First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part Three -- {Threats}
Sorry this took so long! But here's a pretty lengthy read for you all! Enjoy! :)
Don't mind the tags, I rushed this ending. The picture is a depiction of Genova's headquarters. Credits go to the anime, K.
-- [BUREAU HEADQUARTERS, 2:12 PM, Saturday, May 12, Lobby] --
The sliding doors of the Bureau's entrance opened, flurries of crowds had still been rushing around the place. The noise they emitted was very irritating to the ears. Jason's ears slightly twitched at the horrible soundwave that hit his face as soon as he entered. A slight frown on Jason's face could be seen as he shook his head in grimace. He really disliked being in noisy and crowded places, such as the nature of Lucarios to meditate solely on peaceful things. This however, was not a peaceful place.
"Say, you've never been to the Genova's lobby, have you?" Guren asked the Lucario with a very pondering face.
"Well, those two weeks of fatigue from the initiation did a number on me. I didn't think I was able to manage going to the Bureau, I only had enough energy for school." the Lucario said, slightly slouching at the thought of going through those gruesome leg and back pains. Not to mention he had trouble breathing for most of that time, but it was one of the symptoms of getting accustomed to the ability. "By the way, I haven't seen Raiki since today. He wasn't with you during school time?"
"Oh, Raiki likes being alone most of the time. I give him his space and that gives me time to be with my other friends. And he also doesn't like other groups of people he doesn't know walking with him. So yeah, you won't be seeing me frequently with Raiki. He's usually up on that hill with the shrine on it. Almost no one goes there since it's actually a cemetery." Guren said, a sheepish grin forming on her face as she laughed nervously. Guren's demeanor then changed to a rather concerned one. "Oh.. and don't let the weird looks get to you. The Bureau's really judging your viability on a 'national' scale. I've received a call earlier before we left that you should be very careful. As Kiyoshi has released a..--"
"What do you mean..?" Jason and Guren then walked inside the Bureau as they were getting sneers and glares at Jason. The noisy lobby then slowly fell into a grimacing silence. All eyes were on the walking duo as Jason felt his heart slowly racing and skipping a beat. His hands were sweaty from the silence. It's as if these stares were like spears violently lodging into his heart.
"The hell is he doing here?" // "Yeah, this whole trouble started with him." // "Damn immigration, letting someone into the country that Visus is targetting." // "The Bureau is supposed to be the safest stronghold in all of Shinzuku.. not it feels like a danger zone to me."
"Hey, you're that American kid, right?!" a man with a scruffy stubble and messy hair from overworking shouted out as he slammed his coffee mug onto his desk. "You're the reason Visus is coming for us!"
"Yeah! You're an American spy, right? Everyone knows Visus is an American terrorist group! We've seen it on our reports!" another male exclaimed.
"Get out of here! You're nothing but trouble!" a third one chimed in.
"..I don't understand.. please.. everyone...--" Jason tried to reason out, his eyebrows creasing in confusion, slowly trying decipher what this accusation is.
"Don't try to fool us, you conniving little weasel! We just received this report from Kiyoshi-sama himself! Visus is an American terrorist group and one of its S-Class spies is you! It says here clearly in black and white, Jason Alexander!" the man with a scruffy stubble said as he walked towards the blue-headed male and shoved the piece of paper onto the shoulder of the teen.
Jason took it and read the report, it was printed in very special paper. This seems to be the original copy, it seems. It's been sealed on and everything, it even has the right credentials on it. 'Something seems to be wrong.. that or Kiyoshi has horrible spy contacts and isn't as competent as he seems.' Jason then showed Guren the report and the female aristocrat nodded and agreed that was Kiyoshi's official signature.
"I'm an S-Class spy..? I never knew." Jason said, smiling a bit as he gave the paper back to the man. The scruffy male seemed to glare at him even more, he took the slight movement of his lips as a sign of disrespect and mockery.
"Are you mocking the authenticity of our spymaster?!" the man shouted loudly as the silenced room came bustling about with whispers and angry rants.
"Not mocking.. just doubting it a bit. Since I am very well acquainted with Kiyoshi-san's competence when it comes to information gathering. I never expected a bold accusation like this coming from him of all people." Jason said straightforwardly as the man was slightly sent aback by his words. "What I'm saying is, there must be an error in his report."
"Let me first tell all of you, in case Kiyoshi-san has failed to inform all of you: I have no allegiances with Visus, I never even heard of that group when I was in the Military District of Avalon. Avalon is a very well-known mercenary organization that pursues terrorist. This kind of accusation is kind of ironic, isn't it?" Jason raised his brow, as he shook his head. "Just because I am of American citizenship, and well-versed in the art of combat, does not link me to these people." With that last sentence, every single person inside the Bureau's lobby was momentarily silenced. But then the scruffy man rose an eyebrow.
"Mercenary group, eh? And you're telling me this mercenary group has a goal? Then it's not a mercenary group at all! It's an organization! You are working for Visus!" the male exclaimed, as he gestured for other able-bodied to men to accompany him in seizing the boy. "C'mon, boys. Let's throw this traitor into the prison cells!"
Jason then prepared to find an escape route through all this crowd and tried to flee from this predicament, but before the men could get their grabby hands on the Lucario. A silhouette appeared in front of him and knocked the men flat on their backs. It was a familiar figure, and the air seemed very common. Lightning streaks across the atmosphere.. it was him.
