{The Conquest} - Chapter 1 - Strength Amidst the Chaos
#2 of The Conquest
Author's Note: So here is the next chapter, it's fairly long than any I've written, my motivation just lies here a lot. Enjoy.
A dark chuckle arose from a dark depth as a male with long and cultivated jet black hair sat on his throne gazing a small knife. A pale hand took ahold of the hilt as he unsheathed the small blade, slowly looking at the sharpness and shininess of the steel. Sharp canines show as his rather evil smile enveloped his face with a dismal grin. "Attempting to assassinate me? How quaint." he cakcled as he threw the blade across the room, where a male of jet black hair knelt before him, two javelins pinning him down across the neck. The male struggled to get free as the two soldiers forcefully placed him back ont eh ground with such force.
"It is only those with strength who shall prevail." the male with the long black hair said. "Those who oppose me, will have their current situation under your wing. Kneeling before me. I am Yami, the emperor of hell. No one is above me." he finished, his smile not fading at a moment's notice.
"Strength.. y-you say?" the pinned down male managed to gasp out. The male wore an adorned battle armor, with silk fabrics, designed throughout all his attire. "Well.. it is with that strength. That same strength you possess. I will be the one to strike you down with it!" he exclaimed, spit exiting his mouth, and his eyes widening in rage. But all it elected was another dark cackle from the male who sat on his golden throne.
"Such foolishness, Kizu Raiji." he said, standing up, gazing down at the broken down man before him. "You cannot even perform such a simple task."
But before the male could continue his retort, the male named Raiji took ahold of one javelin and took it by force. The blunt and wooden handle struck the disarmed soldier onto the stomach, as he continued to block an oncoming blow from the second, finally striking that same soldier with the sharp tip of the javelin. In flair of his victory, the male twirled it around, as he posed magnificently in front of his adversary. Giving the man a message that he also is capable to taking him down. Without hesitation, Raiji looked at the still smiling male with rage, vaulting the javelin towards him.
As the javelin neared its proximity, it was, however stopped in its tracks with a blow from a sword cloaked in a dark aura. The demon general, Sagi Yosei, who was feared as the strongest warrior in Rakuen had stopped the weapon from reaching his lord. Sagi frowned upon the attempt and readied himself for battle; he turned around to face the adversary, but it seemed he has left the premises and had escaped.
Meanwhile, outside the castle of the dark lord two males soundly waited for their comrade, the escapee. It seems they had ben sent here to deliver a message for the dark emperor, but all what but seemed as an assassination ploy, was uncovered and had failed. The two males had a very close resemblance to the escapee. The first male who was adorned with white garments and designs of gold and blue gazed at the giant double doors of which their comrade entered. He wore an eyepatch and was equipped with a rapier and katana. This man was Yugana Kizu, a feared general of the Oda Empire.
With him was Seifuku Kizu, a young male of the Kizu lineage who was a first cousin to both Yugana and Raiji. He was equipped with both a bow and arrows, and handled six blades in his arsenal.
"What could be keeping him so long?" Yugana asked, shaking his head. "I've got a bad feeling about this."
"It is bad enough we need to conspire with our most hated enemy, but we have Raiji do it? It's like bowing down for another empire!" Seifuku exclaimed, his mind filling with rage.
Just then, the two double doors burst open, Raiji Kizu running out of the castle in haste as he was chased down by a couple of infantry soldiers. The two Kizus looked surprised as he unsheathed their weapons and readied Raiji's. Raiji ran down the flight of stairs as he stared back at the two Kizus he was with.
"Looks like it didn't go so well." Seifuku remarked, readying his bow and arrow as he shot six arrows all at once. All six hit their targets as the foot soldiers fell to their knees, defeated and dead. Yugana threw a gold katana, embellished with black designs of lightning and dragons at the fleeing male. Raiji caught the weapon and readied it for battle. As the Oda emperor's proxmitiy closed in on the two Kizus, the three continued their escape.
"You see what happens?" Yugana commented, looking annoyed at his younger brother.
"We shall escape. Until I have strength, until our time comes." Raiji said with conviction as the trio fought through a massive contingent of enemy soldiers. Blades and arrows clashed in a war like fashion as many men were cut down within the elite skills of the three fierce Kizu descendants. The three leaped into the night sky as they both raised their blades in attack, time slowed as the trio gazed at the enemies who fled and feared them all.
