A Place in the Universe chapter 6

Story by Kitt Da Folf on SoFurry

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#6 of The Great Balancing

Chapter 6: End of the Old

It was technically a beautiful day in the capitol, the sun was shinning, the temperature was quite warm, not a cloud in the sky. But for Kitt, Redgit and Jonas, the scene took on a different feel, the nervous, anxious tension mounted in them as they approached the octagonal design, blood red stone central Lupine citadel ominously standing high in the distance.

Redgit was driving so Kitt could get himself prepared; he sat in the back seat his eyes closed in deep meditation. Jonas sat shotgun, typing away at his computer.

They pulled into the loaded parking lot, hundreds of VIPs and other spectators pour into the building to watch the execution, it was a media frenzy.

The three wolves stepped out of the car across the street from the building. Kitt dressed in black cargo pants and just a black zip up vest leaving his deep midnight blue furred arms bare showing the hard rippled muscles of his bi and triceps, the look on his muzzle was of stone cold concentration. Kitt led the group with Redgit and Jonas just behind one on either side.

As they approached the main entrance, two of the security guards spotted the hulking dark blue gray wolf storming up and raised their weapons shouting for them to halt. Kitt simply stared them down and without even lifting a paw, forced an invisible burst of energy at them, casting them hurtling through the air.

Redgit looked at Jonas with a slightly worried expression but didn't stop as they walked right in with impunity. Inside the lobby they weren't even challenged; the crowd parted for them in a mixture of angered looks and hateful comments.

Kitt looked back at Redgit and nodded. Jonas hugged Kitt tightly and smiled. "Good luck Kitt..."

Kitt smiled for a brief second, Redgit and Jonas took off down one of the hallways. Kitt advanced right into the main audience chamber. The stands already loaded with lupines watching as Alec was paraded around, his withered frame a poor shadow of what he was, his fur dirty and mangled, his face of complete submission.

Kitt growled under his breath and stood just at the top of the staircase leading into the stands.

The Alpha sat at his thrown on the opposite side of the arena, grinning to himself that one way or another he'd have victory.

As everybody sat themselves the Alpha stood and called for their attention, Alec was brought to the center of the floor and forced down to his knees. "This day has been long coming finally justice for our people against those who would seek to destroy our way of life. I give you Alec Drominaz, a confessed traitor and gay, responsible for the deaths of many of our brethren. And for these crimes today he'll be executed." The Alpha triumphantly spoke.

Kitt's fist balled up as he fought with his rage waiting for the right time. All around the arena sat massive monitors projecting close ups of the Alpha and Alec.

The Alpha got up off his thrown and walked proudly down towards Alec, carrying with him Kitt's very sword, the ivory handled katana that he'd lost nearly a year ago.

"Do you have any last comments?" The Alpha said to Alec, his voice booming over the loud speakers.

Alec weakly looked up at the Alpha, sniffing at the air his gaze suddenly turned around, a coy defiant smirk crossing his muzzle "Yeah.... I...do..."

"Then speak up so everyone can here your words." The Alpha mockingly asked.

"Y-you're about get your ass kicked..."

The Alpha chuckled then looked up as he saw Kitt making his way onto the arena floor. "What by him?!" he laughed.

The two large wolves that'd been guarding Alec charged back at Kitt, who raised both his paw and sent two white energy balls into their chests, sending them tumbling away. The Alpha smirked. "So you've returned Kitt."

The entire scene was projected onto the monitors, the stands of thousands of wolves dead silent watching it play out. Kitt stopped just on the other side of Alec, looking up at the seven foot tall jet-black furred wolf that is the Alpha. "Yeah I'm back, and I've come to claim what is mine."

"Oh really, what makes you think you can, you failed miserably last time." The Alpha said.

"I'm a lot better than I was a year ago...or are you just afraid?" Kitt announced quite loud, with his stone cold gaze.

"Afraid!?" the Alpha chuckled "Like hell I am!"

