{The Conquest} - Chapter 1 - Strength Amidst the Chaos

A dark chuckle arose from a dark depth as a male with long and cultivated jet black hair sat on his throne gazing a small knife. A pale hand took ahold of the hilt as he unsheathed the small blade, slowly looking at the sharpness and shininess of the...

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The Mountains Song

Poem #2 of 20 we stand tall, we hear her call, we dig our roots deep, we never sleep, we are the mountains, the mountains of yore, we've been in myths, legends and lore, we sing we pray, there will come a day, when light keeps dark at bay, oh father

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 17

"you take pride in knowin' that yore friends openly make fun o' yore foul breath?" "course i do! jus' another reminder that i'm stayin' healthy with all the pellets i consume, wot!" penjo's eyes grew wide.

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The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Preview 4

"ah-ah'm deeply sorry fer yore loss, dear laddie. ah didn't realize who ye were. this is as much fer ye and yore pa as 'tis fer yore ma an' dear sis, so ah'll sing ye whatever ye'd like; the karamuses won't mind."

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Avarin Falls, Chapter 1

He shouldered by the struggling quartet and sat down, leaning back against the comforting bark of a yore limb. a humid breeze filtered through the canopy branches and scattered the shadows lining the platform.

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Future there lies a peace_ _where the spirits of life meet once more_ _all dressed in their coats of fleece_ _to embark on the final journey to the distant shore_ _while darkness reigns for a span_ _always to yield to the ever present dawn_ _memories of yore


Wherever I go

Wherever i lay_ stuffed animal no comfort pillow recalls a cold hug different darkness hidden within the night oh how life once felt so smug _wherever i try_ soul now crushed asunder under the weight of thoughts from yore

Wherever I go

Wherever i lay_ stuffed animal no comfort pillow recalls a cold hug different darkness hidden within the night oh how life once felt so smug _wherever i try_ soul now crushed asunder under the weight of thoughts from yore

Lost Silhouettes

Before knowing only the dread of being forgotten and the fear of losing what had made them something more than just a pygmy in the eyes of the world but now they may know that which they had not before a life of countless joys, hearkening an age of yore


Guro Challenge #25: Organs

Here i am slavin' me paws to the bone over those damn pots, an' yore lazin' about! wot're you even doin'?"

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Misplaced Muse

Renew our curiosity in all things bizarre, bring us back to the days of hither and yore. let us look to the future, see what's in store for our fledgling race, let us strike out far.
