12th Crescent Past Serenity
#2 of Crescent Past
Yay, the next Crescent! Woohoo!
"You know... I've been thinking..." "... Why did he have to go?" "... Why did he have to leave?"
"Because..." "... He wanted to go home..."
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Reks Elsman... He was... A close friend to me... Childhood friends are the kind that you should never forget. Reks was the friend I forgot about. Golden-Amber Eyes, Blonde Hair, Sky Blue Skin, Soft White Underside, and that cheerful smile you always want to remember about him. He died on his 16th Birthday...
Because he just wasn't strong enough anymore... And... neither was I...
I stood in the open kitchen and poured the tea, the clear and warm liquid splashing gently into the teacup. The house was quiet as I did, only the sound of the birds chirping outside and the cars going by in the street could be heard. I sighed before setting the tea pot onto the tray, and then I walked over to the coffee pot. I pulled out a clean mug and took out the coffee pot, pouring the dark liquid into the mug.
I put away the coffee pot when I was done and took the mug over to the tray, before taking it at the sides and carrying it out towards the table.
Reks' older brother, Hunter, sat at the table and stared out the window. I set down the tray carefully and set the coffee mug in front of Hunter, and the tea cup on it's plate in front of me before I sat down.
But neither of use moved to take a sip.
It was silent as I stared at the tea cup, the warm wisps of steam floating off the surface of the tea. "It's been two months... But..." Hunter began solemnly, his eyes blankly staring off into the distance. I sighed and glanced at Hunter. "I still remember him." Hunter said. I shook my head. "Don't forget him..." I murmured. "It would be the wrong thing to do." I told Hunter. He sighed and stared at me. Then his eyes drifted past me, as if he could see something. I turned around and then saw what Hunter was looking at.
The sound of the piano playing seemed to fill the house, yet it remained as dead quiet as it had been for the past two days. I imagined Reks, sitting at the piano with his hands gliding across from key to key in a sad melody. Sad memories began to play up again in my mind and I shook my head. "It's the piano... Isn't it?" I asked, glancing at Hunter. He nodded. "Every day, I walk by it and begin to remember the same day. And every time I do... I feel like there's a hole in my heart. An empty void..." Hunter explained. I bit my lip and looked back at the piano. That time, I didn't see Reks. Only the piano.
"So you try to fill the hole with alcohol..." I whispered. "I know what you're feeling right now Hunter... I feel the same way..." I told him.
Then I looked back at Hunter, who stared off into space again.
"But you know what?" I asked. Hunter looked up and stared at me as I looked into his eyes.
"What?" Hunter asked. I forced a smile. "I always try to remember Reks' smile, and then tell myself that he'd want me to keep smiling." I said cheerfully. "And then, I would always imagine Reks is still beside me, smiling every step of the way." I finished.
I then waited for what I said to sink in. Hunter slowly began to cheer up, his face slightly brightening.
"You remind me of myself not so long ago." Hunter said. "I told Reks almost the same thing." He glanced at his mug and picked it up, raising the brim to his lips and taking a sip of the coffee, closing his eyes as he did.
He then slightly opened his eyes.
"Actually, I've been thinking about re-opening the flower shop." He suddenly said.I stopped for a moment when I heard what he said and memories began to spark in my mind.
The Flower Shop... I thought dreamily.
"Hana! Reks!" A voice called out. Reks and I stood up suddenly and stared at the door. "Yes mom?" Reks called back. The door slowly opened and Reks' mother poked her head through the door. "Could you fetch some roses for me, you two?" She asked. Reks and I grinned and nodded.
Reks' mother smiled. "Be careful with the scissors then." She added. I giggled and Reks nodded. "We will!" We both said at almost the same time. I grabbed the basket and Reks carefully took the scissors by the blade, before we both went out into the garden behind the shop.
The midday sun held high and proud in the sky. It was the summer's day, and the roses were in bloom. Reks picked up a step ladder to use so he could reach the best roses in the bushel. I stood beside him with the basket to catch the ones he dropped down.
"Reks...?" I murmured as he cut the roses off one by one. He paused and glanced at me. "Huh?" He murmured back. I looked around to see if anyone was watching, even though the garden was private property. "I was wondering... If... You wanted to..." I began, stuttering a little bit as I tried to grasp my words. "What I'm saying is... Do you want to... Go out with me...?" I asked. Reks tilted his head and I felt my face began to heat up with the embarrassment.