"I hate noise." the male uttered, his voice sounding like he had a bad night's sleep. "What's all the fuss about here?" the groggy male asked as his eyes dropped into a malicious glare. The scruffy man then handed the teen the analysis report with a shaky hand as the male reached a gloved hand out, taking the paper and reading it. After such deliberation, the teen held it between two fingers and allowed his lightning to flow through it, crumpling the paper in the process. He let even more lightning flow and that resulted in the incineration of the report. "This is all wrong, you should all get back to your stations. Now." the male said as he turned to face his two 'friends.'
With the command of the male, a majority of the people who were heckling Jason had gone back to thier busy selves, but now silent in their desks. The scruffy man then glared at Raiki, as he stood up and stepped onto the stairs and slammed his foot on one flight. "Hey, kid! Just because you're the grandson of Byakurai, does not give you the ability to boss me around, y'here!? I've been here for 30 years and I'm not taking shit from no one! That kid is from Visus--" before the man could finish his sentence, a sword procreated from lightning reached onto the jugular vein of the man.
"Keep smacking those lips." Raiki then said as he slowly turned the blade onto its flat side as he gently caressed his neck onto the fatal vein of the man. The man only stood there, frozen as he faced certain death. "In the olden days of my father's time and his father's time, insubordination was punishable by death. You're pretty lucky this isn't that time period." Raiki said as he retracted his blade as it faded away in streaks of lightning. "Doubting a man's word is the highest dishonor you can give him." the teen continued as his eyes glowed golden in his silent rage.
The man could only swallow his saliva in fear of what could have been. The tense aura from before has gotten thicker.
"Pack your things, pass your resignation letter to Niyoka-san there. I don't want to see your ugly mug in this building again." the teen said, pointing at the lobby receptionist woman.
"...P-Please.. Raiki.. I have to support my wife and three children! I only wanted to show initiative because this case was urgent!" the man begged and pleaded.
"You're not even in the position to be accusing people. Let alone throwing them in solitary confinement." Raiki added in reply, as he kept walking up the stairs and ignoring the man. Just then a blonde figure came from outside the elevator and greeted trio with a nonchalant smile. The man waved as he walked towards the three teenagers as he gazed at the man groveling before him. Kiyoshi sighed and looked at Raiki..
"What'd you do this time?" Kiyoshi asked, shaking his head.
"He was accusing one of your members of treachery, I'm doing your job, senpai." the Luxray commented on, as he gave the blonde a blank stare.
"I was only informed by your reports, Kiyoshi-sama..." the man said as he still knelt there, groveling.
"My report..? I never sent out a.." Kiyoshi muttered as Raiki quickly walked down to the receptionist's desk and took a piece of paper, as he dissipated into lightning, returning quickly to the male. Giving the spare copy of the report, Raiki gazed at the older male with a discerning look.
"There were no fingerprints on the official paper, and you didn't sign it by hand. I had my x-ray vision discern that." the male said, as he only looked at the blonde who read the paper thoroughly.
"I keep forgetting you had that ability.. just like other Luxrays." Kiyoshi said as he read through the alleged report he has sent out. "Well, this is certainly a fake. Although my next status report for everyone was about the Visus. The word spy certainly comes into play in that report."
"So.. what does that mean?" Jason asked as he walked nearer to gaze at the report.
"It means you're innocent, Jason-kun. This report isn't authentic. Something feels amiss.. I feel like this report was forged. Someone must've hacked through the mainframe and into my database." the blonde said as he gazed back at the man who was still grovelling by the stairs. "Well, I guess, indirectly this is my fault, I am responsible for the tech-y stuff that goes around here. And having my mainframe hacked is clearly a sign of my incompetence. But, however, that initiative and attempt to lock Jason away here without sound judgement is still punishable. We'll have you suspended for three days, sir." Kiyoshi said to the sobbing man as he gave him a grin.
"B-But.. I .." the man said, wiping his tears away, trying to compromise for a pardon.
"This is the biggest pardon I can give you, sir. Or you'd like it under Raiki-kun's terms here." the blonde smiled nonchalantly at the man as he nodded and agreed to the suspension. He then went back to his desk and prepared to leave the premises. The blonde then chuckled as he gazed at Jason, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Sorry about that."
"Ah, it's no problem at all.." Jason said as he laughed nervously. 'Phew, that was a close one. That grace under pressure speech bit worked its magic for awhile.'
"So.. about the hacking.. do you think.." Raiki asked Kiyoshi quickly, but before Raiki could come to a hypothesis, Kiyoshi was already a step ahead of him.
"This is no doubt the psychological tactics of Mitsuhide. If you all forgot, he is Visus' spymaster.. and an old.. chum of mine." Golden eyebrows creased as he spoke. "It is a typical tactic that he would sow discord in Bureau ranks, he's done this before when he was working for us. I have half a mind to trace the signal, but knowing how meticulous he is, he's probably blocked off the transmissions to their location."
"That could be a problem.. Mitsuhide-senpai was quite the sly fox." Raiki said as he shook his head. Suddenly a buzzing noise can be heard from his pocket; he took it out and revealed his cellphone. The Luxray then read the text message that was sent to him. "I'm needed at Genova's lobby. I'll see all of you there." he ended as he walked away, whilst fading into light blue electricity.
"I seriously didn't expect him to run away here." Jason said as he looked at the spot where Raiki had disappeared to. "And judging from the scenario earlier, I never would've expected he'd pop out."
"I think that's thanks for what you did earlier." Kiyoshi said, crossing his arms as a wide grin was plastered on his face. "Raiki doesn't like expressing his thanks in words, he's too prideful in that. Plus, he doesn't like owing people anything. He always repays his debts."