"Then let's do it Tarn." Kitt said in the most disrespectful tone he could get and using the Alpha's real name only made it worse.

"Oh I'll deal with you in a moment..." Tarn said as he raised Kitt's blade up and whipped it down at Alec's head but completely missed when Kitt and Alec disappeared, appeared again at the edge of the ring, where Redgit stood with a medical kit.

Kitt appeared again in front of the Alpha again "Ready now?"

The Alpha grinned and stood up straight, tossing Kitt's sword off to the side "Alright Kitt."

Kitt and the Alpha but a few feet away, starring fiercely into each other's eyes, the crowd falls deafly silently awaiting the first move then in the blink of an eye both wolves lunge, Kitt's fist flying out, the Alpha blocking Kitt's arm away, grasping it and flipped Kitt into the air.

Kitt grunted and stopped his flight mid air and rotated back to the Alpha, who grimaced. "I see you've learned a few tricks."

"Trust me, there's a hell of a lot more where that came from Tarn!" Kitt balled up his fists closing his eyes as a heavy wind circulated through the audience hall, Kitt threw his arms out to his sides letting out a loud yell as his light blue sharp pulsating aura surged out followed by a low bass thump as Kitt's energy grew.

Kitt's eyes shot open as in another flash he slammed his fist into the Alpha's chest, followed by his foot spun around kicking Tarn right in the muzzle, sending the seven foot tall wolf careening into a section of a concrete wall, indenting then shattering it.

For a second there was a pause then a two foot diameter red sphere of energy came at Kitt, instinctively like with the drones Ven trained him with, Kitt put his arms out and snapped up a white energy ball. The red sphere crashed into Kitt grinding his feet into the floor as he was pushed ten meters back. With a growl Kitt thrusts the red sphere up, causing it to explode on contact with the roof, blasting a huge hole in the concrete. The masses of spectators screamed and yelled as they scrambled for the exits the Alpha charging at Kitt locking in a vicious exchange of attacks.

Kitt swept the Alpha's feet out then arched his leg around crushing into the black wolf's chest, bouncing him off the floor.

Without skipping a beat the Alpha pushed off the floor casting himself into the air and back at Kitt, delivering a hard uppercut to Kitt's jaw, crushing him through the stands and out into a hallway filled with the fleeing wolves.

From both sides guards pointed and fired their weapons at Kitt, all of the bullets pinging off the bright blue fire of energy that surrounded the dark gray wolf. Kitt not even noticing the bullets, sneered back into the audience chamber and lunged back through the hole, the concussion from Kitt taking off, blasting out the windows behind him and sent many of the wolves tumbling away.

As Kitt soared at the Alpha he flared his blood red aura and the two warriors collided, sending a flash of white light the ground all around shook and rumbled for kilometers. The floor directly below them cracked and caved into itself, forming a one-meter deep crater when the light died Kitt and the Alpha are locked arm and arm, their auras intertwining, streaks of lighting shot off everywhere.

After several moments of just trying to push the other off balance, the two let go and leapt away, landing on opposite sides of the crater. "Why'd you do it Tarn" Kitt shouted out.

"Do what you little bitch?!" Tarn responded.

"Ruin my life and Alec's we never wanted to harm the Lupine way of life, as you so eloquently put it."

The Alpha chuckled and stood up straight. "I did it because I'm not about to let someone like you obtain any rank of power in my government."

Kitt shook his head. "C'mon that's not the only reason...you think you're the re-incarnation of Kitt Redwolf, don't you?! You think you can ascend?"

Tarn was taken aback, like he'd not expected Kitt to know about it. "So you did find out about it. Well I've got news for you Kitt, I have power you could not even comprehend."

Kitt's expression never wavered from its ice-cold look. "Oh I think I do Tarn, you think you're the ascended wolf reborn, the descendent of Kitt Redwolf...to bad you're dead wrong and you know it!"

