Fire Branded Leather: Dominance

# Chapter 11: Dominance Will rather enjoyed the walk back to the station. It wasn't far, only a few blocks, the cool autumn breeze ruffled his fur. Oscar and Davies matched him step for step on the deserted street. "What do you think horn-head...

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Fire Branded Leather: Life on the Wild Side

# Chapter 9: Life on the Wild Side It was well past midnight by the time Will fell face first into his bed. He never even bothered to pull the shirt from his back. When next he opened his eyes there was a glimmer of light on the distant...

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Fire Branded Leather: The Cracks Begin to Show

# Chapter 8: The Cracks Begin to Show When next Will opened his eyes sunlight was streaming through the window. He looked over to his alarm clock. A split-second of horror ran down his spine when he realized he'd never set it. Then came...

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Fire Branded Leather: Rescue and Recovery

The v-town police force was many things, but never inefficient. it took them less than half an hour. will glanced up when elm stepped his way. "please sign, sir."

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Fire Branded Leather: Fire-breather

# Chapter 5: Fire-breather There was a smile on Will's lips when he woke the next morning. Even with a day of work ahead of him it never faltered. The walk home last night had been an embarrassment, but it had been worth it. Even now he laid...

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Fire Branded Leather: Night Life

Every place in v-town is near the sea, but the richer places are closer than most. will could feel the sand in the air and smell the ocean as they neared. anne had never taken her hand from his.

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Fire Branded Leather:Putting Out Fires

He'd learned long ago not to argue with a v-town cop when it came to regulation. will's heart sank as he looked over his current personnel.

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Fire Branded Leather: Ad in the Paper

"i've been with the v-town fire service since i got out of school. i almost thought of joining the police for a while but i'm the wrong... breed."

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Fire Branded Leather

When i finished writing the hunters series i never expected to return to v-town. i created the world to focus around the story of tommy.

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Fire Branded Leather: Smooth As Butter

# Chapter 12: Smooth As Butter Cold. Cold and dark. Far more ran through Will's mind as the blackness engulfed him, but those were the few coherent thoughts that fought their way to the surface. His one arm was wrapped around the two...

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Cold Trailing: A Man Not to Annoy

Will thought he'd managed to root out the evil that had been spreading through v-town. he was wrong, dead wrong. the corruption grows in the shadows, and deep underground where no one would ever dare look. biding its time, growing stronger.

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The Cracks Run Deep

"this is the v-town fire department. i'm here to rescue you. remain calm." a smile slipped to the dog's lips.

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