A Place in the Universe final chapter

Story by Kitt Da Folf on SoFurry

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#7 of The Great Balancing

Chapter 7: Twist of Fate

"Where are they going?" Alec yelled, even though Redgit was standing right next to him.

Redgit looked at Alec just as confused. "I have no fucking clue."

From behind they heard a car pull up; both turn to see a black van, with heavily tinted windows. The passenger door opened, out stepped an elderly light gray wolf, in a high-ranking lupine military uniform; as he stepped towards Alec and Redgit a second van pulled up, pouring out with soldiers and other personnel who fanned out over the remains of the citadel.

"Alec Drominaz, Redgit Alistair. I am General Stracarrius. You two should come with me. The old wolf said in a soft yet very commanding tone.

"Bullshit! I'm not going anywhere, c'mon Redgit we need to track Kitt." Alec said defiantly, starting to walk off.

Two of the soldier wolves pointed their weapons at Alec. "That wasn't really a suggestion." The general said.

Kitt and the Alpha rounded a mountain range, traveling hundreds of kilometers in mere minutes. When the Alpha spun down, and landed on a ledge, Kitt setting down a few meters away.

"Nice choice Tarn, very scenic." Kitt said with a smirk.

"I thought so...are you ready?" The Alpha responded.

With a nod Kitt snapped off a ki bolt at Tarn, who leapt into the air, the bolt putting a half-meter pothole into the rock.

Tarn brought his foot down, Kitt leapt out of the way, but before he could get to far the Alpha grasped Kitt's leg and tossed him towards a stone cliff face.

Kitt growled and flipped his body, putting his foot against the wall and vaulting back at his opponent, punching him right across the muzzle sending him tumbling down a crevasse.

The golden furred wolf soared down after the Alpha, who whipped a gold energy sphere at Kitt; easily dodging Kitt fired his own. The two dodged and fired bolt after bolt along the canyon, blasting huge gapping holes in the rock.

Tarn and Kitt sprung off the canyon face right towards each other, both firing off a blast at the same time, the energy exploded hurtling the two wolves into the rock walls.

Alec and Redgit were ferried to an underground complex and lead down at gun point along a series of long bland gray steel hallways to a large almost arena sized control room, littered with displays and terminals, twenty or so scientists chattered and run around as on a huge twenty meter long video screen, projects the fight between the Alpha and Kitt,.

"What the hell is this?" Redgit asked none too bluntly.

"You think it's only monks and historians who know about these abilities. Special Projects division of Lupine intelligence has been watching Kitt and Tarn along with others since they were pups waiting for this moment." The General explained.

Alec stepped forward a bit, gazing at the screen watching the golden furred wolf that was his mate. "What are they?" he inquired.

The General cleared his throat. "Well to the monks and historians they would be called an ascended being. On a more scientific level, they have a set of genes, which that allow them to manipulate energy in this plane of existence. This project was started with the hopes of learning how and why they do it so it could be used for the betterment of the fur verse."

"So all the governments are involved?" Redgit asked.

Stracarrius looked over his shoulder at Redgit. "Most of them, Vulpine, Feline Consortium, etc. We all compare data but we're the first to produce furs that have ascended thus far."

"General..." one of the scientists said from a terminal near the large screen. "...power outputs exceeding 15,000,000, near even on both combatants, with EER steady at 4.3"

The General smirked "Excellent, well beyond projections."

Alec and Redgit looked confused at each other then to the elderly wolf.

"A numerical rating of how much energy they are outputting, EER is an abbreviation for Energy Equivalent Ratio, meaning it's how close they are to being in tune with the exact frequency of the universe. A normal fur is somewhere between 6 and 9 EER."

"What would happen if one of them got to 1?" Alec said peering back into the monitor, seeing Kitt as he was blown thru the tip of a mountain.

"We honestly have no idea..."

Kitt skidded to a halt, his golden fur matted with dirt, his chest rising and failing with each heavy breath, the Alpha in much the same condition. "Still think you can win Tarn?!" Kitt shouted.

"I'm not done yet!" The way their voices came off was almost like they'd forgotten about their hatred for each other and were just enjoying the combat.

The wolves locked again in a fast paced melee, Kitt being knocked flying and crashed into one of the pristine mountain lakes, casting a fountain of water into the air.

Within a minute Kitt blasted out of the water at the Alpha placing his fist right into his gut, shifting to the side, Kitt clubbed the Alpha down at the water, followed by a four meter diameter energy ball. It crashed into Tarn then the water, exploding and instantly vaporizing the lake blasting rock and debris high into the air.

Alec involuntarily grinned, seeing his mate nailing the Alpha like that but turned to the General. "We have to stop them, if they don't destroy themselves they'll surely destroy the planet.

The General nodded. "You are right of course, but any thoughts on how?"

"Just let me talk to Kitt" Alec said.

