Alien Pain

The darkness is pleasing. The rains left, though the sky still rood heavy across the sky, filled with rain yet unfallen, Amidst the breeches of sunlight, shadows danced and played a merry game of chase and stalk, much...

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Lying Soldiers

"The Dra'nar species is an insect like species, but it would be a mistake to think of them only as that. To say they are just insects, are saying humans are just monkeys. While we may share some traits with monkeys, we are far more than they - as they...

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Days spent Dreaming

It is hard to find work in these days and ages. One would expect that, on the frontier space between stars and planets, there'd be plenty of work for those of us with a natural mind for aerial acrobatics, especially when it comes to military and...

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Not really a terribly horribly bad day.

Her coffee tasted cold against her tongue, when she woke up at the table, her long tail flicking back and forth, and her long robe opened up to the floor. She yawned, and pulled her head up a touch, before sniffing the air. Outside, it was bright and...

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A really terribly horribly bad day.

She lay within a pool, her eyes gazing up, silently, at the ceiling, and her long tail flexing, quietly flexing, within the stilled waters. Her eyes watched long up towards the long globe of crystal at the ceiling, and she just watched the world...

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Unto the Rising Sun

He knelt at his Master's side, and looked long towards the quietly rising sun. Gazing long upon the sun, felt the heat as it touched upon his thin torso, and felt the light creep up across his long, sensual wings. Upon his face, he wore a veil...

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Fighting for Faith; What Lies After

Ten years ago, he had been buried within the very ground which she stood upon. Ten years ago, he had fallen from the spear of a hunter, completely through accident, and he had been taken by death within moments. Ten years, and she quietly stroked...


Fighting for Faith; Before.

"System down, system down, I repeat, I am going down!" The ship was burning through the atmosphere, while he held the controls of the ship. The atmosphere burned through and made the heat shield start to glow a light red, and the wings started to...

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The Wind Fell Soft

(C)opyright: William Eakins - 2005; A very romantic story I wrote today, I hope it passes your aproval, everyone who reads. Its a non yiff story, but its one I am very happy with. The wind fell soft upon the shore, and fell smooth through her...

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For'se, Gentleman Kobold!

Click. Click. Click. Heels on stone, a great jacket on a little body, a cap hiding the face from prying eyes. Too short to be a dwarf, but the smell of soot and coal was present, as was an over-sized flintlock pistol thrust into his belt. Click....

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