Honor Above All Else chapter 2

Story by Kitt Da Folf on SoFurry

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#9 of The Great Balancing

"In the news today, further controversy between alliance representatives over the massacre on Daven IV, still no leads as to who was responsible, although some have been as bold as to accuse the Dominion of Hyena of this vicious attack.....In other news, the economy...."

Kitt turned off the main monitor at the front of the bridge; alone he sat in the command chair on the ship as it coasted through hyperspace. Sighing to himself his arms strung out over the back of the chair.

"Computer, display data recovered from the Daven IV mainframe." Kitt said lazily.

"There are eight gigaquads of information please specify." the computer voice responded.

"Display data concerning research projects."

The computer took a second to process the request then brings up the information.

"Computer, open file zero five."

The screen changed and began playing a video of a corporate executive walking through some set of labs. "Here at the Daven facility our scientists are hard at work to bring you the latest in bio-enhanced fertilizers and mechanical systems to help you double or even triple the potential of your crops. When you invest in your future...."

Kitt rolled his eyes and closed the video. "Computer, list all projects commissioned for the Daven IV facility."

The computer cycled for an additional moment "Unable to display data due to fragmentation."

"Damn...how long will it take to correct?" Kitt asked impatiently.

"Approximately one week, three days." the monotone voice of the computer responded.

Kitt growled under his breath. "Alright...begin corrections." he slumped back into the command chair.

Suddenly Alec burst onto the bridge. "Kitt, turn on the news right now!!!"

"Why hon??" Kitt said quite startled.

"Just do it..."

"This is the scene from Pack Outpost forty seven, a civilian community of more than two million alliance citizens..." The picture showed the colony, or what was, utterly annihilated by what looked like a nuclear blast. "...outpost forty seven is located in the Orion system of Lupine space...."

"My god Alec, that isn't a mechanical explosion..." Kitt said deathly serious.

"Another ascended fur?"

"It has to be...I'm sure of it now."

"We have to do something Kitt."

"I know Alec...you know what it'll take thought right?" Kitt said standing, facing his mate.

Alec nodded slowly. "I know, you'll have to take him out, I just don't want to loose you."

"I don't wanna leave you either but what other choice do I have, no one else stands a chance."

Alec wrapped his arms around Kitt, hugging him tightly, a soft tear run down his cheek.

Kitt sat in the domed observation lounge, huge glass windows allowed the bright starts in the dark void of space to be seen. Kitt's eyes were closed in a deep meditative trance, in his mind he scanned the galaxy searching for the energy he felt at Daven IV. He was about to give up when a voice echoed through the white veil, Kitt saw Tarn a large jet black furred wolf who towered over Kitt's six foot one inch frame his eyes bright piercing amber in color walking towards him.

"You know...don't you?" Kitt asked in the monotone calm voice of his mind.

"Of course Kitt..." Tarn responded in an equally sounding voice. "How could I not?"

"Do you know who yet?"

"I can't divulge that information, you know that." Tarn replied.

"These attacks have to stop, millions of died already, I can't believe you are jeopardizing your people just so you get first crack at this guy." Kitt said.

"And you want the same thing so don't play the righteous hero."

"Okay fine Tarn, let's just find this fur and decide later who takes him out. You and I are the only ones who can challenge him." Kitt reasoned.

"What makes you think I need your help...?"

"Because, I'm will to bet the alliance council is treating this as an in-house matter and haven't fully released the data from Daven IV. And I'm damn sure it's got something to do with it."

"Really Kitt, have you cracked it yet?" Tarn asked very curious.

"Not yet, there's some heavy duty encryption on it. It'll take awhile." Kitt said.

"Kitt...bring it to the home world, we can break it in half the time." Tarn offered.

"You threw us out remember? Not going back on your judgment are we??" Kitt coyly said.

"Of course not, simply creating a covert relationship...I promise you will be free to do what you wish."

Kitt smiled and nodded, "We're in the Lycan system; we can be at the home world in about two days. Be ready for us..."

Kitt's eyes shot open, touching the COM link button on his wrist computer. "Bridge, adjust course, set for Lupine hyperspace buoy 001, maximum burn."

"But Kitt...that'll take us to the home world..." Alec's voice shot back.