Stracarrius looked at one of the scientists. "Report."

"Sir, Kitt is holding at 16,124,700, the Alpha at 16,109,000, neither of them has the power output to over take the other."

"I can get them to stop; I just need to talk to Kitt!" Alec pled.

The elderly wolf looked into the video screen, as a large mountain range is blasted to dust, Kitt and Tarn rocketed by. With a sigh and nod "Alright Alec..." he turned to one of the military officers. "Captain, ready a helo for dust off ASAP."

Kitt leapt backwards to avoid the Alpha's leg, lashing his fist out crashing along Tarn's throat, spinning him back a few feet. Both panting and bloodied, the two fighters collapsed to their knees. "What do you hope to accomplish here Kitt?" Tarn bellowed.

The sweat pouring down Kitt's face as he looked up "I just wanted to be with my mate and serve my people, but now, because of you I've lost everything" Kitt yowled.

The Alpha smirked a bit. "You knew form the beginning you couldn't have both, hell I'm surprised you and Alec survived this long."

"Yeah...well we've just been smart about it." Kitt responded.

A slight chuckle came from the Alpha's muzzle. "No, no, I mean just in general, that Alec could stay with a goodie goodie like you. How much about his past do you actually know? You should read up on it sometime, if you live through this, that is."

Kitt growled, his golden colored flame bursting up around him as he thrusts himself at Tarn, who caught Kitt's arm, their auras clashed and intertwine violently, throwing up dust and rock into the air.

Alec sat on the outside seat of the helicopter as they raced along the open grass plains of the Lupine Home world towards the mountains where Kitt and the Alpha battled, staring out the open side of the helicopter the worry was plain on his muzzle, hearing the endless reports from the monitoring stations dictating off the combatants energy patterns.

The General also wearing a head set, listening to the same reports has this frustrated, confused look to him. "I don't get it; our projected numbers told us Kitt should have easily beaten the Alpha even now. I don't understand why his power has dropped so radically."

Alec looked over at the General. "I know why..." he said through the mic on the headset. "Kitt sacrificed his own energy to save my life...he gave me part of his essence in order to let me live."

Stracarrius sighed and sits back in his seat. "I hope he made the right choice, doing that means he'll run himself to death fighting Tarn."

Alec nodded and looked back out the side of the helo the wind whipped through his fur.

Tarn soared up into the air to avoid a blast from Kitt, and then took another head on grunting as he sliced his paw down the center of another sphere of golden energy, severing it in half, the explosion being cast out away from him on both sides.

Kitt leapt up at the Alpha, the two wolves bolted along the mountains, twirling and spinning around each other as they exchanged attacks. Flying barely a foot off the ground, Tarn flipped above Kitt and tackled him down into the rock the massive speed of which they were traveling caused both of them to leave a half-kilometer trench.

First to his foot paws, Kitt whipped his leg out along the ground at the Alpha. The eight foot tall bulking wolf, back flipped over Kitt's foot and dove down with his fist at Kitt, he pushed himself, skimming the ground just out of the way of the Alpha's fist, planting his paw down and thrusts himself into a front flip, snapping off an energy attack that crashed into Tarn's leg, flipping him over.

The helicopter raced into the mountains, heavy storm clouds appeared the passengers saw just over a set of huge mountains yellow streaks of lightning lifting off into the air, around the area the clouds seem to spin like a hurricane.

"That's them." The General shouted and then looked to Alec. "I really hope you're right about this Alec."

Alec didn't even respond just looked out upon to the torn up country side where the two battling wolves had been.

The helicopter rounded one of the ridges and is shook by a huge concussion wave that rocketed out from a huge explosion, everybody in the craft gripped onto something as the Helo was tossed from side to side.

They landed quickly in view of Kitt and Tarn. Alec, General Stracarrius and Redgit piled out of the helicopter, it taking off into the sky fast.

Alec looked to the others. "I think it'd be best for you to stay here..."

The General was about to protest but Alec just took off along the rocky terrain quickly.

Kitt and Tarn gripped each other at the shoulders and growled fiercely trying to push the other over, when Kitt sniffed at the air, his ears perked up. "Alec?!" Kitt grunted and released the Alpha, delivering a hard upper cut to his chin, knocking him into a pile of heavy boulders.

Kitt turned to see his white furred mate, climbing over some of the debris that had been tossed aside. "Alec! What are you doing here?!" Kitt shouted.

"Kitt! You have to stop...you can't beat him!" Alec said confidently.

"What are you talking about?!"

Alec stood up on one of the boulders. "You don't have the energy to do it, the edge you had on him you lost when you saved my life. You two are even, he can't beat you and you can't beat him. The only way one is going to win is the other passes out from exhaustion. Look inside yourself Kitt, you know I'm right!"

Kitt gasped as he realized and turned back to look for the Alpha only to have him crash into his rib cage, knocking Kitt hard into a stone wall.