"Wait.. how did you know that we were talking in the balcony? You were being treated downstairs for your arm." Jason said, a bit shocked. "I guess Raiki told you..--"
"Nope. I just know." Kiyoshi grinned, winking slightly at the teen. "And by the way, I never tell lower ranked employees your private information, just so you know. I can't fail to inform that of which what I never did."
"... You were listening on the whole time?!" Jason exclaimed, very shocked at these transpiring events. 'He's.. really.. scary.' he thought to himself as he swallowed the saliva building up in his mouth.
"I might be." Kiyoshi cooed out, giving a sly laugh, crimson optics only staring at the young boy.
"Let's just go, Raiki's waiting for us upstairs." Guren said, as she sneered at both men and walked towards the elevator. Jason then nodded as he followed Guren, whilst
-- [BUREAU HEADQUARTERS, 2:23 PM, Saturday, May 12, Genova Lobby] --
Genova's lobby and meeting room was luxuriously designed, it seems Genova had a headquarters of their own, seeing as they work separately from the Bureau. The main room of the headquarters where most of the members spend most of their time. It is a room full of monitors where the members can monitor every situation happening at the Bureau HQ and Shinzuku City. It also the place where they can access and gather information, talk idly and discuss plans and schemes. Jason was feeling a bit of a relaxing aura within it, the primary color of the room being blue.
"What's with the monitors everywhere?" Jason asked, looking around the nicely decorated establishment.
"That is one of my methods of gathering data, not even S.C.E.P.T.E.R has hold of this technology. I've evaded a lot of lawsuits pertaining to this kind of technology. I created this system, its hardware, and its innovation. Therefore, I expect to have full rights of my own invention. Besides, this kind of technology in the wrong hands would result in shady business." Kiyoshi explained as he walked with his two kouhais. (juniors)
"But aren't you conducting shady business too?" Jason asked, rolling his eyes a bit in the irony.
"Yeah, but I don't want to start a war or anything. I'm not a country, and I would never let this kind of equipment in the hands of the Japanese military. I'd self-destruct this whole control room than let them have it. Even if there were people in here." Kiyoshi chuckled at this morbid thought, but Jason would just dismiss it as a jest, as dark as it may be.
'Dear..' Guren thought to herself, slightly irked by the thought of blowing up a portion of the Bureau. But, he didn't stray from the crazy things he's done in the past. All of them resulted in a pure succession, however. She just wonders how the blonde actually pulls off ridiculous sounding ideas, but work in his favor in the end. "Don't mind him, he doesn't mean it." she whispered to Jason to reassure him as this elected a relieving sigh from the boy.
"The reason I brought you here is to discuss my first order of business. And I wanted to acquaint Jason with the people he's going to be working with." Kiyoshi said, as he looked over the bustling but few members inside the control room, each doing their own business.
"I expected for more people to be in here though.. seeing as you are a wide spy network." Jason said, a bit disappointed at the lack of staff.
"Oh, this room's for my circle of members. Only people who've piqued by interest in either field work or miscellaneous prospects are allowed in here as part of my special team; Genova. Guren is an exception, however. His father wouldn't let me involve her with field work, although he has the capabilities." Kiyoshi laughed as he gestured for the two to follow him. The three walked over to the male who seemed to be busy with plumbing the sink in the kitchen. He seemed to be wearing a two layers of polos, a white one outside and an orange checkered one inside; he also seemed to have a loose tie around his neck.
"This guy is Pancho, he's the weapons engineer of the group. He's been exceptional under the technology department which Kanpeki handled. It took a little haggling with Kanpeki for me to get Pancho here. He makes the most efficient weapons, he's a better inventor than I am." Kiyoshi explained as the man under the tubes of the sink grumbled at what he was doing.
"Yet, this idiot has me fixing the stupid sink." the boy commented, as he sighed, throwing the wrench onto the toolbox as his upper body exited the inside of the plumbing area. "I'm Pancho de Veranda, I originally came from the Bureau's European branch, but I was called into this one to distribute the new plans and weaponry to the North East Asian branches like Japan and Korea. But I was stationed here to work for this goofball." Pancho said, smiling a bit.
"You look.. pretty young. You look like a junior from a high school." Jason asked, interested at how short he was but was an engineer.
"Oh, that's because I am. I'm only sixteen years old. I stopped school since I knew engineering things was my passion and I couldn't see myself doing anything else." Pancho said, as he smiled brightly, sticking a grease-filled hand towards Jason. "Pleased to meet ya! Call me Pancho and if you need anything fixed, I can do it!"
"Um.." Jason said, chuckling nervously. Pancho then realized that his hand was greasy and laughed slightly. He then opened the sink he was fixing and washed his hands in it.
"There, good as new." Pancho told himself as he complimented his own work. He then turned around and stuck his clean hand again for a handshake.
"My name's Jason Alexander, you can call me Jason." the blue-headed male said as he beamed brightly, taking ahold of Pancho's hand and shaking it.
"Welcome to the team, Jason-senpai." the boy said as he giggled slightly and grinned afterwards; a leaf lodged between his teeth. Jason was quite stricken when he heard the senpai honorific. He never thought he'd be called that during his stay here, he was quite ecstatic about it.
"Pancho, I just got word that the new blueprints you ordered are with Niyoka-chan. You better get it from her." Kiyoshi said, as he pointed at the elevator, signalling for Pancho to get his supplies.