Tarn balled up his fist. "You can't be, it's not possible, we've had you and every other Hun-gar candidates tested for the genes when you were still pup and there was nothing!"

Kitt grinned knowing he had the Alpha. "Really, I don't think the public would like hearing that too much."

Growling loudly "Yeah but too bad you're the only witness to hearing that and you won't survive this."

Kitt chuckled and looked up to the side control room seeing Jonas waving and smiling. "You'd think that wouldn't you."

Tarn looked up at the control room, gasping, seeing the young wolf there. "You little bastard!" He whipped his arm up to the glassed in room, firing off a red bolt of energy.

Kitt yelped and thrusts himself up, just barely getting in the path of the attack, unfortunately he couldn't block, the explosion jerking Kitt's body backwards sending him through the glass into the control room.

"Kitt are you alright?!" Jonas shouted as he went to Kitt's side.

Kitt coughed and climbed to his feet. "Yeah...did you get it?!"

Jonas nodded and showed Kitt a small data disc. "Good! Now get the hell out of here, protect that with your life...I'll find you later." Jonas nodded and ran out of the room.

Kitt floated out of the control room smiling confidently at the Alpha. "Looks like you're the one who's taking it up the tail hole now."

Tarn's growl intensified as his aura pulses and grew with anger. He quickly tossed his arms forward, generating a massive thick red beam of energy at Kitt, who responded kicking his energy up just before Tarn's blast could hit him and he cast his own blue beam, intercepting the red one.

Both beams pulsed and throbbed, with the huge amounts of energy being pumped into them yet neither wolf able to over take the other.

"You still haven't answered me! Why me, if you're tests revealed nothing, then why target me to be fucked!" Kitt yelled out over the rumble and piercing noise of the clashing energy.

"Because of what you can do now I am the strongest wolf and I am the only one who would be given the chance to try and ascend. After you completed the trials you would have been given that chance. I couldn't let that happen!" Tarn shouted out.

"So you set Alec and I up all because you couldn't face having someone else as strong as you around?!"

"Yeah, that's right, you two being lovers just made it all the easier...even though I'd already dealt with him." The Alpha panted out.

Kitt gasped and pushed himself over the beams, Tarn's is sent crushing through the citadel wall, and exploded several kilometers into the air; the ground still being rocked by such a huge blast.

Kitt tackled Tarn to the ground and pinned him there, both wolves' energy bottoming out. "What do you mean?!" Kitt snarled out.

Tarn chuckled between gasped for air. "Oh?! We've known about you and Alec since the beginning. You think we'd just let someone like him just disappear? The fact that you saved him on the Canus ice plane and became mates was just icing on the cake."

Kitt's anger raised his energy skyrocketing out of control, he reared his fist up, surrounded in an ice blue flame, but before the blow could land, the Alpha blasted Kitt away with a ki bolt to the chest. Kitt's body bounced and skidded across the arena floor.

As Kitt looked up he saw the seven foot tall wolf towering above him. "So predictable, and that's exactly why you can't be allowed to survive, you're not worthy of these powers." The jet-black wolf held out his paw to Kitt.

Just as Tarn was about to strike, there was a flip of light, Tarn turned sharply, dodging to the side as Kitt's blade came crashing down, held by Alec. The Alpha smirked and pulled Kitt's sword easily away from the weakened wolf and flipped it into his paw, gripping Alec's throat.

"Isn't this special" The Alpha turned himself and Alec so Kitt could see his face. "Well Kitt looks like game over for both of you, but at least you get to die together." Tarn then began to push the tip of Kitt's sword through Alec's back, skewering him with it.

Alec screamed out in agony as his blood poured out through the wound. The sounds echoed Kitt's head, his dreams, and his nightmares coming true.

Tarn ripped the sword from Alec's body and tossed him limply aside. Kitt's eyes shooting open seeing the blood dripping onto the floor. In his mind Kitt's blue energy ribbons surged, the golden sphere exploding outwards.

