RH's Brachina

As aufernals, consatio brachina will often form or join a myst march, a nomadic group of aufernal devils and arcanely attuned folk whom they will yield offspring with, traveling across the realms until garnering a large population.

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OC: Willy Lucianna

This aufernal status allows them to walk on sanctified grounds, and partake in the usage of holy water. **give me your ecstasy!

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Journal of Zarek Heartfiekd: Finnick Follies

One of the local ghaddir, the aufernal that i mentioned, who partakes of a local cafe's pastries on a daily basis said should keep my left eye out on anyone with a butcher's knife and anyone buying a bunch of thread for stitching.

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RH's Beastiary Compilation #1

As aufernals, they tend to pursue martial occupations to sate their need for some sort of battle to sate their lust for battle.

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