"Why didn't you get it for me then, senpai?!" Pancho asked a bit surprised that Kiyoshi didn't deliver the blueprints when he was just down at the lobby.
"Niyoka's a stickler for rules and privacy. So she wanted you to get them personally." the fox smiled.
"Ack, that's right.. well.. I have to go. It was nice meeting you, Jason-senpai!" Pancho said as he raced towards the elevator, waving a temporary goodbye. The blue-haired male also waved goodbye as he smiled at the younger boy.
"Well, there are more people I have to formally introduce you to. Let's get going." The fox then walked towards two men gazing out on the windows as they looked upon Shinzuku City from a high vantage point. The man seemed to be wearing a rice-field hat and the other man had his face wrapped in cloth so that on his eyes and a slight bridge of his nose could be seen. Both were heavily equipped with weapons. "These two are Hayai Sairensa and Jinsoku Shikei. They're my top field agents."
"Ah," the walnut blonde male with a rice-field hat muttered out as he noticed the presence of three individuals behind him. "Oh, so you must be Jason Alexander. I've been hearing a lot about you from Kiyoshi after that initiation. I was the one who patched you up and repaired your soul chain when you fell unconscious. My name is Hayai Sairensa, and I work with Kiyoshi here in the field. I'm also the medic of the team, so come to me if you have any sort of injury and I'll check if you need minor patching up or if we have to take your case to the medical office." Hayai stuck out his hand as Jason mutually grasped it, firmly shaking. His hand seemed very rough, but that was to be expected for someone who was wielding a katana.
"I'm pleased to meet you, Hayai-senpai." Jason said grinning a bit, chuckling at the male before him.
"Wow, you're catching on to the local lingo, huh?" the seemingly battle-damaged male said. He had a scar strewn across the bridge of his nose, and several ones on his left arm. He seemed to have faced many battles. "I'm older than Kiyoshi here, so you don't see me calling him my senpai."
"Oh.. I thought Kiyoshi was the oldest here." Jason said, looking around the fairly young people inside the control room.
"Oh.. and this guy's with me. He's practically the silent type here." the male said as he pointed to the masked male who was still pondering through the window.
"The perpetual mix of both nature and civility, it's quite a breath-taking sight to see. When I was a young boy, I would only see bamboo trees stretched as far as the eye can see, living with my mother as I protected her from the bandits that would ransack our village. Such as the way of the ninja my father has bestowed upon me. My name is Jinsoku Shikei, and I am the last of my own kind." the male with a smooth baritone voice said as he clasped both his hands and bowed towards the blue-headed male. "Alexander Jason, you may call me Jin."
"A real life ninja?.. Or are you just one of those stealth spies claiming to be ninjas?" Jason said with a brow raised upon his eye.
"I would not blame you for thinking as such, since there are academies offering studies on the ways of the shinobi. But I digress, it is only under tradition that you may be corroborated as one with the shadow." the male spoke in a slow tone.
"I found Jinsoku during one of my stakeout missions in the Sagano Forest in Kyoto. He interfered and almost succeeded in killing me if it wasn't for Raiki's father. I assure you no ninja master in those academies you see can even lay a finger on me. That was how I knew that he was the real deal." Kiyoshi said, laughing slightly as he pulled down his collar to reveal his neck. "This is the scar he inflicted, as you can see it is about half an inch near my jugular vein."
"I apologize dearly for that day, Kiyoshi-sama." Jinsoku said as he bowed at the blonde.
"Anyway, you only need to know that we're the layout artists of any scheme or giant operation we might have. If you need any help with finding a game plan for your mission Jin and I here can help you with that. Just give us the briefings of your mission and the map and outlines of the area, and we can promise you that you'll get in safely. " Hayai said as he stuck his fist out, which Jason responded to a smile as he bumped fists with the light-hearted man. "You should go and talk to Tatsuo next, Kiyoshi. He's been wanting to meet your new recruit all week."
"That I'll do seeing as he's the next on my list." Kiyoshi said as he waved goodbye at the two men; they had resumed their sight seeing. The trio then walked up to a man on a crafting table, seeing as he's welding something together. Circular pieces of metal being sown in together by heat and sparks. The man was dabbling with various bottles filled with colorful liquids and jars of powder and stuffing them inside the balls.
"Ohayo, Tatsuo-tan." Kiyoshi said as the three of them approached the man with a rather tall and slender build as he dabbles with his equipment.
"Ah, it's about time you showed up, Kiyoshi. I've analyzed that drug you brought to me. It's Kenko Inc. property, I see. Won't Kanpeki-san get livid at you for trying to experiment with it without his consent? You know how low of an opinion he has of you at the moment, with all your shenanigans and whatnot." The man with a slightly grumpy tone to his voice said as he turned around and gave Kiyoshi a raised eyebrow. "He told me things at the Paper Moon, how you tried to sexually assault him and all."
"And, you actually believed him?" Kiyoshi said, chuckling, seemingly convincing that he had not done this accusation. "Kanpeki says a lot of things."
"I know not to jump to conclusions, but you've been drinking quite a lot lately ever since separating from him. It's just that the evidence connects." Tatsuo said as he shook his head. "Anyway, you must be Jason. My name is Tatsuo Akifumi and I am the pharmacist of the Genova. I handle the medicinal assets of the group and create subterfuge items such as smoke, flash bombs, grenades, tear gases and tranquilizers. I can also provide the Bureau with poison. That is my specialty, above all else. If you want to bring some items that might give you an edge on the field, come to me and I'll see what I can do." the male stuck his hand out, as he firmly shook the man's hand.
