A Place in the Universe final chapter

Chapter 7: Twist of Fate "Where are they going?" Alec yelled, even though Redgit was standing right next to him. Redgit looked at Alec just as confused. "I have no fucking clue." From behind they heard a car pull up; both turn to see a black...

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A Place in the Universe chapter 6

Chapter 6: End of the Old It was technically a beautiful day in the capitol, the sun was shinning, the temperature was quite warm, not a cloud in the sky. But for Kitt, Redgit and Jonas, the scene took on a different feel, the nervous, anxious...

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A Place in the Universe chapter 2

Chapter 2: Loss and Recovery "Kitt...Kitt..." an eerie voice pierced through the darkness. "You weren't there for me.... I needed you Kitt, why couldn't you protect me?" The words riddled through his mind and body like a searing hot iron rod,...

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A Place in the Universe

A Place in the Universe Chapter 1: Burning with Desire The hall was dark, cold and very damp, made of ancient stonewalls over grown with moss and stank of stagnant old air. He stalked silently down into the darkness the occasional moonbeam...

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Honor Above All Else final chapter

"Okay Kitt, the fleet will hold one light-year outside the early warning systems, once they're blind it'll take us roughly four minutes to close the distance and jump to normal space. You'll just have to hold out." Tarn explained to Kitt and Alec as...

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Honor Above All Else chapter 7

Tarn grunted as he thrust his fists at Kitt, whom with a single paw deflected them away; moving too fast for even Tarn to keep up with. "How the hell did you get so fast?" Tarn blurted out thru his heavy panting breath. "Practice I guess, I'm not...

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Honor Above All Else chapter 6

Kitt's craft was belted out into the atmosphere of a dark and cloudy planet the hull shaking from heavy winds and biblical rain fall. Kitt stepped out onto the bridge, a long flowing black trench coat adorns his frame with black as night sunglasses for...

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Honor Above All Else chapter 2

"In the news today, further controversy between alliance representatives over the massacre on Daven IV, still no leads as to who was responsible, although some have been as bold as to accuse the Dominion of Hyena of this vicious attack.....In other...

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Honor Above All Else

Soaring through a blue gaseous nebula, dotted with distant stars, the saucer shaped forward section of the Whiterunner followed by the rectangular aft sections connecting the cylinder like engine nacelles. Kitt, the dark blue gray wolf sat in the...

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