, so they waited for a bit to buy some still to take back to their dorm rooms. 'Hay do you think we should get anything for the...

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digi kimi Chapter 13: I want to be in your life

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