Chapter 1: Home coming and a letter

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of The Arcania Archives

A new pokemon story involving a new land with new battling and new challenges.

Legalities: This story, the land of Arcania and all characters from it belong to me. I do not however own pokémon, Ash Ketchum, or any of the characters from the pokémon series. This story will contain mature content, a mature Ash, and my own specialized version of pokémon battling known as pokémon duels. With all that out of the way I believe it's time to begin the story.

Our story begins with a raven haired youth with amber eyes, who looks to be about seventeen or eighteen disembarking from a boat on the shores of Kanto. The youth is slightly average in build but thanks to his years of training he's developed a well formed physique. On his shoulder rides a yellow rodent with red cheeks and a lightning bolt shaped tail. The trainer yawned softly and said "Well buddy, glad to be home?" His partner pikachu nodded sagely and said "Chu, pikachu." He nodded again and started walking along the road toward his home town of Pallete. This young man was Ash Ketchum, a renowned trainer who'd travelled most of the regions and always managed to end in top sixteen trainers.

Ash yawned again and continued walking humming to himself as Pikachu relaxed and listened to the world around them. They'd just gotten back from the Unova region and were rather tired from their journey. They were looking forward to staying at Ash's mother's place and relaxing for a few weeks before beginning their training again. Ash figured he'd take a swing at the Kanto region's elite four again after training and hopefully he'd win the indigo plateau's tournament. He continued walking with those thoughts running through his mind when he heard the sound of a cough behind him.

He slowly turned only to sigh and go "Not you guys again, isn't it enough I beat your boss in Unova, or are we going to be fighting forever?" Team rocket glared at the raven haired youth and the Meowth said "Don't rub it in that you beat the boss. We was looking to join you on the straight and narrow path. I mean we're getting tired of that power packed pikachu sending us flying all the time, right guys?" Jesse and James nodded in agreement with their companion and Jesse said "We're tired of fighting you and want to join you on your journey." Ash stared at the three completely surprised then slowly asked the obvious, "Why would you do that?" James explained "We want to see what it's like to be the winners for once, Rather than the losers all the time."

Ash slowly nodded and said "Right, well first let's get to my mom's place then we can decide what to do, right pikachu?" Pikachu nodded sagely and said "Chu." The four continued walking, heading straight for the illustrious pallet town, where professor Oak and Deliah Ketchum awaited Ash. The afore mentioned two were sitting in Professor Oak's lab talking about what would come next for Ash after having traveled over so much of the known world. Meanwhile Ash's pokémon, including his Charizard which had arrived earlier that day, were all playing in the field behind the professor's home awaiting their trainer.

Ash and the former rocket trio traced the path up to the professor's lab talking amongst themselves and trying to decide what the trio could do for a living now that they were on the side of the heroes rather than the villains. Finally Ash sighed and said "Maybe you guy can help the professor or something. I've honestly got no idea on how you guys can make up for your past." The trio sighed and nodded then the four of them walked into the professor's lab with Ash calling out "Professor Oak I'm back!" Professor Oak and Deliah walked to the entryway where they smiled as they saw Ash then looked startled at his companions.

Ash quickly explained things and both adults took it in stride. They lead the way into the lab where the rocket trio quickly started to explain their skills to the professor while Deliah and Ash caught up on his latest journey. As the two talked they walked outside to see Ash's pokémon when a pidgey carrying a letter in its beak flew down to the two and landed on Ash's shoulders. Ash took the letter from the pidgey which promptly flew off hooting contentedly to itself. Ash stared at the unfamiliar stationary the letter was made of then slowly started to read the writing.

The letter read "Dear Mr. Ash Ketchum, my name is Damien Rover. You probably haven't heard of me, but I met your father on his journey to become a pokémon master. I assume you're doing the same based upon the news I've seen. It is my hope you will visit me in my home region of Arcania. I'm a member of the royal knights and as such can grant passage to any challengers I deem worthy. I deem you worthy of training under the knights and possibly the aura guard if rumors of your aura are to be believed. With that said I bid you adieu and hope I see you in the near future. Tell Deliah that Nemia wishes to see her again as does princess Alexndra, Sincerely Damien Rover knight of Arcania."

Ash read the letter several times before handing it to his mom. She read the letter and said "Well Damien is being rather formal. He was sixteen when your father and I left Arcania. He was training to become the top knight, I doubt he managed to become the head of the knights but it appears he managed to become one of them. So Honey, that leaves us the question, what do you want to do now that you received the letter?" Ash shrugged and stared at the ground deep in contemplation on what he should do.

Meanwhile a slightly older gentleman sat watching as his pidgey returned letter less. He stroked its head and said softly "Well now we wait little friend. If the boy is anything like his father he'll come just because it's a new place. However if it were up to his mother he didn't think the two would come back after what had happened to the boy's father. He sighed softly what had happened to Deliah's husband. He'd faced all the knights and had become their leader then just vanished. No one knew why, other than that he'd taken Lady Deliah with him when he left. He slowly rose to his feet these thoughts filling his mind when a voice said "You know, you should talk to the council before sending out challenges."

He sighed and said "You have me at that sir Jared but it wasn't a challenge, it was an invitation to our country of the son of a former knight." Jared who was younger than the other man and wore a simple shirt and pair of pants that looked slightly outdated despite his youthful appearance. He smirked at Damien and said "Don't worry I want to see this boy who's travelled the world as much as you and the other knights. I was only nine when Lady Deliah and Sir Jared left. I doubt they'd recognize me now." The two knights laughed and walked down to the dining hall where people in outfits ranging from modern to medieval were talking animatedly amongst themselves.

As the two sat to join the rest at Dinner Ash finally made his decision. He looked at his mom and said "I'm going, what about you?" She smiled fondly at her son and said "I think I might just go with you this time." Ash smiled and the two walked back inside to talk with Professor Oak and find out what he knew of the Arcania region. All the while Ash secretly hoped he finally had a lead on his old man. Little did he know the Arcania region only held more questions rather than answers, as he walked into the lab and started questioning Professor Oak, something told him that the professor and his mom were holding a lot back. He didn't care he finally had a lead, and nothing was going to stop him from following it. He just needed to pick the team he'd take with him besides pikachu. He walked out and checked on his pokémon trying to decide who to take with him.

He settled on Charizard, snivy, Krookodile, sceptyle, and bayleef were the team he'd take with him. He took their balls and put them on his belt only to have the professor laugh and say "I have a new technology I want you to test for me Ash. They're called terrain balls, they hold the terrain of certain types and make them easier to catch. Think you can take them with you and try them out?" Ash nodded and shoved the terrain balls in his pack then made his way out the door with his mom hearing her say something about making lunch and packing.

Chapter 2: Joining the War Effort, Saving Lives, Facing Voldemort, Forming a Pack.

I woke up in a cold sweat with my blankets pooled around my waist and a sense of foreboding. I shook my head as the dreams quickly faded leaving me with nothing but the sense of foreboding and a memory of an explosion. I slowly got up and prepared for...

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Chapter 2: Arrival in Arcadia, Apprenticeship, Learning a little About the Past.

Ash finished packing his bag the following morning as his mom cooked breakfast. Meanwhile Deliah remembered the past and her old home. She sighed as memories came flooding back to her. Ash's father and her dancing in the ballroom, running through the...

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Destiny’s Road: Chapter 1: The dream

Legalities: All characters and the overall story are copyright to the writer Jake Shadow Wolf aka Jake Fedor. This story will contain mature content not suitable for those under the age of majority. It also may contain content that some might not...

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