The Fertile Clearing

She moved her hand to the fertile ball of creamy white fur. "and believe me, those feelings have never waned." she smirked. "they have only grown as you have."

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A Fertile Mind's Failings

A frustrating feeling unlike any other, Is the want to create beautiful words. With no ideas on what to compose. Lack of inspiration and without a muse. There's a sense of hopelessness Beginning to engulf your thoughts. What do you do when you...

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 7 - The Hearth

Every test we have done says she is fertile." "could the problem be deeper?" kara asked. "no, we would see it in her blood. she is ready to bear children, and yet..." alwyn glanced at marien and back at kara, "could this be a trap?"

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OC: Willy Lucianna

**the testament of the fertile guardian** , basically taima's bible, a collection of stories in her honor that detail the miraculous feats she performed.

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The Aesir Pantheon

----------------- **freyr:** god of farming, weather and fertility **aka:** ing **details:** the most powerfully fertile of the norse fertility gods, the vanir, freyr has power over both plants and mortal lives.

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Now they lie in heaps the once mighty empires that stretched for miles now are a thing of the past the once great race which once dominated this planet now are lost to time there is no longer life here the life lost to the harshness of the land once fertile

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Soul Harvesters: Manual

fertility festivals:- as the name entitles, it's a festival that celebrates fertility, as well as the joys and pleasures of sex, child-bearing, and family.

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The Journey of Hope

Miles of the ever growing desert our homeland of a thousand generations lay in dust behind us the countless dreams and graves of our ancestors a distant fading memory but we walk the vast grim wasteland in hope for even we have heard the legends of the fertile

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RH's Brachina

Fertilization: brachina are essentially fertile around the clock but don't hesitate to enhance their fertility through the use of their magic and alchemy.

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Creation Story from The Song of Hannari

All is fertile and fecund, but there is no more room amongst us! we live, and we multiply, but behold, our sons and daughters would devour their own from hunger!"

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Network Lore - Elshaan Species

Even though one male will fertilize a female, a second male is needed for gametes to "fight" and secrete a hormone that activates the fertility of the ovules. each litter will provide four to six cubs.

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Ioborne: Chapter Seven and Epilogue

Including, but not limited to fertility drugs. the end.

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