The Alpha swung the katana down for his final strike, only to be stopped by Kitt's bare paw, the look on his face of pure rage and hate. "You just made a huge mistake Tarn!!!!!!" Kitt yelled out.

Kitt's muscles bulked and hardened, his eyes shifting and turning completely blue, his dark gray fur seeming to lighten and give off a white glow; Kitt's ki exploded outwards sending the Alpha flying halfway across the arena, as a pure white light encompassed the whole room, beaming off out through the holes.

The light died after a moment, Kitt was standing his fur a beautiful shimmering golden yellow, his perfectly defined chest and stomach muscles lined with pure white soft fur.

He stared down the Alpha, that was only now getting to his feet after that powerful hit, and let loose and vicious howl, his aura flared up in a flaming sphere of gold fire, Kitt's hair changed to a metallic looking cardinal red, thick and pointed as it flowed down his back.

A stark look of terror crossed the Alpha's muzzle. "N-n-NO! You can't!"

"Guess what Tarn, I have ascended...and you're dead!!"

Kitt disappeared and then reappeared right up to the Alpha, batting him through a concrete wall as if he were nothing.

A moment passed then the Alpha came soaring out of the hole at Kitt launching out several lightning quick attacks none of them making contact on the ascended wolf Kitt's movements came so fast he easily shifted side to side, up and down to avoid the strikes. With a last panting last effort the Alpha tossed a ball of energy at Kitt, who stuck his paw out, stopping the ball in his palm.

"This yours?!" Kitt said before spinning around, throwing the Alpha's own energy back at him and without even having the chance to react, the ball crashed into his chest and exploded casting him down into the ground with a dull thud.

Kitt hovered above his opponent making sure he was not getting back up, his golden fire pulsating around him with a high-toned throbbing sound.

Kitt looked back seeing Alec's lifeless body lying amidst the rubble with Redgit by administering first-aid. Kitt jetted down to them, looking over his mate's body, flashes of the vision he'd had during the trials ran through his mind.

"Kitt, I'm sorry, his wound is just too sever, even if we got him to a hospital..." Redgit said taking a step back.

Kitt knelt down next to Alec, gently stroking his head fur with his golden paw. Alec looked up and smiled. "Hey sweetie" He said through the blood gurgling in his throat and lungs.

Kitt's eyes streamed with tears. "Alec...you can't die, please."

Alec smiled a bit and reached a paw up, placing it against Kitt's neck. "Don't worry hon, just remember I love you.

Alec's paw began to slip away as his life drained from his body in a crimson flow of blood.

"No...Alec don't leave me!!!" Kitt pled, then like a soft echo in the back of Kitt's mind, Ven's voice appeared, first unintelligible then became clearer and clearer.

Kitt saw himself back in Ven's steel training chamber, the fox explaining the usage of ki. "With your knowledge of how to sense your own energy, you can also go one step further and turn it into a weapon or transfer it to another, just be careful...you could die from it."

Kitt stood up and placed his paw above Alec's head; a soft golden light shined from the ascended lupine's paw, the glow illuminating Alec's body. "C'mon Alec, come back to me." Slowly Kitt poured his life essence into his mate. Kitt stumbled back, getting light headed from the drain, his ascended form fading back to his normal dark blue gray furred body and still Kitt continued to push.

Nearly draining himself of every drop of energy into Alec made the dark gray wolf collapse down to his knees Redgit having to catch him "Kitt enough! He's gone!!"

Just as that was said Alec's body convulsed with a gasping yelp he shot up his stab wound all healed.

Kitt fell down on his paws and knees panting heavily.

"What...what happened?" Alec said as he regained control of his body.

Kitt snickered softly. "I...told you, I wouldn't let you leave so easily."

Alec threw his arms around Kitt, hugging him tightly. "I never doubted it for a moment love."

The two reunited wolves love muzzle in a deep passionate kiss, letting the last year melt away.