Kitt shook his head and growled out at the Alpha standing just in front him. "Tarn did you hear that?!"

The Alpha sneered back at Alec and sent several crushing punches into Kitt's stomach as was pinned in the stone cliff face. "Yeah I heard it and that's a crock of shit! He knows you can't win and just needs to save you."

Kitt yelped in pain and his gaze deadened at the Alpha as he flared his aura disintegrating the stone wall leaving Kitt free he head butted the Alpha perfectly then, brought his elbow down along Tarns muzzle. "Listen you stubborn ass...he's right, I don't know how he's right but look inside Tarn, we're too even."

The Alpha shook his head and looked at Alec. "How do you know neither of us can win?!"

The General and Redgit came out of the rubble "Because I've told them everything my Alpha." The General said to Tarn.

"Stracarrius you traitor exposing our most secret project to these, things!"

Kitt sighed and looked to the sky, his golden aura slowly fading away, his fur shifting back to its dark blue gray coloring, he then collapsed down to his knees in pure exhaustion. "Tarn it's over..." Kitt panted out.

"No..!! I will have victory!" The Alpha reared his paw towards Kitt, generating a golden sphere of energy.

"Alpha, if you destroy him now, you'll never know whether you truly could have beaten him!" The General yelled. "And you know that would be a far greater victory."

Tarn stopped for a moment, thinking about it then shouted out in pure anger. "Damn you Stracarrius but you are right the fag lives for now..." Tarn shifted back to his original 7-foot tall form and panted heavily as the exhaustion set in, causing him to collapse backwards.

The General lifted up his COM set. "This is Stracarrius, we need medical evac now."

Alec sat beside Kitt's hospital bed, idly thumbing through the pages of the Hun-gar Ess as his mate lay unconscious, and he'd been that way for several days, while his body recovered from the drain it had taken. Two heavily armed guards stand just outside the door. Alec looked upon Kitt bandaged body and smiled as he stood up to go for a short walk.

"Hey...sexy....where do you think you're going?" Alec heard just as he's about to open the door.

Alec sharply turned seeing Kitt sitting up on the bed. With a big smile Alec nearly pounced onto Kitt, hugging and kissing him. "Whoa hon, just take it easy, I'm still a little sore here." Kitt said with a chuckle.

"I'm so glad you're awake Kitt!" Alec said nearly in tears.

"It's okay love; I'm here, what about Tarn?"

Alec sniffled and leaned back. "He's still out cold; until he comes back Stracarrius has taken control of the packs."

"Ah so, who the fuck is he anyway, I just believed what he said cuz you seemed to." Kitt said.

"Long story my love, I'll tell you later. Just rest, we've got a lot of work to do after this." Alec told Kitt.

Two or Three weeks later, Kitt and Tarn had nearly fully recovered from their battle, Tarn had resumed control of the Lupine government.

The two rivals stood in the bunker that all of the scientists had been monitoring the fight between them.

"I can't believe you guys have been monitoring us all our lives." Kitt exclaimed.

"Well it's true Kitt." The General explained. "You two were destine from the beginning to do what you did. Only question is what do you do now?"

Tarn looked at Kitt still with a bitter anger. "You and Alec are still technically under arrest, plus Kitt, you are wanted and Tantri for what you did. But in the interest of me kickin' your tail, I'm willing to look the other way while you two escape as long as I have your word that we will finish this."

Kitt looked at the Alpha with a smirk. "You don't have to worry about that Tarn, we'll find out whose better."

"Enough!" The General growled out. "Gods the youth of today; I thought you might do that Alpha, so Kitt, I've arranged a ship for you, nothing too fancy but it should get you places; my conditions for this are that you report back monthly about your power levels and everything. I have also informed the other governments about you, so you are free to contact them if you choose."

Kitt and Alec nodded. "Okay, we'll just have to pick up our things and we'll be on our way."

"No need, we had you belongings transferred to the ship, I want you off my planet." Tarn growled.

Kitt was about to respond when Alec stepped between the two. "Fine....what about the Alistair pack and Redgit?"

The General nodded. "They have been restored to their full power again and Redgit has been cleared of any charges."

"Now that's everything...go before I change my mind." The Alpha said quite rudely.

Kitt and Alec turned and begin to walk down the hall towards the hangar. "Oh Kitt!" the Alpha said.

As Kitt turned the Alpha tossed a small circular data disc at him "Here...a little enlightening bedtime reading" He smirked.

Kitt sneered and let out a low growl but still pocketed the disc and walked silently away.

Kitt and Alec sat silently in the cockpit of the cruiser they were given. Alec looked at Kitt, wanting to ask about the disc but knowing that he probably wouldn't get an answer. "Kitt, you know they're watching every move we make on this ship."

Kitt nodded. "Yeah I know..."