Fire Branded Leather: Dominance

Story by wwwerewolf on SoFurry

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#11 of Fire Branded Leather

Will has enough in his life to be happy. A stable job as assistant fire chief, good friends, and enough money to keep his food bowl full. What more could a dog ask for? Expect perhaps someone warm on those cold Vancouver nights.

It all came from an ad in the newspaper, "Are you willing?" He was.

Fires are breaking out all over the city and Will is run ragged. His days are soot stained as he fights to keep the city from burning to the ground and his nights reek of sweat and blood as he learns the ways of a new passion.

The flames burn higher as Will discovers there is more to this life then being a dutiful mutt who follows the orders of his superiors.

And then she places a collar on him.

Thanks for FyrDawg for commissioning this and being absolutely great to work with!

And thank you to the awesome people who helped me edit this:

-Fallacy / GamingWolgBeta




Please be aware that unlike my previous works this story will contain adult scenes and situations. I will mark those chapters appropriately.

Chapter 11: Dominance

Will rather enjoyed the walk back to the station. It wasn't far, only a few blocks, the cool autumn breeze ruffled his fur. Oscar and Davies matched him step for step on the deserted street.

"What do you think horn-head is going to do when we get back?" Davies asked with a lazy flick of his tail.

Will gave him a sidelong glance. "Do I look like I care? He lost. Again. He can kick me out for all I care. I've got a job. I took an oath. I'll keep doing what I'm here for until I can't raise a hand any more. The beef steak wants to get in the way? I'll happily take him to the next fire personally and watch him try to fight it."

Oscar snorted back a laugh. "That would be cruel and unusual punishment for whoever's place is burning to a cinder. Though if it were his majesty's house that was on fire, it's not a government building..."

Will rolled his eyes. "Don't tempt me. Though, if it were up to me I'd set fire to the tip of his tail and move north from there. I'm sure there are some other dangling bits that could use a good singeing."

The dog's lips peeled up at the idea of making sure Masterson couldn't blight the world by bringing forth any more of his kind.

"Hey, Davies. Who was that fox in Masterson's office?"

The cat glanced over to him. "What fox? I was at your desk all day. Not a soul stepped into that office except him."

Will's ears pulled back further. "I'm... I'm sure it's nothing. I must have just been seeing things. Stress," he lied.

The station was just ahead of them. Will took a deep breath. A sneeze quickly followed. There was just something in the air that didn't seem to agree with him. It must be all the ash. Had to be.

Entering by the back door, Will made no attempt to hide. This was his station. These were his men. It didn't matter what the grass muncher thought.

Stowing his gear for the inevitable next call, Will sent Davies and Oscar off to the shower. Will liked the smell of smoke clinging to his fur. It helped hide the scent of whatever it was in this place.

He made a point of keeping his ax. The weight of it in his hand felt good. It might not be possible to keep Davies and Oscar by his side all the time, but this was the next best thing.

Trudging slowly up the stairs, the breath came cool and smooth to his lungs, but Will's muscles screamed at him anyway. He may be in the prime of his life, but he'd lost count of the calls he'd taken over the last ninety-six hours.

"I outta be getting overtime for this," he muttered. A chuckle followed soon after. With the government in shambles as it was Will doubted he'd see a penny for any of this work. He kept climbing anyway.

Sitting down heavily behind his now clear desk, Will set his ax down atop it with a distinct ka-chunk.

He raised an eyebrow.

Coming Soon from Jaffa Books

For more see

Fire Branded Leather: A Drink Order for Molotov

# Chapter 10: A Drink Order for Molotov The next morning came clear and warm. And Anne was by his side. Will yawned. The alarm clock blared, but he reached out calmly for it. A smile touched his lips as he ran a finger down Anne's side. She...

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Fire Branded Leather: Life on the Wild Side

# Chapter 9: Life on the Wild Side It was well past midnight by the time Will fell face first into his bed. He never even bothered to pull the shirt from his back. When next he opened his eyes there was a glimmer of light on the distant...

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Fire Branded Leather: The Cracks Begin to Show

# Chapter 8: The Cracks Begin to Show When next Will opened his eyes sunlight was streaming through the window. He looked over to his alarm clock. A split-second of horror ran down his spine when he realized he'd never set it. Then came...

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