"We need to pass through the armory, although we will have plentiful resistance." Yugana explained, his plan seeming impromptu. "Let's just hope not a general or strategist stops us. We need to avoid contact with "
"Th-The Kizu! Run, run for your lives!" The foot soldiers exclaimed as they escaped the path the three walked. Being merciful as they were, they let them go. Just then a silhouette, as fast as sound blockaded the three's exit. It was Sagi Yosei who seemed to look intimidating in his own right, a red sash wrapped around his waist gave his appearance more ambiance. Red eyes gazed upon the three as he twirled his twin axes around, the end of the blades seeped in the blood of Raiji's forces. Sagi gave the three a sadistic look as licked the edge of his blade as he turned to look at the plains behind him. That was the only exit of this palace, and there waa
"Pathetic dogs of Oda! Face me now!" He shouted valiantly, his battle cry shaking even his own force's morale. "You will all die here and now." A sadistic growl resounded from the male.
Seifuku turned to look at his two comrades as he nodded. The male slit his finger as he lunged at the warmonger who readied his twin axes to brutally mutilate the lunging adversary before him. Sagi's red eyes roared for the heat of the battle but had miss the male by a hair's breadth. Seifuku then somersaulted into near the exit as he slashed his cold blood upon the concrete floor. Irritated, Sagi then turned and lunged at the escaping male. Anger writhing within the monger, his foot destroying even the ground itself.
Seifuku then turned as well to confront the powerful being, but before he could land a blow, Sagi grabbed the male by his head as he slammed him across the ground. Concrete shattering, the might of the demon general has been displayed for the Oda Emperor and the leader of the Liongate generals to see. The dust had clouded Sagi, but in a mere second it scattered and burst as the two Kizu brothers appeared and seemed to seek to strike the warmonger simultaneously. Sagi's eyes widened as he realized what had happened; he looked back and saw the two preparing their blades to strike him down. Then he had realized that Seifuku had no longer been in his grasp.
A flash of memory then came back to the warrior of might, the time that Seifuku had marked the ground with blood. "A Blood Art?!" he exclaimed, quickly deciphering the paradox. Time seemed to stop as the two Kizus had successfully done their diversions and tactics skillfully. Sagi closed his eyes as he accepted defeat. 'What is a world without warriors of your caliber.. Damn Kizus.' his thoughts raced, teeth gritting in rage.
Simultaneously, two blades had cut in a cross section motion onto Sagi, blood bursting from his shoulders. The two males had hit a non fatal part, although they did not have the force needed to vanquish such a powerful foe. Sagi knelt, his head hung and his chest dripping with his own blood. Then he pulled his head back up, as he struck a glare at the three who stood before him, their backs turned against him.
"Is this the strength you speak of earlier, pathetic worms?" Sagi asked, blood seeping from under his lips. Standing up, as if he was not damaged at all. "It's all trickery and foolishness. It is nothing compared to the power I deliver."
"A brave man acknowledges the strength of others. Strength does not vary with brute force or birthed power. It comes from the tenacity of the mind, the intelligence required to bring down someone like you. You best well remember that, demon." Raiji spoke lowly, in a philosophical voice. He then turned around after a short pause. "I suggest you heed these words, snakes of the Conspiracy..." Raiji then paused as Seifuku and Yugana had faced the demon general as well. The three Kizus had faced off their trademark glare as amber eyes, glowing like a red moon struck the fallen warrior like a stake driven to the heart. "I will have strength. Xuchen Palace might have been taken from me, but I will have my revenge. The fearsome roar of the lions of Oda will burn mightily into your memory." The three dissipated into pure forms of lightning as streaks and had scattered out into the exit, signalling that had left. Sagi looked downwards as he gazed at his muscular arms and his bog body.
"Tenacity of the mind.." he said to himself, thinking deeply, as he turned around, his wounds not serving any fatal damage. "We'll meet again on the battlefield, Flash of Darkness." he said, taking both his axes and re-entering the palace once more, being given a life lesson by someone he had thought weak.