"And, Kiyoshi, didn't you say we had an emergency meeting? I heard all about that little fight earlier, it seems Byakurai-dono is letting the stealth ops handle this for awhile. Smart move making Genova the head of operations." Tatsuo said as he stood up, slightly towering over the three.
"Well, it's more work for me, so it is a bother. But hey, it's better than doing nothing." Kiyoshi shrugged as he turned around at the balcony and called over for the people to the tables for the meeting to commence. "Oi! Meeting time, c'mon, let's get this over with. Kanpeki and Fumiko'll be here in a moment. You don't want them to see all of you scattered around there."
"That reminds me.. didn't Raiki say he'll be here?" Jason asked.
"Yeah, I wonder where he is.." Guren chimed in.
"I believe he's in his room. He did have one constructed for him here since he does late night work sometimes." Kiyoshi said, as he looked at the door to the far right, signalling that to be Raiki's room. The door then opened as the teenage male emerged from the room and was holding up a short blonde boy up.
"H-hey! Raiki-senpai! Lemme go!" the boy said as he was dropped on the floor like a little pillow. "Ack!"
"Care to explain what business you had in my room, Pancho?" the male uttered as he gazed down at the younger boy before him.
"W-Well.. I really wanted to get a good look at Raiji-sama's katana and what material it was used with. It seems so durable and I.." Pancho said, blushing a bit as the teen found out his true intentions.
"Long story short, the material isn't something you can find here in this world. So, don't touch that." Raiki said, as he exited the room, the door sliding as he exited, locking in place. The two young males then walked over the tables as the blonde boy sat on one of the chairs and spread out the blueprints he had gotten from the receptionist. He ponders on the plans and smiles brightly, rescrolls it back as he runs towards another room, seemingly the workshop he does the tools in.
The elevator then opened, footfall slowly approaching the control room. Two figures then came into play, one bearing lush green hair and the other with flowing, jetblack hair. The female growled slightly as her slowly raised due the static electricity she was emitting. She then glared at those unprepared and prepared to shout something.
"Sairensa, Shikei! Stop sight-seeing! I want you in front of me right now, that's an order! Akifumi, postpone those little jester contraptions! Kitsune, Kagayaku, Alexander, in front of me. Now!" the female feline growled. The two men who had been called were caught off guard as they gazed behind them only to see the chief of police, livid as they have not assumed their positions. Hayai sweated severely as he could only walk fearfully in front of her, even the silent and collected Jinsoku could only respond to her whim.
'Wow.. she's very.. professional.' Jason thought to himself; expecting as that she is like that when she's on the job, but not that abrasive.
-- [BUREAU HEADQUARTERS, 2:42 PM, Saturday, May 12, Genova Lobby] --
"Alright, I want reports. I'm pretty sure Kiyoshi had you all over the place with your squads. I've seen Genova infantry guarding the blimp, so I want to know what you've seen." Fumiko said as she sat down on the table, every single member sitting on the tables with monitors. "I'd like to ask the following questions, since you're the only group who has the answers."
"It is very flattering that the chief of police would humble herself and ask help from the professionals." Kiyoshi chimed in as this elected a slight glare from the chief.
"The only reason you're still operating illegal technology like this is because I'm chief, Kiyoshi. So watch your mouth there, before I shove this sword up your gullet." Fumiko said as Kiyoshi could only chuckle nervously. The blonde then looked over to his subordinates as he gestured for them to give their reports.
"Well, Sector B and J of the blimp's outer exterior was secured. So was C, F and E . I saw no vantage points for them to have entered the blimp." Hayai said as he laid out the plans for the blimp used for the meeting earlier.
"This just supports my information that Mitsuhide is the spymaster of Visus. He designed the blimp we were in, it is natural that he'd know where the weak spots are and target those. Or he knows fully that his blimp is quite impenetrable, so they'd enter in a different way." the blonde fox said as he crossed his legs. "Mainly, teleportation."
"I agree, they did get in by some means of teleportation. As we have witnessed when they exited from a rift. But, i want to know how they got on board. And why there was a blimp on the other side of that rift." Fumiko asked as she too crossed her legs.
"I know what Mitsuhide's airships look like. As I've said, Mitsuhide knows the ups and downs of those airships.. so I believe that they were indeed next to the blimp when it was assaulted." Kiyoshi defended his theory as he looked over at his members. "I also gained intel that they were using items and relics from the Bureau."
"How?" Fumiko asked, a bit surprised once more. "I don't see how regular weapons and your weapons would mean anything at this moment."
"I have just received word from the European branches that the manuscript for creating the gem used by the legendary hero, Sir Gawain has been stolen. As you might know, that Sir Gawain is very well known for his audacity at the skirmish at Cambridge, a legendary battle when he repelled the demon army of Yami with the help of our founder, Furui. He's been an icon for the European branch. His weapon was imbued with the power of a gem that cut through the fabric of space itself, it was said to be blessed by the goddess, Giratina." Kiyoshi said, as Fumiko seemed to interrupt.
"I don't understand where you're going with this. The weapon you speak of is long since gone, buried in the chasms of time. Are you saying that they retrieved the weapon of a legendary hero?" Fumiko asked, a bit estranged with this topic in particular.
