Rough Patches -- Chapter 3 -- Part Two -- {An Unprecedented Past}
The birds chirped as a new day came. The sun was shining brightly onto the early morning sky as a certain transfer student had prepared his usual day to day routine. His new uniforms were much sleeker, especially since the winter days are coming. The male opened his eyes as a beam of light had concealed his vision, the male irked and moaned out as he rubbed his sand-ridden eyes to awaken fully. Blue strands of hair was sent into spiraling chaos as the male's bed hair was devastating to look at.
The male sat up, as he threw way the covers, showing his fairly colored thighs and his white boxers. He wore a white shirt as well to protect his body from the cold of the night. He stretched his arms upwards as the shirt pulled up with him revealing a toned set of abs. With his release, the male sent out a sigh.
'It's been a really rough day for a first one.' he said to himself. 'Everywhere I go seems for chaos to follow.' A tired and irritated expression then filled his face. 'Will I have to put up with this until the end of the year? I thought I'd be welcomed here. A lot of people have been nice enough to talk to me yesterday. But that.. that.. guy. Raiki, that's his name. Always butting into my business. Who is he anyway? What right does he have to disturb my peace?' Before Jason even knew it, he had been doing involuntary gestures prior to his thoughts such as crossing his arms and doing awkward faces. Only did he notice that he was being watched. By his uncle, nonetheless.
A face marked with age peeked in with a slight smile. "Jason, it's time for school. If you haven't forgot. I've prepared the hot bath for you." the older male said as he closed the door, seeming amused at his nephew's antics.
"Th-Thanks." Jason's face was filled with a red tint, as he looked away, his mouth feeling stiff of embarrassment. "I should.. get dressed." Just then something rang inside his night stand. A hand pulled out one drawer as he reached for his phone. It looked like the one his uncle gave him.
'Received: Guren; 6:08 AM.
Hey there! I'm pretty sure you're a but shocked to see why I know your number. And, um, why I'm specifically listed under your contacts. But your uncle came to our cellular phone services. Yeah, my father pretty much owns the tycoon business here in Shinzuku. I personally put my number on this phone as your first contact. (yay!) Plus, I added Raiki and your uncle's here as well. So, since going to school is technically going to get some getting used to, I'll be coming over there at 7:00 AM sharp to pick you up. See you later! xoxo'
Jason gazed at his cellphone as he was taken aback by the surprise. The male sighed in relief as he stood up and continued to the bathroom where he had rinsed all his troubles away. After several minutes of bathing, Jason exited the bathroom as the fog of the heat had been released from the room. Jason came out, a towel around his waist and one over his head. The militarily trained body of the male gave him a slight build, but not one that matched that of Raiki's. His retirement from battle has toned down his physique. Jason then wore his uniform, sliding on the warm jacket and quickly placing his supplies and books onto his bag as he gazed out his window to see that Guren was waving at him. And was with a pretty luxurious limousine.
Jason's eyes widened in bewilderment as he gave the female a wave of his own as he laughed nervously. "Wh-What is she doing with that?" he asked, quite shocked.
In the car, there was nothing but silence as the transfer student felt very uneasy to be in such a luxurious car. He was being examined by their butler, who looked very sophisticated. The male with light blonde hair giggled as he gazed at his features, a gloved hand covering his mouth.
"I-Is something the matter?" Jason asked, as sweat poured from his temple. A slight tint of red covering his face as he looked away in embarrassment.
"It's nothing, Master Jason. You just seem to resemble Master Raiki when he first rode in this car." The male said, adjusting his glasses once more.
"O-Oh. I see." Jason said, sighing in relief, as all his anxieties were put to a stop. For a second, he had thought that the male was a strict fellow. "If it's not offensive, may I ask who you are?"
"Oh! Of course, Master Jason. My name is Maverick Knightwalker, I am the esteemed head butler of the Kagayaku family. I, am Master Kanpeki's guardian butler. Our princess has already told me about you." the butler said as he bowed his head a bit.
"It's really nice to meet you." Jason said, a cheerful smile widening. "But.. guardian butler? What does that mean?" Jason asked, a bit confused.
"It's not really up for debate Jason--" Guren said, as she tapped her shoulder, giving the Lucario a concerned look.