"Trust me hon." Kitt said as he stands.

"Hope you know what you're doing Kitt.

The Whiterunner's shuttle raced through the misty Lupine atmosphere, Kitt sat in the pilot seat; Alec right next to him, the view of the capitol quickly came up, showing the still ongoing reconstruction of the red stoned citadel building that was obliterated when Tarn and Kitt fought over three years ago.

Setting down softly on a landing pad atop of the roof of the citadel, Alec and Kitt walked out of the shuttle. Kitt dressed in all black adorned with a shiny black leather trench coat, Alec dressed in green pants and a black tank top underneath his black leather bomber jacket. The two were met instantly by a wolf security detail.

"Kitt Alistair, Alec Drominaz, surrender any weapons you may be carrying." The lead agent asked with a very straight forward voice.

Kitt and Alec gave up their two side arms and handed them over, then were escorted through the halls towards the throne room. Every time they passed someone, they got a mixture of fearful and disgusted looks.

They were led in the main throne room an elaborate chamber with sloping walls that spiraled up to a very large sky light covered in three feet deep armored glass but allowed the murky light from the dark grey sky come in giving the entire situation a tense eerie feeling. Tarn sat at the head of the room on his massive golden chair the same hard amber eyes Kitt saw in his mind now lay on him for real the angry hateful feelings that both of them buried for three years now seeping back into their demeanor. "Did you bring it?" Tarn started bluntly.

"It's on the ship, didn't want to run the risk of you double crossing us." Kitt aggressively barked back.

"I could always order your ship impounded, that would fuck you up pretty good." Tarn growled standing up abruptly, sending the six assault rifle totting guards into action pointing their weapons at both Kitt and Alec.

"Guys, can we leave the ascended levels of testosterone for later and get the job done?!" Alec interjected loudly having the exact same feelings towards the Alpha as Kitt did but managed to remain calm.

Kitt tapped the COM link button on his wrist computer. "Andre, prepare for the transfer and begin when you get the ISP number."

A wolf scientist entered the chamber. "Sir, download commencing. By our estimates, it should take about sixteen hours to break."

Tarn looked at Kitt. "So, how should we spend our time?"

Kitt stood across from Tarn in his black pants, shirtless his rippling abs muscles tensing.

"We built this room a year or so ago, so I could train without having a repeat of events of the past occur again. It has the most powerful defense barriers we could design." Tarn explained in the white expanse.

"Nice Tarn, good use of tax dollars..." Kitt chuckled and pulled up into a fighting stance.

Alec stood watching the pair spar from an adjacent observation room.

"Hello Alec..." A familiar voice called.

Alec turned seeing the elderly General wolf. "Hello Stracarrius how are things?"

"Very well, would be better if you two didn't dismantle the ship we gave you." the General said stepping up to the window.

"Yeah well, what are you going to do?" Alec joked.

"There's a theory going about that the attacks are related to the Blazer objectives...you know..."

Alec looked at Stracarrius curiously. "But that was scrapped years ago, all the data was destroyed."

"True we hope, then again it is just a theory." Stracarrius said watching Kitt and Tarn lock in super charged combat.

Tarn summersaults through the air, lashing out his leg at Kitt who ducked below into the splits.

"You've gotten better Kitt." Tarn smirked.

Kitt flipped his body up to his feet. "You too Tarn, in fact, I believe we're still running pretty much even."

"True..." Tarn said as he casts a red ball of energy at Kitt, whom counters with his own, they collided and exploded on impact.

Kitt and Tarn stood across from each other as the smoke from the large explosion settled. "You know it's the Dominion don't you?" Kitt asked.


"It'll send is into another galactic war. Are we ready for that?"

"Don't know, there hasn't been a major war in fifty years." Tarn sighed and lowered his energy.

Kitt raised his eyebrow felt the energy drop. "So, have you forgotten about our little tiff?"

"No, I haven't but I can't let that get in the way of the larger picture and I may need you..." Tarn admitted.

"Good point...so truce for the moment?"

"Truce Kitt...."

Kitt drove down the sunny highway, the green rolling hills of the landscape whipping by him. Pulling up to a familiar ranch home, in the middle of a dense forest, the light summer breeze swaying through the trees, on the porch leaning against the railing watching the car pulling up was Kitt's rusty red furred cousin Redgit.

