First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part Three -- {Threats}
**_-- [BUREAU HEADQUARTERS, 2:12 PM, Saturday, May 12, Lobby] --_** The sliding doors of the Bureau's entrance opened, flurries of crowds had still been rushing around the place. The noise they emitted was very irritating to the ears. Jason's ears...
First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part Two -- {A Small World}
**_-- [KENKO INC. 1:27 PM, Saturday, May 12, 225th Floor, Top Floor Lobby] --_** The two double doors opened as a figure wearing a white trenchcoat emerged from the lobby. The room's atmosphere was quite tense, seeing as the chief of police had found...
First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part One -- {A Bad Omen}
**_-- [???, 12:24 PM, Satruday, May 12, Unknown Whereabouts] -- _** A pocket watch was seen held by an unknown figure as he gazed at the time. It was exactly 12:.24. "Our message comes in precisely one hour." **_--[Bureau Headquarters, 12:25 PM,...
{Special Episode} -- Forgotten Memories -- Part One -- (Prologue)
_"There comes a certain point in someone's life that they meet someone very close to their heart. Someone that becomes a vital part of their existence, that when they're ripped apart from them, they lose all thought of being.. them. Once we were young,...
{The Conquest} - Chapter 2 - The Essence of Power
The woman with an eerie aura gazed upon the capital of Li Province, as the moonlight reflected over hair silky black hair. Her hand rose up as she dropped it down, signalling for her men to arrive. Masked men with hoods arrived in the darkness that...
Military Measures -- Chapter 2 -- Part One -- {A Mysterious Organization}
The group finally had caught up to the odd male via a teleportation. As the three figures emerged from the purple ring, they were blocked by a golden gate, white walls stretching out from it. Inside, a giant mansion-like structure towered as it boasted...
Welcome to.. Shinzuku City! — Chapter 1 — Part Three
Alright, alright, that's enough!" Professor Nobunaga barked out as a slight after-growl shocked both students, even having Raiki cower to his core. The Luxray could feel his electricity dimming down, although the potent rage is still within him, and...
Odd Countermeasures -- Chapter 4 -- Part Three -- {Trials and Tribulations}
"I can't.. go on.." a gasp slowly yelped out as the filed was ridden with the scars of imminent battle. Gigantic rocks and debris surrounded the living corpse, slowly running out breath. The figure had a chain protruding from his chest, an eerie sight...
Odd Coutermeasures -- Chapter 4 -- Part One -- {Resolve}
"What's the big idea?!" Jason erupted in anger, shoving the male backwards as he gave Raiki a comedic rant. "He was my senpai! You had no right to be barging in like that, will-nilly!" Jason shouted, enraged at Raiki's actions. "Baka-yaro!" (Idiot!)...
Rough Patches -- Chapter 3 -- Part Two -- {An Unprecedented Past}
The birds chirped as a new day came. The sun was shining brightly onto the early morning sky as a certain transfer student had prepared his usual day to day routine. His new uniforms were much sleeker, especially since the winter days are coming. The...
{The Conquest} - Chapter 1 - Strength Amidst the Chaos
A dark chuckle arose from a dark depth as a male with long and cultivated jet black hair sat on his throne gazing a small knife. A pale hand took ahold of the hilt as he unsheathed the small blade, slowly looking at the sharpness and shininess of the...
{The Conquest} - Prologue
Two amber eyes gazed upon the burning wreck of destruction, flames spread wide across the scorched battlefield. The plains was scattered with ungodly fire, the flames of war that have sprouted forth. Bodies sprawled across the field, lifeless and...