"Oh, I can divulge the basics. Do not fret, Lady Guren." Maverick said, holding has hand up. "Let's see.. I have introduced myself. I come from a prestigious line of butlers of aristocratic families. I am English born, but I have Japanese roots. You might be thinking what a family of butlers mean. Well, we are actually guardians or bodyguards so to speak. We hold mystical powers, just like most people, so to speak our Pokemon abilities. We are unlike any other butler, since we are also trained in the art of combat. Well.. I guess those are the only secrets I can share." Maverick said, giving the male a slightly wry smile. He had such discretion in this matter, and was nervous on how he'd display such to a stranger such as Jason. But, to live up to his family's reputation, he had to reply with something.
"You really didn't need to, Maverick-san." Guren said, her slightly concerned face unwavering.
"Ah, it's alright, princess." the butler said, still with a smile as he crouched down a bit. "I'm sure you'd wish to talk in private, princess. I'll be in the mid compartment." Maverick said as he opened a door and entered it, sitting down on the leather seat.
"Oh, I forgot Jason. What special class are you taking at the university?" Guren asked, a bit of glimmer in her eyes.
"You mean, that brochure I got about that highschool-college inter class? I think I'm going to go for music." Jason answered back with a mild mannered smile.
"Oh, you'll be with Sadao-senpai. He's practically one of our most versatile music players. And he's a pretty good singer too. He's sort of a ladies man though, I think you won't get along with him." Guren said, a smirk forming on her face.
"As long as he's far from that Raiki person, it's going to be fine." Jason retorted quickly, his eyes rolling.
"Ah, well.. those two.. know each other. And they're particularly not in good terms." she said, scratching her green hair.
"I can see why, we'll get along just fine." Jason said, a proud smile on his face. He seemed to share Sadao's detest for Raiki, if it was anywhere as intense as his. "He probably sees clearly than most people.. not that.. it has to do anything with. you. Um." Sweatdrops fell from the male's temple as he nervously looked away, withdrawing his boastful comment.
Guren's eyes drooped as she shaked her head, smiling. "It's alright. You just can't see what I can. It's understandable." the female chuckled as she covered her mouth.
"Hey, I've been meaning to ask. Why did you pick me up but not Raiki?" he asked.
"Well, Raiki knows his way around here. And he wouldn't be caught dead around one of these cars. He's a pretty simple guy, just like his father. You probably haven't seen the Kizu manor, where his grandfather and other relatives live. Basically, their family wants to be secluded from all the accomplishments in military affairs. That's why Raiki's father chose to go into business. He and my father now control the biggest tycoon in Shinzuku City, the Kagayaku-Kizu Corporation. Although, as I've said, Raiki's father wishes to live simply. That's why you don't see a really big house when you go to Raiki's place."
"Raiki's father, hm? You said his family has military accomplishments, I can see that from his grandfather. But his father? I don't think he'd be someone who'd follow into footsteps of war." Jason said, pondering over the thought.
"Oh, he may not look like it. But Raiki's dad is a really strong fighter. And, to dispel such thoughts from your mind, I'll clear it out plainly by telling you his father was a war hero. He even fought my mother, the prestigious Celestial Bladesmaster and won. But, right now, he prefers to let go of the past and he doesn't talk of it too much." Guren said, her eyes gazing at the train station leading to the isolated island of Tokugawa University. "Oh, we're here."
'Raiki, I hate to admit it, but his control of his element is extraordinary. I don't even think he knew he had suppressed white and black streaks of lightning when he was possessed. I had better keep a close eye on him, you never know when that much power can be turned against you again.' Jason, in deep thought had not noticed that Guren had exited the vehicle.
"Hey, come on!" Guren called out, chuckling as she turned towards the station.
"O-Oh!" Jason exclaimed as he quickly rushed out of the car only to see rows of men in green military uniforms lined up to clear space from the bustling insides of the train station. The students backed up as Guren smiled and took the Lucario's hand, which resulted in the bluenette's slight blush. Jason was quite embarrassed for this many people to be seeing them together.
"Wow! It's Guren-chan! She's so beautiful!" some of the girls surrounding them said as they glamoured in the sight of Guren's presence.
"Huh.. the aristocrats really need to have a flashy entrance?" // "Hush, it's part of protocol. You know how dangerous it has been around Shinzuku." // "But, Raiki-senpai doesn't seem to have these sort of things. He sorta cool with that grunge get up he has." // "Ugh, that rebellious guy is a shame on his familiy name." // "Hey, don't talk about Raiki-senpai that way!"
"Hey, it's that new kid, right? What's he doing with Guren-senpai?!" // "Heh, it seems you were way out of her league." // "Guren-senpai! Notice me!" // "But yeah, is she finally replacing that Raiki for someone with a bit of class? Finally, the day has come." // "Guren-senpai! Wait for me! I shall follow you to the ends of the earth!"