Reks then smiled at me and nodded and I felt my heart leap. "Yes, I would." He said. I smiled back, so happy that I just fell forward and hugged him close, resting my head gently on his shoulder. "Thank you..." I whispered. He hugged my close, and placed his head close to mine. "I have something to show you later..." He whispered. I giggled softly and nodded. Reks slowly stepped back and then picked up the basket. I grinned and held his arm childishly as we walked back inside.
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Business at the Flower Shop went by as usual. Reks' mom then closed the flower shop for the moment and we sat together in the back for a lunch break. We began to talk about anything and everything over take away sushi on our plates.
We told Reks' mom about how the two of us were going out, and she just smiled sweetly at us.
Soon after, Lunch Break was over and we helped Reks' mom around the place with customers and flowers. Eventually, it was almost 3'oclock and Reks' mom said she would be fine for the next few hours. Reks and I said goodbye and left the shop together.
We walked up the street, giggling childishly as I held at his side, clingy as ever.
"So what did you need to show me?" I asked curiously. Reks glanced at me and grinned. "You'll see." He replied softly. I tilted my head. "I like surprises..." I murmured. He smiled at me and we both ran on together towards the forest.
There's a reason the town is called Heartlake. Hills close by, and forest all around. Near the town is 'the' Heartlake, it's name self explanatory.
Shaped almost like heart from both a good view point or a bird's eye view, the forest around it is... Estranged. Mysterious, it's easy to get lost, in a good way.
Reks and I ran through the forest towards Heartlake, the rays of the afternoon sun beaming through sparse holes in the canopy of branches and leaves above us. We played around childishly, hiding behind trees and jumping out at each other, hopping across the roots and dirt, one after the other.
I followed him to the lake shore. When he stopped, I ran up to him and hugged him close. We giggled again. We both stood there for a few moments, hugging each other close. I rested my head on his shoulder again and looked out across the lake. The afternoon sun cast down beams of light that glimmered on the lake's surface.
Reks let go gently and brushed the hair out of my face, I beamed brightly at him as he caressed my cheek. I slightly leaned forward, just by accident, and we kissed.
Reks and I both blushed at the same time, realizing what just happened. We separated nervously and looked away from each other.
We stayed quiet for a while, feeling awkward as the wind gently blew. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- A few minutes passed and we took our shoes and socks off, and sat down by the Lake, on the soft gravel and shoal shore by the gentle waters. Reks stood up and took off his shirt, holding out his hand to me. I smiled and shook my head. He tilted his head at me and smirked.
He then walked out and waded out into the lake before diving below the surface. I stood up and smiled, walking along the shore and looking for pebbles and stones whilst Reks went for a swim.
Time went on as the leaves shivered and the trees whispered in the gentle breeze, almost half the lake was blazing a fiery orange as it reflected the dusky glow of the setting sun.
Reks got out of the lake and headed to shore, drenched and soaked in cold water. I held out his shirt to him as he came close. He smiled and hugged me close instead, his wet skin brushing over my shirt.
Reks put his shirt back on and we walked together through the forest. I leaned on him softly as we walked together. "Is that what you wanted to show me?" I asked. Reks smiled.
"Nope." He said simply. "Follow me." He whispered, as he then lead me by the hand towards the left, into the trees. I was curious. What was it?
Reks lead me into a grove. He knelt down beside a bushel of flowers in the centre of the clearing. I tilted my head curiously. "Flowers?" I asked. Reks blushed slightly. "For you..." He murmured. I smiled sweetly. "How about we share them?" I said. He looked at me and nodded.
"Will you help me plant them?" I asked. He nodded back. "Mhmm!" Reks replied with a glimmering grin.
Reks smiled on, and then fell quiet. I tilted my head at him again. "What's wrong?" I asked. He laughed softly.
"Nothing... I just..." He began. He looked into my eyes deeply, and I fell quiet . "I just hope that, we'll always be together... Just always..." He said.
I smiled and took his hand in my own. "Always." I repeated, before hugging him close, ignoring his wet skin and clothes.
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~---- Hunter and I just sat there, quiet for a few moments after I finished reminiscing through words. We sat there, pondering, staring into our finally empty cups.
"So, I suppose you outlived his 'Always', huh?" Hunter joked slightly. I chuckled half-heartedly and thought about it. "Maybe." I thought aloud. He then shrugged and stood up, taking the empty cups with him to the kitchen to wash up.
"Oh well. We shouldn't spend too much time moping around. We should go have a look at the shop and poke around it a little..." Hunter explained as he turned the tap on to wash the cups. Whilst he spoke, my mind continued to daydream about the shop.
For you...
We'll always be together...
The voice ran through my head like a flood, and I brushed my hair back slightly, before glancing to Hunter. "You said we're going to the Flower Shop?" I asked, interrupting him mid sentence. He looked at me and nodded.
