Chapter 1: Home coming and a letter

#1 of the arcania archives a new pokemon story involving a new land with new battling and new challenges. legalities: this story, the land of arcania and all characters from it belong to me.

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OR: Fenyks

It's rather humorous when you play witness to such shenanigans that involved fenyk sorcery and gnolbod arcania, one could literally die laughing from slapstickery.

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Losing Sight 1

#6 of arcania branching out from my book, searching arcania, this story follows nath, teza, and her son, after they arrive at three lands. here, you get to learn about their relationship and the reason for their travel.

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Losing Sight 2

#7 of arcania seeing the shaman...or at least the assistant, and learning what can, and can't, be done. with the house rented for the month, and their things unloaded, he parks the cart in the yard and they head off to the shaman.

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Autobiography of an Apocryphan Lord

I spread my knowledge of spellcasting across the planes amongst the mortal races, and taught dragons thaumology as i felt it suitable that arcania taught by those kin of dragons to dragons themselves.

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RH's Brachina

Technology: brachina aren't the most keen on technology, preferring alchemy and arcania over science and machinery unless they see a need for it.

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Journal of Zarek Heartfiekd: Finnick Follies

It was a tome made from the scales of jorgumander, the world devourer, but something told me that someone made this with an insidious purpose in mind, "this tome contains knowledge of all entropic and eldritch arcania in the abyssal depths, you're welcome

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FF: A Fallen Hero

All i needed to was to call back his soul, at the cost of a little spirit sand and a drop of blood, you really should invest more into learning magic, science is helpful for those who can't use it but sometimes a little arcania goes a long way." he explained

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