"Kitt!?" he exclaimed, stepping off the porch.

"Hey Regdit, long time no see buddy." Kitt smiled.

Redgit came up and gave Kitt a big hug. "What are you doing here?!"

"Oh you know, stirring the shit, saving the world, regular stuff." Kitt jokingly said as Redgit ushered his cousin into the house.

Kitt and Redgit sat out on the deck, sharing a few beers and catching up on old times.

"How's Jonas?" Kitt asked.

"The kid's fine, he's at the tech university, after the thing at the CIC mainframe the schools are all over him." Redgit explained.

"Great! I always knew he could make it." Kitt responded with a smile. "What about the pack?"

"To be honest...even knowing you are mated to Alec, I think the general consensus is you both are quite the heroes. They even have your katana displayed at the pack hall. Most people don't care what you do behind closed doors, it's the fact you always step up for your pack that matters to them." Redgit said.

Kitt blushed slightly taking another sip of his beer.

The sun slowly set into the trees casting a deep blood red color into the completely clear sky. Redgit and Kitt still sat out on the deck enjoying each other's company when Kitt's COM link went off.

"Kitt, go..." he responded into it.

"The tech guys have decoded the mainframe, you should get here as soon as possible hon." Alec's voice exclaimed.

"What did they find out?"

"It's definitely the Hyena, inside the files was the security tapes, someone apparently on Daven IV hid them before they were killed. And they think they know where the next attack is going to happen; just get back to the capitol."

"Alright Alec, I'll be there in about forty minutes..." Kitt replied to his mate, vaulting to his feet.

"Gotta finish saving the world?" Redgit chuckled.

"Yeap, I'll try and stay in touch."

Kitt darted into the main briefing room pf the citadel, the Alpha leading a conference, surrounded by admirals, generals and Alec sitting off to the side, all of them looking into a holographic projection of a red dust ball of a planet.

"Kitt please take a seat." Tarn said then continued. "As you see, Exitor Prime follows information gathered from the Daven IV, along with other Alliance Intel, the pattern suggests the targets are scientific research sites and this planet is next in the region. We've contacted the Alliance defense council and they agree with this assessment and will be send a battle group along with forces from here. Are there any questions?"

Kitt stared into the hologram and cleared his throat. "Are you sure Tarn, there have been only two attacks, how can there be a pattern?"

The room's attention turned right onto Kitt. "There is information that you are not cleared for. This is the council's decision."

"Something doesn't sit right, you're acting too quickly." Kitt fired back.

"Remember Kitt you are a guest here and have no say. Anyway this was your idea to do something about this right away," Tarn growled. "You all have your orders, report to your posts and move out immediately. Meeting adjourned."

The Generals and Admirals stood and filed out of the room, leaving only Kitt, Alec and Tarn left. "This is a mistake." Alec piped up.

Tarn looked sternly at Kitt and Alec. "This is our best shot, we have no other options."

"But...!" Kitt tries to interject.

"Thank you for your assistance, I won't forget it. I'll keep you up to date on the situation." Tarn said packing up his notes.

Kitt and Alec were left speechless as Tarn marched out of the room. Alec turned to Kitt. "We have to find out the real target."

Kitt nodded. "And fast..."

On the Whiterunner, Ander sat in the main computer room in front of the massive cylindrical computer, starring into the six display monitors his ears covered by a large set of head phones pumping high pitched screeching metal music into his head causing him to bob slightly to the beat.

"Andre..." A voice seemed to echo through his head.

"Kitt?" he responded, throwing his headphones off quickly, quite startled, looking about the room

"I'm still in the capitol; I don't trust the com channels."

"What do you need sir?"

"Have you managed to crack the database from Daven IV yet?" Kitt asked.

"Yeah a while ago, but I thought the Lupine government did that already."

"They did but they're still keeping us in the dark, I need to know specifically what the sites were researching." Kitt said urgently.

"Hang on Cap, I'll pull it up." Andre said tapping away at the keyboard. "Okay hmmm..."

"What is it?" Kitt asked.

