Krystal's Arwitrin Ad

**(The ad starts with Krystal standing on a hardwood floor. We cut to a closeup of her feet, where a group of fungi with pickaxes approach them.)** Fungus: Listen up; we've got a pair of feet to infect, so let's get to work! **(The fungi move...

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Chapter 1 ( added more)

After a few minutes the water started to boil and added the rabbit meat. i then added some herbs, some salt, and a dash of red wine. while it simmered it spread the rich aroma through the area. when it was done i grabbed my bowl and spoon.

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A Word From Our Sponsor

He added with a smile that could be sensed across the airwaves. never mind that it was at least the fifth state he'd claimed as his home in his time as pitchman for this program.

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Fire Branded Leather: Ad in the Paper

"if i did, i wouldn't be answering ads in the paper!" he stopped in a strangled cough, realizing what he'd said. if she noticed, she had the discretion not to bring it up.

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Ad Hoc Vocabulary (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The edges of the badger's lips curled with surprise as the sandwich slipped from amongst his fingers. Deft hands sprung to action, giving chase while a profane exclamation began to solidify deep in his gut just below his diaphram. It was as the...

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Tarase - The Story of Ibsin ad-la Adda

After some time of walking around, he managed to find the large legislative building of the elder council, the massive pillars and archways only adding to the already ominous feeling that welled up in adraco's gut.


Autumn Authoring Ad-lib Adventure, Day 14

Reunion 4. charismatic 5. nemesis 6. wonder 7. childhood friend 8. abandoned village 9. going out to eat 10. film trope - bottle episode 11. exploration 12. neighbor 13. best friend **today's seed is: earthquake** when adding onto your story, separate each

Autumn Authoring Ad-lib Adventure, Day 13

Reunion 4. charismatic 5. nemesis 6. wonder 7. childhood friend 8. abandoned village 9. going out to eat 10. film trope - bottle episode 11. exploration 12. neighbor **today's seed is: best friend** when adding onto your story, separate each submission by

Autumn Authoring Ad-lib Adventure, Day 6

Reunion 4. charismatic 5. nemesis **today's seed is: wonder** when adding onto your story, separate each submission by five hyphens. example: - - - - - and then continue your tale.

Autumn Authoring Ad-lib Adventure, Day 25

** when adding onto your story, separate each submission by five hyphens. example: - - - - - and then continue your tale.

[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [DE-000][Prolog]

Ich erinnere mich an den letzten Herbst, als die ersten Blätter von den Bäumen fielen, eigentlich war es wie jedes Jahr, doch es fühlte sich anders an. Der Himmel verdunkelte sich, als würde ein Gewitter aufziehen. Im Nachhinein wünschte ich, es wäre...

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Crescent Moon Bay (AuAuAdAd #1)

Info here: a challenge with every day adding a something to write. so expect some wild twists and turns from everyone participating! and all parts will be added to this story, so check back to see progress.

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