"Looks like the new kid has gotten a really good score. I mean, Guren-senpai, you can't even talk to her properly if you're not in the same social status as she is." // "Yeah, luckily enough that Raiki-senpai has that status, I just wished he'd stop dressing like a punk. He's a real cutie if you've seen him. Guren-senpai always makes his flustered! It's so cute!" // "Yeah! Raiki-senpai's really cool. He holds that record for the most consecutive streaks in Combat class, right? Plus, I hear he's a candidate for our legion of honor."
"What?! Guren-chan is with that.. that.." // "Hey, dude, don't freakin' faint here, it's embarrassing!" // "F-First.. Raiki.. now.. this guy. How am I ever going to compete?"
The comments of the students were practically of praise to the Gardevoir, some from the Luxray; but, alas, he was assaulted with mixed comments. Some admired Raiki's rebelliousness, and some had leant over antagonizing Raiki's character. Jason had felt a bit of guilt for pressing on Raiki's character earlier, but had just kept silent. As he walked across the station. Guren opened her PDA and scanned it on the lounge area.
"Just.. where are we going?" Jason asked, tilting his head.
"We're entering the lounge cars, only the esteemed students of status may be able to enter here. Call it unfair, but it's how the school works. To be honest, this is the work of Raiki's dad when he's drunk and frustrated." Guren said, as a flash back loomed into her mind.
'What?! You mean I have to wait this long line to get on a train?! Screw that! *hiccup* I'm creating a line where only the nobility and personnel can ride! I want it *hiccup* effective immediately!' Raiji's drunk voice rang inside the female's head, as she sighed in irritation.
"I really don't like the thought of this, but the management agreed. Our heads are fetched at a high price in the Conspiracy's bingo book." As they both took a seat in the luxurious train car, much more refined than that of the normal car, Guren took out a green notebook as she flipped through the pages and revealed her name on the list. "Here's mine, I'm being fetched at 1.7 million yen." Guren said, looking a bit grim at the notebook as a cold sweat broke on her temple. Then she gave Jason a wry smile. "Although, Raiki protects me, and I have no reason to worry."
'She masks her aura, but I can see right through her. She feels uneasy, although reminding her of this imminent threat isn't going to help. I should lighten things up.' Jason quickly surveyed the Gardevoir as he strung his aura onto hers, detecting the feasibility of her words. "So, who has the highest price?"
Pale fingers flickered upon the notebook as he stopped at the page with a black silhouette and only the words 'The Sleeping Dragon' entailed onto its title. "It says here that the Sleeping Dragon is famed tactician and strategist and has brought down armies within a single snap of his fingers with his seemingly unbeatable strategies. But his identity is currently unknown. He's pinned in the Conspiracy's books for.." Guren's eyes widened as she gave a small gasp. "... 9.5 billion yen."
"Th-That's a lot of money for a single person. Is he really a threat to this Conspiracy group you said?" he asked,a bit nervous himself.
"Raiki's father says he knows the Sleeping Dragon and actually has fought alongside him. Although they did not cherish the best of memories. All I remember, his last words about him were 'he's closer than you think, be careful.'" Guren said as she swallowed a bit of saliva, feeling nerve wrecked. Guren flipped the pages once more, as she gazed at the picture of a female, quite young looking.
"Huh, I never knew there was another female here besides me." Guren said, her eyes twitching in confusion. "She's pinned for 5 million yen too. Natalie.. Lisbon." she remarked as Jason's body tightened at the sound of the female's name. His eyes adverted as cold sweat dropped from his temple, pondering as to why someone that close to him would be involved in a bingo assassination book here in Shinzuku. Something did not feel right. "Hm? Do you know her, Jason?"
"Um, I know someone with her name. But she doesn't match the woman on the picture." Jason said, half heartedly, still struck by the scene.
"I see.. oh." Screeching metal wheels echoed as the Gardevoir gazed out of the window. "We're here."
Jason and Guren had been walking into the school. It was quite early, and they got a head start from the students who had to wait at 8:00 AM for the trains to arrive. The campus was silent and had an eerie glow to it as light fog surrounded the area. Probably because it was during the winter solstice. The two entered the school building with their PDA's, but before they could head into the classrooms, Jason had stopped the female from advancing forward.
"I sense something, it's quite powerful for someone to be in a school." But before Jason could track down the source, a silhouette jumped down from the balcony as it landed feet first into the ground, walking towards the two. Jason was in quite a panic, but held his guard high up.