"Well turns out that this site wasn't entirely civilian, according to the financial records the received considerable Alliance backing for something called the Blazer objective, but doesn't detail anything about it..." Andre explained. "Mean anything to you?"

"Not at all Andre, see what you can dig up. Alec and I will be back aboard the Whiterunner in a little bit."

"Alright Captain."

Kitt shook his head and looked at Alec, slightly puzzled. "He find anything?" Alec asked.

"Not really, just Daven was militarily founded for something called the Blazer objective." Kitt sighed.

"Blazer?!" Alec exclaimed.

"Yeah, you know what it is?" Kitt inquired.

"Kinda, just something I heard of a long time ago." Alec responded half heartedly.

"Well hon, if you know something, it could really help us out." Kitt pushed.

Alec turned away from Kitt crossing his arms in front of him. "All I know, is it was a research paper on using natural energies to enhance a soldier's performance" Alec explained.

"Like ki?"

"Sorta, but more synthetic, the paper outlined a bio mechanical device could amplify some ones ki as it were."

Kitt could tell Alec wasn't telling everything but didn't press the issue. "That's a start at least; we'd better get back to the ship."

Back on the Whiterunner in orbit around the Lupine Home world, it was business as usual, the crew taking full advantage of the Lupine hospitality, repairing any of the systems that needed it. But there was a feeling of disjointedness, Alec and Kitt spent almost no time together, in the week they'd been there. Alec was locked away in the captain's cabin, while Kitt remained on the surface in Tarn's training room battling the various holographic opponents.

Alec heard a chime at the door, and then opened it, seeing Shar's slim vulpine female body dressed in dark clothing standing there.

"What can I do for you Shar?" Alec asked as if he'd not slept in days.

"Just wondering what's going on between you two." Shar inquired softly.

"What do you mean?" Alec asked going to his computer.

Shar sat on the end of Kitt and Alec bed looking intently at the weary wolf. "I haven't seen you and Kitt together in days. Is there something going on?" She asked rhetorically.

"It is fine Shar trust me..." Alec says hoping she'd just drop it.

"I don't think so Alec. We're not blind two and a half years we've worked together."

"Okay granted, there's just something I can't tell Kitt right now." Alec responded with a sigh, resting his elbows on the desk.

"Sure Alec, I understand, I guess, don't let it eat away at your relationship." Shar said standing up behind Alec softly rubbing his shoulders.


"Captain's to the bridge!!!" Andre's voice yelled over the intercom.

Kitt and Alec rushed out onto the command deck. "What is it?" Kitt exclaimed.

"I've been tracking the financial bank codes from Daven IV and the council's got it wrong. Daven IV along with Outpost 47 has the same fund. What's funny about that is they also have support from the Hyena government as well as several others in the Dominion. And there's one other that correlates, it's a small mining colony on the rock of Coscomi, about a hundred light-years from where the fleet is now." Andre explained quickly.

"Is there any kind of time pattern between the attacks?" Alec asked.

"Kinda, the company stock dropped like four hundred points before each attack, about two days prior to be exact." Andre continued.

"Has the stock dropped at Coscomi?" Kitt asked urgently.

"And how Kitt, this time it's almost all of it."

"Damn it! Open a channel to Tarn." Kitt commanded.

Tarn's image soon popped up on the main view screen. "What is it?"

"Tarn you've got it wrong. I had Andre run through the database and he found something you missed. There's another link, each of the sites has massive financial backings from the alliance and dominion and each time before the attacks the stock took a huge hit." Kitt explained quickly.

"So? Exitor Prime also has the same backings." Tarn barked.

"But have the stocks dropped, we've only got about two days to get there!" Kitt pled.

"Where though?"

"A planet called Coscomi, within easy striking distance of the Dominion." Kitt said.

"The battle group is at least a week from there, they couldn't make it." Tarn said.

"But a fleet from here could, just barely though. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong but can you take the chance?"

Tarn stopped for a moment, to consider and then sighed deeply. "Kitt Alistair, Alec Drominaz...I hear by promote you both to the rank of Fleet Colonels, report to the 1st fleet, they will be fully briefed on the mission." The image of Tarn faded away from the main viewer.

Kitt looked to Alec with a grin. "All staff report to duty stations."