Back in Li Province, the temporary provisions headquarters of the Oda Empire stood the Li Palace, where Raiji conducted his usual political, military and diplomatic measures. It was in the dark of night, and the three warriors had limped across the town's square. Several soldiers ran and supported Raiji back to the palace. By the request of Yugana and Seifuku, they claimed to be fine. As they saw their lord off back to the palace, they started to quell the publicity surrounding the town square.
"'Is the young master going to be alright?' 'What happened?'" Exclamations of concern and worry tensed up in the town's square as the people were awoken from their slumber.
"Ease up, everyone. Raiji-sama will be alright, please return to your homes. It is not safe outside, especially while Raiji-sama has not assigned the patrols." Yugana explained as he had people pushed back by soldiers in his command. Seifuku had brought more soldiers under his command to quell the disarray surrounding the square.
"Please, citizens of Li. Return home." Seifuku pleaded as more and more people filled the barricade, some trying to gaze at the limping Raiji return to his palace with a heavy convoy. Yugana whispered to one of his men to take care of the situation here. The older Kizu then turned and approached Seifuku, who's face was worrying heavily.
"That brother of mine. So filled with ambition." Yugana commented, a grim look on his face forming. "If I didn't contract this sickness, he wouldn't need to stress with this." he remarked.
"Yugana-nii, you know that Raiji-sama is only looking out for the people under his care. And the Conspiracy is a big threat to that." Seifuku retorted in concern.
"True, unlike most people, he himself carried out the assassination rather than have someone else do it." Yugana said, acknowledging his brother's efforts.
"In other news, Master Mingzhi isn't as nonchalant as we are. He's against Raiji chasing his ambition so early, and disregards strategies of any kind in our recent skirmishes. It's going to be a tough battle if Raiji is going to just.. go out and fight. We won't be winning battles like that."
During the talk, the two turned around to return to the operation and military base near the palace to discuss further on their next move with Mingzhi, their strategist. Being a careful man, Yugana wanted to plot their next move in a more cautious manner to contrast Raiji's relentless attacks. Two figures then approached both of them, one donning a white robe with golden designs, hair similar to the color of his garments. And one with an open black jacket showing off his toned chest and abdomen, adorned with light blue designs. It was both Seryl and Kashikoi two of the Liongate generals. And they seemed to be present for the commotion with their master's late night shenanigans.
"I've been his classmate ever since. His ambition has corrupted his sense of wisdom." Kashikoi said to the shorter male who seemed to not care about the situation. Seryl's arms just folded back behind his head, his muscles contracting, the lining of his body being more detailed and clear. Rows of teeth seen, as Seryl grinned at his partner. The male slapped the strategist's behind as he gave him a hearty chuckle, his voice a bit baritone, but with his child-like antics, he seemed like an adult male who had the mindset of that of a child.
"Don't you worry, Kashi-danna. I have nothing but faith for our lord. He's come this far, hasn't he?" Seryl commented as Kashikoi did not appreciate the lustful gesture given to him. Shaking his head in disappointment, he rolled his eyes as he headed for an intersection towards the military base.
"Yugana-danna! Seifuku-bouzo!" Seryl called out as he rushed towards the two. "Why don't you say we go out for a bit? Us generals should take a break once and awhile." he said as he looked back at Kashikoi. "Hey Meki--"
"Ja nai. (Goodbye.)" The older male abruptly said as he turned and left, leaving the three.
"Such a stuck up.." Seryl said, as he pouted. But his attention was quickly reverted towards Seifuku, whom he had set his eyes on ever since. The male quickly grabbed the arm of the taller male as he hugged it close to his body. "Come on, bouzo. Yugana-danna, you'll come won't you?" he pleaded, his eyebrows creasing into a begging form.
"Sorry, Seryl-chan. I need to go confer with Mingzhi-sama and Kashikoi-sama about our current situation in the war. But Seifuku here can adhere to your gimmicks." Yugana smiled brightly as he walked towards the direction Kashikoi did. "Well, I'll be leaving now."
Seryl then gave Seifuku a slightly lustful grin. Seifuku, who has been claimed as an innocent male blushed hard at his senpai's face. The Kizu looked at the taller and older male as he gazed back down, sweat breaking from his temple, he tried to break free from his senpai's grasp onto his arm. "F-Fine. Just one drink, senpai." he agreed, looking quite annoyed.