"Usuratonkachi." (Dumbass.) A familiar voice rang. "This school is protected by a seal. No one of any hostility may enter this place. You're crying over spilled milk." the male said as he slowly revealed himself to be Raiki. The male had his whole arm bandaged, his right sleeve folded just by his elbows to show the injury he has. The top parts of his uniform were unbuttoned, showing off the cerulean blue shirt he wore underneath.
'Ugh, it's him again!' Jason thought as he gave a comedically annoyed face, adorned with the comical sweatdrop. "Hmph." Jason said as he walked towards the Luxray and quickly passed him and headed for his classroom.
"Heh. There's no one here. You want to stay in a dark, secluded, empty classroom. This island has a shrine on top of the mountain. And you know the rumors about shrines." Raiki teased as he gave a slight smirk. Jason's face grimaced as he turned around and headed for the peach garden instead, where he believes he can relax. Raiki once more have a wide smirk. "You know, Guren. I've been hearing of a lady in white stalking the peach gardens. Seems kinda creepy, right?"
Jason, then overheard as he slowly turned his head around frightened beyond all reason. 'Damn it! I can't stand these eerie places.' Jason then comedically scuttled towards Guren, hiding behind her in a cute manner as he pouted. "Fine, I'll go with Guren then."
"That's perfect, and she can tell you when there are any ghosts around, right Guren?" Raiki smirked as he passed by Jason, who was two inches shorter than he was. The Luxray smugly gazed at the shorter male as he gave a little chuckle.
"Where are you going, Raiki?" Guren asked, sighing a bit in irritation.
"...To his grave." Raiki said, as he dissipated into lightning, leaving small traces of electricity from where he stood. Guren gave a concerned look for Raiki as she sighed deeply.
"What did mean he's visiting his grave?" Jason asked, a bit perplexed.
"There is a cemetery here, for students who died. Raiki.. he had a really close friend here. They were--" Guren then bit her lip as she looked away, feeling a bit of discretion. "They were really, really close friends." To this, Jason already figured out that this was a half hearted truth. But it was very personal. He had assumed they were three before but had been separated by death. Jason gave a small smile to the Gardevoir.
"It's alright." Jason said, a bit of increase to beaming face.
Meanwhile, in the cemetery atop the mountain, quaintly placed next to the shrine, Raiki gazed into the tombstone giving ti a small smile before laughing softly. His laugh was accompanied by a hidden sorrow he had been containing for awhile now. A flurry of emotions had been running through his mind, as to this person whom he held very close. Only to lose in a single heartbeat. Death was a cruel fate, he had decided that only through pain can others understand each other. Those who simply masked it, where nothing more than mere hypocrites who shy away from reality.
"I..." Raiki's voice trailed off. "I miss you." he finished abruptly as the cold morning wind flowed through his black hair. A finger slowly reaching out to comb the bangs that had obscured his pale face. The male rubbed the skin of his face, seemingly wiping away a tear as he forced out a cheery laugh. "Ack.. you probably don't like seeing me in this mood, right?" If others had seen him, he must look crazy. A rare moment was sighted, although no one was actually there to see it.
"I miss our conversations, our arguments." Raiki said, his cheer tone fading into a sorrowful one. "I never thought I'd.." Raiki closed his eyes in bitter sorrow as a tear made it's way down onto his cheek. "I never thought I'd lose you."
Wind chimes echoed throughout the shrine as the teenage male placed down a bouquet of flowers. His eyes seemed to be slightly watering. The male turned around as he saw Kashikoi, who wore his usual white coat outside the shrine. "He was a good friend, wasn't he? Your former senpai, whom you've protected and cared for. It must be hard losing someone so close to." the wise male's voice said as he passed by Raiki t get a closer inspection of the grave.
"Whatever." he scoffed as he hurriedly walked down the stairs.
"He was a transfer student too." Kashikoi said quickly as to Raiki's sudden halt, gripping the stair handles tightly as electricity flowed from his arm. "Make sure he doesn't suffer the same fate, Kizu-san." Raiki then gritted his teeth as he summoned a thunder clap with his powerful and volatile lightning that headed straight for Kashikoi. As the smoke settled, the professor and principal was gone. The teen then felt a cold chill down his spine, as if someone was breathing on his neck.
"I won't let you take another life. I'll pin you down myself if I have to. Please do remember that, Kizu-san. You are on a very tight leash." Kashikoi whispered as he turned and walked down the stairs.
Raiki felt a numb sensation as his eyes dropped lowly, feeling nothing but emptiness inside him. "I... no. Who cares about that stupid idiot. There's no way I'd...." Raiki then stood up as he turned and left. '.. let him in.' thoughts had continued his previous statement.