"Let's go home..." Alec said as he broke the kiss.

The three wolves slowly walked towards one of the holes made during the battle. All of a sudden Kitt stopped dead in his tracks, with a stunned expression.

"Kitt, what is it?" Alec asked.

From behind a bright orange glow pulsed, as they turned the ground began to shake beams of light shined out from where the Alpha's body laid. After a loud yell the rubble exploded sending huge chunks of concrete and steel crashing everywhere. All three wolves gasped as the saw the Alpha, standing there, now nearly eight feet tall, covered in the most defined muscle, his hair a shiny gold color standing pointed and on end, his aura a fiery jagged gold.

"Alec, Redgit, get the fuck out of here now!" Kitt snarled pushing his already weakened ki up.

"No! You'll need our help!" Alec responded with a growl.

Kitt shot Alec a dead serious look. "I nearly lost you once; I'm not doing it again" Kitt turned back to the Alpha, putting his arms to the sky, growling fiercely as he ripped them down flexing his massive biceps, igniting his ascended form and aura.

Redgit pulled Alec through the hole, leaving the two super charged wolves alone.

"So you can do it as well, eh Tarn." Kitt said.

"The pain of being defeated by an insolent little bitch like you set me off, now prepare to die Kitt."

The energy being outputted by the two wolves cracked the very foundation of the citadel, thick streaks of lightning shot off between Kitt and Tarn.

Tarn inhaled sharply, leaping at Kitt with his fist extended; Kitt responded just barely spinning up into the air back fisting out at Tarn's head, who ducked out of the way slipping down to one paw thrusting his leg up into Kitt.

Kitt growled and swept the foot away with his forearm, both wolves landing on one knee back to each other. Kitt back flipped in the air whipping a golden sphere of energy at the Alpha, seemingly crashing into him, exploding in a cloud of fire and dust. Then from above Tarn appeared bringing his clenched fist down on Kitt.

Whirled over on his back by the strike, Kitt quickly forced himself up, dodging from side to side as a volley of energy attacks; each one knocking gapping holes in the walls.

The entire citadel now vacant crumbled and shattered bringing it completely down with a huge crash, billowing smoke and dust rose into the air. Redgit held onto Alec tightly trying to prevent him from charging into the chaos. "Let me go!!" Alec snarled.

"I can't Alec, Kitt will be alright, and he knows what he's doing." Redgit yelled as he struggled to keep hold.

The dust cloud exploded outwards as Kitt and the Alpha soared up into the sky, they moved so fast that all that could be seen was the golden energy trails twirling and intertwining in each other, every time they collided a heavy shockwave is forced out, followed by a sonic boom.

A wind whipped by Alec and Redgit nearly knocking them over, then Kitt appeared down the middle of the street, the force of Kitt stopping himself shattered the windows ten stories up of the surrounding sky rises, throwing cars tumbling down the street.

Kitt panted as he steadied himself, an odd smirk on his face as though he could not be happier. He pushed his arms forward casting a thick energy stream of energy at a seemingly empty space. Just before the stream got too far Tarn appeared and caught it in his paws directing it straight up into the sky.

Both growled as their auras flared up, both taking flight again, Kitt and the Alpha exchanged blow for blow, elevating to the top of a sky rise. Kitt back fisted the Alpha, spinning him around then planting his boot into the black wolf's muzzle sending him crashing through three large building.

The Alpha blasted his way out the top of the third building, scattering shards of concrete, glass and steel on the streets below, his muscles heaved and twitched from the strain. "Kitt!!" the Alpha bellowed.

Kitt floated between two of the buildings in view of the Alpha and grinned "Yeah!?"

"You and I both know that if we continue here the capitol will be destroyed, might I suggest moving some where less populated?" the Alpha offered.

Kitt looked around at the damage they'd already caused. "For once, we are in agreement."

The two nodded to each other and cast themselves off to the south.