"Great!" Seryl exclaimed, letting go of his arm but now grasped his wrist to pull him towards a tavern.
"Ahh!" Seifuku shouted as he was dragged across the street with Seryl. He looked back at the people who were slowly dissipating in number. "Thank goodness." he sighed in relief as his post here was finished.
Meanwhile, in the Li Palace, the Oda Emperor had healed up his injuries, bandages wrapped around his body, he seemed to be out of the infirmary. His legs felt numb and his sword arms were failing him. It was all in a days work for a warrior like he was, the pain would eventually subsided and he would retain his former glory. With pain comes training and training comes with strength, and it was a valuable asset to him at the moment.
"Yami." the emperor limped towards his throne, as servants quickly came to his aid and assisted him to his seat. The Oda emperor gazed at his bandaged, but still bleeding hand. "Strength." he said, repeating it once more and again, and again. Until his last repitition landed to a valiant shout. "I will have my revenge." he said, grasping tightly the open palm.
"I wouldn't advise that, Lord Raiji." a voice said and it seems to come from the entrance of his throne room. The white haired male was accompanied with two more black-haired men who wore prestigious robes. The three walked the long aisle, as they treaded through royal carpets. The throne room was embedded with gold and sapphire, giant blue pillars filling the room with a militaristic presence.
"Kashikoi, Mingzhi, Chen." Raiji said, a low and baritone voice barely cracking. "What are you doing here? I said the council is to be done tomorrow." the emperor said, looking a bit annoyed.
"Raiji-sama, we cannot leave this predicament unhandled." Kashikoi remarked, his white brows creasing at his friend's stubbornness.
"My lord, it is crucial we discuss to you our thoughts and plans." Mingzhi stated, fanning himself with the feathered fan he brought alongside with him.
"Your recent actions have done the Oda no good, my lord. The Conspiracy will soon retaliate. And we cannot trust our alliance with the Tomi and Guandu, they seek to destroy the Oda Empire." It was obvious that the strategist, Chen was an impatient man, as his tone had gotten a bit out of hand. "Do you see how we stand in this, Raiji-sama? We have no foothold, your governance of Li Province was just given to you by Council! And claiming yourself an emperor with this many men?! We do not stand a chance with the Tomi and Guandu with this lack of militaristic strength, my lord--"
"Enough!" Raiji shouted, his brows creasing a bit as he was very much annoyed with the tone of his unruly strategist. But alas, they were correct, and he had to see reason beyond this. "My actions have been disorganized, I admit."
"My lord," Mingzhi consoled, his voice as calm and deep as a tranquil forest. "We just want you to be advised not to get too overconfident. Our foothold isn't that impressive. Although the contingency of generals you gathered is quite impressive, it won't matter unless our supply and troop number is increased to a significant number." Mingzhi stated, Raiji's face elating from his calm voice. "Our generals have tactics they wish to impart. And we lack the necessary means for that unless we invite more volunteers for our cause."
"It is beneficial you do not attempt to do that without our consent, my lord." Kashikoi said, a calm aura emanating from himself as well. "An assassination without a plan is like heading towards combat without a weapon. Your tactics is unparalleled. The book you had authored had been a great help, but your knowledge in tactics cannot be compared to the bigger picture; strategy."
Raiji sighed as he stood, a black and gold cane in one hand. "I understand." he finished. His strategists' words getting to his thick skull. "You are all dismissed. We shall return to talk tomorrow. I expect you to meet me at the council pagoda in the garden for the strategy meeting." he said, then turned around to leave.
The three strategists knelt down as all three of them jabbed their fist onto their palm, presenting their hands as respect and custom to their lord. The three then stood and left the throne room. A few minutes later, the throne room was empty and everyone had gotten to their slumber.
Above the gates of Li Province...
"I-It's.. Ri--" a soldier had exclaimed but had been cut off with a slit onto his neck. A dark cackle resounded as a female silhouette walked over and gazed upon the peaceful province of Li. Her grin expanding from ear to ear, she was joined by a couple of masked men. "Revenge is a dish best served cold.." she said to herself, shaking her head. "Unfortunately for you, my dear, your contract's up."