"You see, before I explain any further I must educate you in a special type of science Mitsuhide and I were particularly fond of. You may as well call it pseudo-science as it has never been implemented before. I'm not saying that they retrieved the weapon of Sir Gawain that easily, I'm saying they replicated it in some way." Kiyoshi said, clearing his throat. "We have developed a way to absorb the spiritual essence from a dead soul. I believe Mitushide has finally perfected the study and had captured the essence of the Sir Gawain and placed it into the axe. Therefore giving the battle axe the gem's abilities. The same abilities used by Sir Gawain when he was still alive."
"Th..That's.. unbelievable. Kitsune, this is completely unreliable information you're giving now." Fumiko said, slightly unamused by what the fox said.
"We're dealing with an occultist here, I am the safest bet you have right now." Kiyoshi said, smirking at the chief of police as she could not believe her ears. A ding was heard from behind them suddenly as to metal doors slid. The elevator had opened and revealed a feminine looking figure walking over to the group. The figure had been wearing a long and closed jacket, equipped with two katana blades and wearing a large, purple beret.
"Sad to say, Chief Lisbon, Kiyoshi-senpai is correct. I just got back from Preston, England and I met up with Hirato-dono, one of the chancellors of the Bureau overseeing Great Britain." the figure said, bearing a slightly high toned voice, similar to that of a woman's. The figure then sat down next to Tatsuo and assumed the position in the meeting.
"Ah, Mi-kun. Could you please elaborate on your findings." Fumiko asked as she gestured for the male to commence his explanation.
"Well, Hirato-dono informed me that he has spotted agents from Visus. I was immediately sent there to find out what as going on. Hirato-dono told me that two blueprints have been stolen. One was the manuscript for Sir Gawain's gem and they also stole another blueprint that was under a prototype stage. I wasn't able to get a look, but the copies have been delivered here already." Mi said as he placed his dual katanas down on the table.
A door suddenly opened behind them as a slender male with tanned skin and blonde hair approached them, holding rolls of blueprint holders. The male then spread the plans across the table as he sat down to explain the plans. Fumiko's eyes widened as he saw intricate drawings lain across blue paper.
"I think I know why we were caught off guard..." Pancho said as he looked at the plans, pointing at something. "This one right here. This is the European branch's special espionage cloak prototype. The designs weren't finished.. but I think when Mitsuhide-san stole these plans, he finished the design."
"Pancho, what do these designs relay?" Fumiko asked a bit intrigued at the cloth like design of what Pancho has shown them.
"Well, basically these are camoflauge tarpaulins used to hide equipment from enemy lines. These however, are in prototype. I believe this is what Visus used to cloak their airships with." Pancho said, tilting his head at the design. "But this was quite impossible without compact energy source. From my understanding of cloaking, the light from our field of vision must be obscured in some way, therefore giving the impression that object is cloaked. This could've only been possible with certain lens positioned specifically. And could only 'cloak' a certain object around 15 cm away?"
"Well, how could Mitsuhide made this cloaking device that seemed generally impossible to operate?" Fumiko asked, tapping her chin in thought as the other members were all lost in a process of tihnking.
"I believe that is what we'll know about the manuscript... I think Mi could provide us with some intel." the blonde gazed over at the beret wearing male.
"Well.. what I have here is a copy of the manuscript. Though it isn't the official one, I guess we could work with this one just the same." Mi said as he took out a piece of bond paper that had a clear copy of what was on the manuscript. "Hirato-dono told me that every single cipher here was telegraphed into this paper."
"And what do you believe we'd get from that paper, Mi-kun? It is something that eludes our basic understanding." Jin rebutted as he took off his head mask and revealed strands of brown hair as he ruffled them, seemingly cleaning it out.
"I brought this back here so Kiyoshi-senpai may take a look at this cipher. His Eyes of Samsara hold a certain type of clairvoyance. He may be able to tap into the spiritual history of the words and create a basic alphabet in which we may decode it." Mi explained as Kiyoshi's eyes slightly lit up.
"I was just about to suggest that.. but I am afraid that if this was just a copy, it would be fruitless. If I were to tap into its spiritual essence, all I would see is the transcriptor writing the cipher into it. Or anything that may have to do with that paper, such as knowing which tree it came from. I must have the original cipher in order for your idea to work, Mi-kun." Kiyoshi explained as he crossed his arms; Mi's expression feeling a bit down.
"However, I do have an idea how Mitsuhide was able to make the cloak work.." the fox said as he rubbed his fingers on his chin.
"It's always you who disturbingly has ideas, Kiyoshi.." Hayai said, as he slightly chuckled when he spoke.
"Those who hold the same power as I do have spiritual clairvoyance. The ability of sensing somewhat a spiritual record of any living or non-living object. Mitsuhide has this same power as I do as did one of my comrades." Kiyoshi said, slightly sighing at this predicament.
"It is possible for someone else to have insanely god-like abilities as you do?" Fumiko asked a bit confused on Kiyoshi's statement.
"Please, Lady Fumiko, these special abilities do come at a price." Kiyoshi commented on his odd abilities. "Someone who is clearly smarter or stronger in physical strength than I am can easily crush me if they wished. Although I do not plan in divulging more of my strange retinas, I will just explain my theory at present."
Fumiko scoffed as she gritted her teeth in distaste for the blonde male. "Then spit it out, Kitsune. I have other matters to attend to after this."
"Using Mitsuhide's spiritual clairvoyance, he probably deciphered what was on the manuscript. Tapping into the spiritual records of the events that took place with that object, that is how our mutual ability works. Every single time it was picked up, every time it was tampered with. He had seen all of that. Knowing that this manuscript was written by some group of people to explain the abilities of the gem, he must've tapped into the item's origin. From there, he attained the characters of that manuscript, and deciphered the abilities of the gem." Kiyoshi then ended to take a pause for everyone to take in what he just said.