"The moment I wash these cups." He answered.
I thought about it, and then smiled at him.
"I think I'll have to change my answer." I said. Hunter paused and raised an eyebrow at me. "I haven't outlived Reks' 'Always' yet." I added.
Hunter then smiled back and turned off the tap. "Let's go then." He said to me.
I stepped into the Flower Shop and looked around. It was dim, the sunlight was obscured by curtains drawn over the windows. Shelves of pots and plants and flowers, choked by weeds and withered away.
Hunter stepped in behind me and looked around. "It's seen better days, I can say." He thought aloud. I nodded. "It's strange though." I said to him as I stepped forward, brushing one of the plants with my hands.
"What is it?" Hunter asked. I felt the plant's leaves with my bare hand and it felt as dry as it looked, but just alive. "It's been almost three months since the Flower Shop closed... You'd think that all the plants would be completely dead..." I said.
I then glanced at the cashier and saw something.
Reks stood by the cashier and opened the drawer. He pulled money out of his pocket, put it in the cashier and closed it. He then walked into the back.
"Reks was here..." I murmured. I looked at Hunter as he raised an eyebrow at me. I then looked away towards the back room. "You're probably right. I expected the place to be a little more dusty." He said. He walked over to the window and opened the curtains, letting some light.
I nodded and walked into the back, looking around as Hunter poked around at the front. I cast my gaze upon the table where the three of us used to eat lunch at. Reks, his mom and I.
The table was covered in an obvious layer of dust, and only a single plate rested in front of a seat. I saw Reks sitting at the table on his own, eating his last meal of sushi in the room. It felt painful to watch, but it also felt... Serene.
I then watched as Reks stood up and picked up the old pair of scissors and basket the two of us carried with us when we worked. He put it on the table, and there they sat when I stepped forward, brushing some dust off the edge of the basket. A tear rolled down my cheek as I began to remember all the things of our childhood.
Suddenly, Reks put his hand on my own and I looked at him. He smiled at me, and spoke to me, yet his words were silent and unheard. But I knew what he told me.
It'll be alright...
I nodded and wiped away the tear with my free hand. Reks seemed to glow as he stepped towards the door and into the garden. I looked at the scissors and picked them up by the blade, brushing the dust off with my T-Shirt, and then followed Reks into the garden.
The rose patches were a saddening sight, but it was expected in the months of winter and frost. The thorny bushels were twisted and without the beauty of the roses. I sighed and followed Reks. I then paused when I realized where we were going.
Reks sat there by a familiar bushel, the sun casting shade of the fence over the corner that the bush rested in.
I walked over to Reks and knelt down beside him as we both looked at the small bushel of flowers we planted and took care of when we were only Twelve Years old. I sighed calmly and brushed the flowers slightly.
They're Twilights...
They change colour... Blue when it's cold... Orange when it's warm...
They'll always be here. Just like us, right?
I remembered what he told me, all those years ago. I reached over and snipped out a bouquet of the Twilights and stood up, closing my eyes as I smelled the sweet scent they emitted.
I brushed the petals gently, and began to remember the time when I hugged Reks, when he was so cold and wet. The petal was freezing cold, the colour deepest and saddest of blues, true to what I was told. I glanced at Reks as I held the bunch of Twilights close and held the scissors tightly by the blade. Reks stood up as well and smiled at me, before hugging me close in a familiar embrace.
I began to remember the feeling I had when he hugged me close by the lake.
Reks let go and disappeared. I sighed sadly and went inside.
I put the scissors down on the table once more and put the flowers down on the table. I stopped for a moment, and then had an idea as I glanced at the afternoon sun setting behind the curtains that were drawn in front of the window.
I walked over to the window and drew the curtains back, letting in the warm orange sunlight. I turned on the tap and let dirty brown water run towards crystal clear, and then picked up a vase nearby and filled it up with a little water.
I placed the vase on the table and put the Twilights into the vase. I arranged it so that the rays of sunlight illuminated one side of the Twilights. That half of the flowers began to glow and change colour. I sighed and leaned forward.
On the other side of the flowers, I could see Reks once more. He smiled at me and nodded. I smiled back and closed my eyes.
I breathed out warm air upon my half of the flowers. The flowers seemed to waver as I breathed, as if to come to life whilst the orange quickly drew through its thin veins and become a fiery colour equal to the sunset behind me.
I stood back up straight and brushed the orange Twilights, whilst Reks brushed the blue Twilights. I sighed once more, not sadly, but peacefully. As if something in my heart clicked, and I felt more serene than ever before.
We'll always be together.
Just Always...