Another Day, Another Broken Bone

# Chapter 9: Another Day, Another Broken Bone I came around staring into one of those tiled florescent ceiling lights that you see in some expensive public buildings. That's nice; I want to look at something else now. Problem was, I couldn't. ...

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The Lion, and the Lion

# Chapter 7: The Lion, and the Lion Up and around again, the sun greeted me the next morning whether I wanted it or not. My eyes still ached from yesterday, I was almost seeing double, and the fact I could count the whiskers on my snout was a...

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New Best Friend

# Chapter 6: New Best Friend Coming off from the adrenaline high, I almost fell asleep during the hiring process. "Tommy? You still there, bud?" My head snapped up as I opened my eyes, the leopard's face about an inch from mine. "Gah! Don't...

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Office Work, with a Twist of Carnage

# Chapter 5: Office Work, with a Twist of Carnage I squinted up at the sun, it was at least two o'clock. I'd have to hoof it, but I could make it through the business district by four if I was lucky. Unlike at night, by day the business district...

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Job Search

# Chapter 4: Job Search I awoke with a start, it's an odd feeling waking up in your old bed after a year away. Admittedly, my back was no worse off for it. I made a mental note to try and drag this mattress away with me next time the elevators were...

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The Hunters

# Chapter 1: Journal My stomach was growling and clawing at the inside of my gut in a vain effort to fight its way free. It's the only thing I own that's emptier than my wallet, but its got way more personality. I rubbed the cream fur of my...

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Fire Branded Leather

# Chapter 1: Just a Hint The restaurant was right on the edge of the beach, a popular place. The warm waves lapped not five paces from the patio. Perfect white sand as far as the eye could see, the V-town coastline was beautiful. A dozen...

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Something Wicked This Way Comes...

Something Wicked This Way Comes... Do you smell that? The scent of the hunt. It's been a while, but some stories just won't die. The tides are turning, and it's time to once again set foot in V-town. The old gang is still here, but they're too...

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Cold Trailing: A Man Not to Annoy

# Chapter 6: A Man Not to Annoy The next morning came cold and dark, or at least that was how it felt to Will. He'd spent the night curled up in bed, twisting and turning, unable to find rest without her reassuring strength beside him. The...

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Cold Trailing: Some things Never Change

# Chapter 3: Some things Never Change Over the next month Will fought to find an upside to the quake. Tried to find a silver lining to the devastation that was crumbling the city around him. He kept telling himself that something good had to come...

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The Cracks Run Deep

# Chapter 2: The Cracks Run Deep The night passed quickly, and in Will's opinion at least, pleasantly. Then why couldn't he sleep? Laying awake in bed, Will stared at the ceiling. He was happy, warm, and at his Mistress' side. But something...

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Fire Branded Leather: Smooth As Butter

# Chapter 12: Smooth As Butter Cold. Cold and dark. Far more ran through Will's mind as the blackness engulfed him, but those were the few coherent thoughts that fought their way to the surface. His one arm was wrapped around the two...

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