Network Lore - Elshaan Species

Story by Tannihn on SoFurry

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#2 of Network Lore

Here is the lore basis about one of my main Network Universe species. This time I'm going to present Elshaan, weird alien awoos. ~ They are my favourite species in the Network universe. They'll appear in chapter three or four of Destiny's Union with Yarkü.

I can't guarantee this lore won't change in the future depending on the progression of world-building. Enjoy!

Lifespan : 49 years

Majority : 3 years old

Height : 1.40m to 2.50m

Weight : 65 to 280 Kg

Reproduction : Sexed viviparous (2 males + 1 female)

L ocomotion : Bipedal (Itur) or Quadrupedal (Atur)

General description:

  • A pair of green or grey eyes with slit pupils;

  • Fur with brown, black or/and blue shades;

  • Red fur crest all along the spine;

  • Crop used as container for food and various other stuff;

  • Appearance featuring both classic feline and canine traits

Presence : Mainly in Terionis Federation.

Origin : West Quadrant; Terionis Federation; Orio System; Salliel Planet

Natural habitat : Tropical

Main sense : Smell

Anima capacity : No

Elshaan past is very obscure even for Terion historians. Although their appearance is very similar to prehistoric felines and canines on Earth and some other planets of the Proxima Sector, their morphology and DNA are extremely different. Their species includes two subspecies: Iturs, who are bipedal, and Aturs, quadrupeds who form a special cast inside their community.

Their society is the first advanced one discovered on their planet. It is based on a clannish regime, divided between three orders: Hunters, Sages, and Breeders. Their technology, if we can call it by that, is entirely organic. All of their lifestyle and activities depend on a symbiosis with numerous creatures from utilities like Araks, lighting with simple pressure, to buildings like Eroks, strange organisms being able to change their shapes and body textures.

Culturally, most Elshaans follow a religion glorifying the true nature and fundamental aspect of nature, repulsed by the idea of using artificial technologies imported by foreigners. By the way, the cult of the Mother-and-Father-God venerates antics and vast metal structures called Arenas. There are a few dozens of them on the planet's surface and their undergrounds are forbidden to everyone who isn't an Itur Breeder. Arenas are also the place where war chiefs and elites come to fight for bloody and deadly rituals and where sacred justice is enforced. All Elshaan life is ruled by very important rituals. The First Hunt and the Three Unions are the most common. The social hierarchy is defined with an archaic criteria: the shinier is the crest, the more dominant his owner is.

This civilisation is very isolationist and not enough information has been confirmed. Elshaans who leave the planet are very often banished forever and choose to remain silent on their past or the reason for their departure. They take the name of Fenris then, given by the galactic community. Violent and obedient by essence, they usually live as freelance or corporate mercenaries. A rumour says that Breeders are killed instead of being exiled, but this was never been confirmed.


Elshaan sexual behaviour is entirely dependant on rituals. By essence, Elshaans are asexuals and their drives are only triggered by the Three Unions, one time per Salliel year (3 months on Earth). For three days, all of their population becomes frenzy and breeds at planetary scale. All foreigners are forbidden on the planet at this time and the ritual has been never witnessed by a scientist. Even though one male will fertilize a female, a second male is needed for gametes to "fight" and secrete a hormone that activates the fertility of the ovules. Each litter will provide four to six cubs. Cubs grow quickly, eat fresh meat instead of milk since birth and become adults and fully mature around three years old, but aren't sensitive to the Three Unions if they don't fulfil the First Hunt.

Biologically, all of their sexual organs are internal and may only be seen while intercourse for males. In another context, it is impossible to see a difference between males and females, their outer bodies being strictly identical. On the contrary to most viviparous species, they don't have udders as they don't give milk to their children.