"So.. what does that mean?" Pancho said, scratching his head, trying to pick up on all of this. "This spirit voodoo stuff isn't really my thing.. and we really haven't gained anything from that. It's just what you would do if we had the original copy." the boy said as Kiyoshi only chuckled at his remark.
"In summary of what I said, the gem has something to do with powering up the cloaks." Kiyoshi then simplified as he smirked at the elaboration of his theory.
"There are still some loose ends you need to tie up in that theory. For one, how do you think a gem could power up a cloak?" Fumiko asked as Kiyoshi frowned slightly.
"You need to give more attention to the things in front of you, Lady Fumiko." the fox said as he pointed at the cloak's descriptions. "Read this section. For the cloak to work, it requires an amount of energy to function. It is not electricity based as well, nor it is aero-dependent as the notes here states. It certainly cannot be powered geothermally as it was placed high up in the sky, thereof a lack of ground."
"So you're saying they used the energy of the gem somehow?" Fumiko asked, a bit skeptical on what she was being presented with. She based her logic on facts on every case she handled. This all seemed very surreal to her.
"At present, that is what I believe. Yes." Kiyoshi ended his note as he leaned back on his seat, crossing his legs in a lazy manner. "I refrained from divulging this information since it's a Bureau trade secret, and Byakurai-sama might scold me if I did reveal it. But this case might call for this information, seeing as Visus certainly does have world-threatening men on their side." the fox said sighing in stress of the matter.
"The gem of Sir Gawain was crafted by none other than Furui. Furui created mystical gems to enchant their weapons at the time of their war, and these gems hold mystical spirit energy." Kiyoshi then pointed to his retinas as his scelera slowly turned darker than black and his crimson irises turned gold. "These eyes used to belong to Furui himself. He used these eyes to give the gems power drawn from the spiritual realm. Furui weaponized the spirits in order to change the tide of battle."
Everyone was then silent at what Kiyoshi had been saying. The fox held a legendary power passed down by a god, it was truly flabbergasting. Fumiko then swallowed a bit of her own saliva, trying to comprehend what heresy Kiyoshi was talking about. It seemed unbelievable, but it explained quite a lot why Kiyoshi was known and feared for his combat prowess.
"I do not know the method, but I have only read it in Furui's temple. These gems created by Furui were powered using the prowess of the spirits. Drawing sentient life from the other realm, the gems were meant to augment the abilities of weapons and give them supernatural feats. I believe that someone with Furui's optical power could reverse the process and draw the energy from the gem, thus powering the cloaking devices." Kiyoshi explained, as if letting out a really big secret. "And one more thing, if you haven't noticed it yet. These designs are marked with the symbol of the Furui temple. These designs are not presently created by the European branch, but these designs are transcripted from their original source."
"You're making less and less sense here, Kiyoshi-senpai." Raiki rebutted as he gave the blonde a lazy look, could've been mistaken for a glare.
"I took the liberty of looking into the blueprints' spiritual essence. And these are in fact, Furui's designs. They used to be imprinted in manuscripts." Kiyoshi then said bluntly as everyone in the room was in a state of surprise. "This only strengthens the final conclusion of my theory."
".. Which is..?" Fumiko asked eagerly, seeing as Kiyoshi had been setting up valid points in his argument. This man really did know everything.. and that fact frightened the police chief.
"The reason why these prototypes do not work is because they lack a proper energy source." Kiyoshi then paused, as he looked at his fellow Genova members. "This energy source is none other than the power of the spirits."
".. If what you say is true.. then it all adds up." Fumiko said as he gazed a the ground, seeing these theories as fact. She had no leads to go to, and this one was the least logical bet she'd place, but it was the only explanation to such odd event. Before any of them could add into what craziness the group had already spouted, the lights went off. The group could hear numerous mutterings of the people in the building. They complained why the outage was there.
Suddenly the monitors flickered as it only showed a lone visual. It was a man in a masquerade mask. Only his eyes were shown and blooming white hair. Four silhouettes joined behind him, they also seemed to be wearing the same masks the visible one was. Their leader seemed to smirk inside the screen, as if he was creepily watching over the group's conversation.
"Greetings, people of Shizuku City. I take it you remember.. who we are.." the male said in a baritone voice as the speakers emitted such an odd transmission. The video was broadcasted throughout the whole city it seems. Giant screens n tall skyscrapers showed the man's face. The people were all in shock that they had managed to hack into their system again.
"Oh, darn. Looks like I have to go to the control room and redirect the signal again. Visus has a flair for the dramatic, wouldn't you say?" Kiyoshi said, a wide grin on his face.
"Just get to the control room and restore order, Kitsune! I'm going out to sort this mess up, lest the people decided to panic. We'll continue this meeting later, see to it that this broadcast is stopped. We don't need more demoralization!" Fumiko shouted out as she raced over to the elevator and hurriedly made it to the town's square to fix this mess.
-- [SHINZUKU CITY, 3:14 PM, Saturday, May 12, Town Square] --
The people were shocked to see this familiar face, and everyone had stopped to see what his message was. His faces displayed on the tall structures of the city, it was like it was a testament to his power. A man on giant screens. He was equated to the figure of a god looking down at the mortals by his feet. It was truly an intimidating sight. The people were in a ravaging panic.
