12th Crescent Past Serenity

**_"You know... I've been thinking..."_** **_"... Why did he have to go?"_** **_"... Why did he have to leave?"_** **_"Because..."_** **_"... He wanted to go home..."_** ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Reks Elsman... He was......

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Slipping Away

Footsteps in the dark... A grey sky, a sunless horizon, I am now running, sprinting, The white and warm lights Passing me by like moments of life. Only cold winds... I am treading a path I know, But I'm still a lost little child, So unloved...

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37 ADP in the independent city-state of Rothan, the city has become a warzone between rebel forces sided with Guardians of Arsodus insurgents against the Dominion military, and the sounds of fierce combat cut through sombre and dusty afternoon skies as...

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Hungry Kitchen

Axel stumbled into the kitchen, his stomach growling. **"Unghhh..."** He groaned as he opened the pantry. Nightfyre peeked over his newspaper for a moment, raising an eyebrow before he flicked the newspaper up again. Axel's eyes widened. **"WHAT!?...

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8th Crescent Past Memories

**_"Daddy... Why is Mommy crying...?"_** **_"Daddy...?"_** **_"Mommy...?"_** **~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-** I stared into the bowl of water I held in my hands, my reflection stared...

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Memories of Lightwave

**"--And take a shower, please!"** My mom called out from the kitchen, as I walked up the stairs. **"Yes mom! I will!"** I shouted back over the railing, before walking up the steps to the upstairs and then started walking towards my room. I...


Never Remember Me

Play me a song and tell me a tale, I know her voice and your writ will not fail, Go, and let her sing of a broken heart, And then tell me of a family split apart. You know my story, and so does she, Your eyes once gentle now only single, Once...

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Battle in the North

The snowy winds howled as the eerie cry of the mountain eagles echoed throughout the mountains. On the high mountain steeples, the sound of battle could be heard as the Nords and Dwarves of Skrijaheim waged war against the Dragonians and Dwarves of...

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Saved by Angels

The battlefield was a solemn place. Long since have died; the sound of guns firing and shockwaves from explosions, along with the countless soldiers who fought there. Only the sound of heavy rain could be heard, and the growl of distant thunder as the...

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The Real Amazonian - Chapter 1: Life without Freedom

She opened her eyes and found herself in a dimly lit cell aboard a rocking ship. _Where am I?_ She thought, as she slowly gained sight in the dim lighting, realizing her hands were bound by iron shackles that clinked and rattled. _Why am I here?_ She...

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Your Laughter

_ **"Your laughter..."** _ A girl spoke, as a light shined outwards. A flash of white, and suddenly I could see leaves fluttering in the wind that blew past me. I reached out and caught a leaf gently in my hand, the crispy soft feeling of winter...

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Zero’s Awakening

Xalogan ran through the underground complex with hasty desperation as TALOS pursued him through the desolate hallways, the pounding of his heart and lungs matched by the rumbling strides of the massive Automaton. Xalogan glanced over his shoulder and...

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