"Wh-Who is this guy..?" // "It's him! It's the Visus leader! He's come back to terrorize Shinzuku!" // "I'd better get back to my house! I need to get out of the city!" // "Out of my way! I need to get to my family!" // "Where's the police when you need them?! Why aren't they settling this already?!"
Only screams of terror had filled the city. Melancholy had engulfed the streets as some people stayed to watch the conveying message the leader had. Others were fleeing from the urban areas and tried as fast to get to their loved ones. Visus has implanted a fear on Shinzuku City. Ever since that incident..
"I am sure you all know full well that it has been quite a long time since our last appearance. Three years to be exact." the leader spoke in a most menacing and condescending tone. "How I have missed such company. We don't usually get much visitors here, so we'll send the message to all of you, rather than a formal invite. Wouldn't want all of you to fuss on such busy days." the male continued, the hint of his morbid humor stringing across his voice box.
"Well, well. Governor Kashikoi. It seems you took it to no heed of my warnings. You've willfully given up your chances. And now, I am going to take away something very important to you." The man looked behind him as the pitch black darkness suddenly illuminated, revealing masqueraded people; men, women and a lone child in front of them. Their hands tied up as they wore court jester hats and masks with an impish design to it. "A growing number of people have disappeared from your fair city, have they not? Well, I believe it's high-time you pay for you negligence."
"And one other thing.. I am not calling out just Governor Kashikoi. Also another man of irrefutable reputation. The Black Liger, Raiji Kizu." The First King said as he walked over to the small child kneeling in front of all the dozens of people behind him. The king took off the child's mask as it revealed an unconscious boy with jet black hair, he bore similarities to certain people. The boy opened his eyes, amber hues gazing around. He realized the state he was in, where he was and what trouble he's in now. The boy grunted as he tried to cut free of what binded him. Orange sparks erupted from his black hair, only for them to dissipate at a moment's notice.
"H-Huh? Why can't I..?!" the boy exclaimed as he struggled. The struggling caused him to lose his balance on his knees and ultimately led him to fall. The king then took ahold of him by the neck as he slowly lifted him up, slightly choking him.
"Kizu, Kashikoi. This is your final warning. Give me the blueprints to your little portal, or I'll snap his neck. As well as all the others here." The masked man said, albeit in a darker and baritone voice. "If you do not cooperate with this ransom, I will execute everyone in this room at a moment's notice. And I'll storm the city by force." White brows creasing, the male let go of the child's neck as he fell down on his nether regions.
"You wouldn't want anymore casualties.. now would you?" the male said as the transmission cut with the sound of the male's maniacal laughter. The people were all in desolate terror. Everywhere was silent. Numerous police vehicles had arrived just before the transmission stopped. Fumiko, the police chief had exited her car and took over to enforce order.
_ -- [BOKUNAWA, 3:07 PM, Saturday, May 12, ???] --_
"...Someone took him..." Voice as faint as a ghost's was echoing inside a ransacked home. The woman's hair was all in disarray as her head was held up only by a slender and slightly pale hand. The man who held the woman's head's eyes started to dart in directions as he saw what had become of the female. His scruffy eyebrows then creased, as he closed his eyes, tears slighlty watering on the edges of his lids.
"It's alright, Mitsuko. My men will take you to nearest hospital, I swear I'll find him..!" the man opened his eyes, irises glowing in a bright gold as he could only stare at the multiple bruises of the woman's body.
"I protected him as best as I could, dear. But.. those men.. they had.. ungodly powers. They were able to best.. even your ol' partner in crime." the woman faintly smiled as sh slowly passed out due to the pain she was feeling. The man then took her up from the desolation of the house.
"I know." he said as he walked out of the house. As he opened the sliding door, numerous people were found surrounding the area. A lot of police vehicles were outside there and the front of the house was engulfed with media and police tape. The man then placed the body he was carrying onto the stretcher as the men made haste and travelled to the hospital.
"Sir, what now?" a police officer of SCEPTER walked towards him, saluting him accordingly.
"Get me a dispatch on Kashikoi, Fumiko and Kiyoshi. We need to discuss some things." the male said, his eyebrows creased and his mood under the weather.
"Right away, Raiji-sama!" the officer said as he rushed to get to the police radio and contact headquarters.
-- [BUREAU HEADQUARTERS, 3:07 PM, Saturday, May 12, Genova Lobby] --
"Raiko..!" an enraged shout erupted from Raiki as he slammed down the table he was in front of, streams of electricity had been coursing through the metallic object. His eyes gleamed gold as he darted off the elevator, opening it and setting a course for the lobby.
"Where are you going, Raiki?! Your sister gave us orders to stay here!" Hayai called out as he gazed at the feline, ready to depart.
"Plans change. And you seem to forget that I don't listen to anyone. Not even my own sister." the male made his rebuttal with a slight rudeness.
"R-Raiki.. wait..!" Hayai called out still, but the doors had closed shut. "Dammit..!"
-- [TOKUGAWA UNIVERSITY, 3:08 PM, Saturday, May 12, Dean's Office] --
In an air-conditioned room, a familiar one it is. A large window behind a well organized desk. A room with two stories, garnered by a scholar's touch. Bookshelves as far as the eye can see, a chandelier hanging from the middle of the ceiling. And a gigantic television over the double-decked doors. A male sat behind that well placed desk. A smirk embroidered his face with such intrigue.
"This should be interesting.." the male smiled as his cellphone rang, the male picked his phone up with a black gloved hand as he turned pressed the accept button on the LCD. "Yes, Governor Kashikoi speaking.."